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Heimatmuseum der Deutschen aus Bessarabien

Heimatmuseum der Deutschen aus Bessarabien
and the
Landsmannschaft der Bessarabiendeutschen Museum, Office and Mailing Address
Florianstrasse 17
70188 Stuttgart, Germany
Telephone from Canada and the USA: 011-49-711-265-481
Telephone from within Germany: 0711-265-481

Please Note:The Heimatmuseum and the Landsmannschaft are housed in the same building. Please telephone in advance of arrival in Germany and Stuttgart. This location is within four walking blocks of the Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland.

Publication: Monthly Journal: Mitteilungsblat
This publication includes obituaries for Bessarabian Germans in Germany. Articles about travel to the former Bessarabian German villages in South Russia, gatherings in Germany of people from villages, and announcements of local gatherings throughout Germany are also included.

Membership: With a subscription to Mitteilungsblatt, one becomes a member of the Landsmannschaft and the Heimatmuseum. For subscription information to the Landsmannschaft's journal, Mitteilungsblatt, please write the Stuttgart address above and enclose one IPRC (International Postal Reply Coupon).

Organization: The Landsmannschaft founded soon after the end of World War II, is a society primarily of persons of Bessarabian German ancestry. Today these former German villages are in southern Ukraine near Odessa and in Moldova. The society presents a large gathering every two years in the Stuttgart area. Reunions of persons from specific Bessarabian German villages are held throughout Germany. Announcements of these events are listed in Mitteilungsblatt. The society's greatest strength is library, photographic collection, and museum.

Library and Museum:

  • The Library within the Heimatmusem has the most extensive Bessarabian German book collection in the world. There are extensive photographic collections as well as genealogical materials. The library has a basic card catalog with no books available on interlibrary loan. Persons should contact the Heimatmuseum by phone (see above) for hours.
  • The Museum within the Heimatmusem presents an outstanding collection of artifacts relating to the German-Russian experience.

Bessarabian German Gathering: The Landsmannschaft sponsors a gathering for the Bessarabian German community in Germany every other year. For schedule information, please contact the Landsmannschaft or consult Mitteilungsblatt.

Bookstore and Book Sales: The Heimatmuseum has an extensive list of books for sale. Please write to the Heimatmuseum, sending two IPRC's (International Postal Reply Coupons) for this list.

Genealogical and Family research:
The Heimatmuseum provides limited genealogical research with the help of volunteer staff. Extensive genealogy records are available from the LDS Family History Center's Bessarabien microfilm collection and the Christian Fiess Collection. Contact your nearest Family History Center.

Contact in North America
For further information about the Heimatmuseum and the Landsmannschaft, please contact:
Michael M. Miller, Germans from Russia Bibliographer
North Dakota State University Libraries
P.O. Box 5599
Fargo, North Dakota 58105-5599
Telephone: 701-231-8416
eMail address:mmmiller@badlands.nodak.ed

For additional information, see the museum website.