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Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland

Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland
Office and Mailing Address
Raitelsbergstrasse 49
70188 Stuttgart
Telephone from Canada and the USA: 011-49-711-166-500
Telephone from within Germany: 0711-166-500

Please contact the Landsmannschaft well in advance — before arriving in Germany or Stuttgart. This Landsmannschaft headquarters is located three to four walking blocks from the Landsmannschaft der Bessarabiandeutschen and Heimatmuseum der Deutschen aus Bessarabien which are co-located in the same building. See more.

Journal published by the Landsmannschaft
Monthly 40 page typset Journal: Volk auf dem Weg Of significant interest to all German-Russian family historians and genealogists is the listing of genealogical inquiries as well as obituaries and anniversary listings in Volk auf dem Weg. FEEFHS is seeking help in computer data entry from interested persons who share our desire to post an index to these obituaries on the web.

Circulation:30,000 worldwide

Editor, Volk auf dem Weg
Johann Kampen, Editor
Seefelder Strasse 256
86163 Augsburg

Organization: The Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland was founded in the early 1950s. It is an organization with a membership from the following groups:

  • Black Sea Germans
  • Crimean Germans 
  • Caucasus Germans 
  • Mennonite Germans
  • Volga Germans.

Work activities include social welfare assistance to the ethnic Germans immigrating to Germany from the former Soviet Union. For 1995, about 15,000 persons per month have immigrated to Germany. Close to 200,000 have entered Germany each year since 1991. This society provides cultural events, publishes books, and prepares travelling exhibitions on the German-Russian experience.

Library and Museum: The Landsmannschaft has an extensive library collection available for researchers at the Stuttgart. Interlibrary loan is not available. A museum room of German-Russian artifacts is available for viewing.

Bookstore and Book Sales: Books for purchase, including many Heimatbuchers, Family and area histories and other literature are listed in each issue of Volk auf dem Weg.

Genealogical and family history research: The Landsmannschaft does not have a staff or office to accept genealogical research correspondence at this time. Your very best source of genealogical information is to support the Landsmanschaft by subscribing to Volk auf dem Weg for yourself and/or for your German-Russian society chapter

Membership: With a subscription to the Landsmannschaft's journal, Volk auf dem Weg, one becomes a member of the organization.

Contact in North America: For further information about the Landsmannschaft, contact:
Michael M. Miller, Germans from Russia Bibliographer
North Dakota State University Libraries
P.O. Box 5599
Fargo, North Dakota 58105-5599
Telephone: 701-231-8416
eMail address: mmmiller@badlands.nodak.ed

For additional information, see the Landsmannschaft Website