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Hutterite Place Names in Eastern Europe 1973

The place names and country locations given below are from "Hutterite Place Names in Eastern Europe by Language and Country" (Appendix Three, pages 317-319) of the book "Hutterite Society" (first edition, 403 pages) by John A. Hostetler, published © copyright 1974 by Johns Hopkins University Press of Baltimore, Maryland; ISBN 0-8018-1584-3.

FEEFHS thanks Johns Hopkins University Press for its permission to republish this place name list and thus make it more widely available to genealogy record searchers thru the FEEFHS Web Site.

FEEFHS also gives thanks to retired sociology and anthropology professor John A. Hostetler (formerly of Temple University in Philadelphia Pennsylvania) for his encouragement and help of our efforts to publicize Hutterite sources and information of value to genealogy record searchers worldwide.

The "Hutterite Society" (third Edition) by John A. Hostetler copyright 1997 by Johns Hopkins University Press of Baltimore, Maryland wil be released for sale in April 1997.

Background The Hutterites are a small pacifist Anabaptist religious group that suffered persecution from both Catholic and Protestant religious and civil authorities in Europe for almost four centuries before migrating to South Dakota and Canada. Their namesake - Jacob Hutter, chief pastor of the Tyrolese Anabaptists - was captured in Moravia and publicly burned at the stake in Innsbruck Austria (on orders of the Holy Roman Emperor, Hapsburg King Ferdinand I of Austria) on February 25, 1536. This was part of the concerted effort to exterminate Anabaptist and other heresy "by fire and sword" by the Hapsburg Empire in conjunction with the Catholic Church.

Hutterite Migrations Acording to professor Hostetler, Hans Hut was re-baptised in 1526. The first death penalty for Anabaptists dates to 1 March 1526 (Zurich). By 1520 is is estimated that over 1,000 Anabaptists (including Hutterites, Mennonites and Swiss Bretheren) had been exectuted by the Hapsburg fire and/or sword.

Hutterites were known to be in the following locations during the indicated time periods:

1526-1528 ... South Tyrol (then Austria, now Italy)
1528 ............ Migration of Hutterite refugees to Moravia
1528-1621 ... Settlement of Hutterite colonies in Moravia and Slovakia
1621 ............ Migration of Hutterites to Transylvania (then Hungary, now Romania)
1621-1767 ... Settlement in colonies in Transylvania
1755 ............ Mirgration of Hutterite refugees from Carinthia to Transylvania
1767 ............ Migration of Hutteries to Wallachia (southern Romania)
1767-1770 ... Colonies of Hutterites in Wallachia
1770 ............ Migration of Hutterites to province of Tchernigov, Russia (Ukraine)
1770-1802 ... Hutterite Bruderhof colony on private estate at Vishenka 1802-1842 ... Moved to Russian crownland in nearby Radichev, Russia.
1842 ............ Migration to Huttertal in the Molotschna Mennonite region northwest of the Sea of Azov in Taurida province of south Russia (now the Ukraine).
1842-1874 ... Hutterite Buderhof colonies near the Molotschna region
1874 ............ First Hutterite Migration to the U.S.A. (to Bon Homme County, South Dakota). Most later moved to Canada (Alberta, Manatoba and Saskatchewan provinces). 

Hutterite Place Names in Eastern Europe

"User friendly formatted" for use by all web browsers.

This is the typical Database Formatting Scheme used below:

German Language ..... Place Name
Hungarian Language .......... Place Name
Slavic Language ............... Place Name
Romanian Language .................... Place Name
Location ......................... Country

Webmaster Note: Diacritical Marks in Place Names: Every effort has been made (within the limits of the "ISO Latin 1 character set" used in HTML) to present diacritical marks on the first listing of a place name. However several slavic diacritical characters are not available in ISO Latin 1 - i.e. they are not available to be posted and read by all browsers on the WWW.

A second place name listing is always presented to assure that our internal web site search engine (which does not recognize diacritical marks) will locate this place name's page when the name is spelled without diacritical marks.

Where a Germanic umlaut is used, the place name is listed here three ways: With the umlaut, with the "ae, "oe" version and a third listing (without the e or the umlaut) to accomodate those persons who are unaware of the correct European spelling.

German ..... Alwitz, Alwintz
Hungarian .......... Alvinc
Romanian ............... Vintul de Jos
Location ......................... Transylvania

German ..... Altenmarkt
Slavic ............... Breclav
Location ......................... Moravia

German ..... Auspitz
Hungarian .......... Pusztapecs / Pusztapecs (add an acute diacritical mark over the "e"
Slavic ............... Hustopec
Location ......................... Moravia

German ..... Austerlitz
Slavic ............... Slavkov
Location ......................... Moravia

German ..... Begen
Slavic ............... Perná / Perna
Location ......................... Moravia

German ..... Bernstein
Hungarian .......... Borostyánkö / Brostyankoe
Location ......................... Hungary

German ..... Bibersburg
Hungarian .......... Vöröskö / Voeroeskoe
Slavic ............... Cerveny Kamen
Location ......................... Slovakia

German ..... Bödilan / Boedilan
Hungarian .......... Bodola
Location ......................... Transylania

German .......... Bodock, Bodok
Hungarian .......... Sárospatak / Sarospatak
Location ......................... Hungary

German ..... Brünn / Bruenn
Slavic ............... Brno
Location ......................... Moravia

German ..... Budapest
Hungarian .......... Buda
Location ......................... Hungary

German ..... Burgenland
Location ......................... Austria

German ..... Dämborschitz / Daemborschitz 
Slavic ............... Damborice
Location ......................... Moravia

German ..... Deutschkreuz
Hungarian .......... Sopronkeresztur
Location ......................... Hungary

German ..... Eisenstadt
Location ......................... Austria

German ..... Falkstein
Location ......................... Austria

German ..... Forchenstein
Hungarian .......... Franko (Esterhazy estate)
Location ......................... Austria

German ..... Göding / Goeding
Slavic ............... Hodonin
Location ......................... Moravia

German ..... Gran
Hungarian .......... Estergom
Location .......... Hungary

German ..... Gostolän / Gostolaen
Hungarian .......... Kosztolány / Kosztolany
Slavic ............... Kostelna
Location ......................... Slovakia

Hungarian .......... Gyöngyös / Gyoengyoes / Gyongyos
Location ......................... Hungary

German ..... Grosschützen / Grosschuetzen
Hungarian .......... Lévárd / Levard; Nagy-Lévárd / Nagy-Levard
Slavic ............... Velké Leváry / Velke Levary
Location ......................... Slovakia

German ..... Hermannstadt
Hungarian .......... Szeben
Romanian .................... Sibiu
Location ......................... Transylvania

German ..... Hutterdorf / Kutcheva
Romanian .................... 
Location ......................... Russia (Ukraine)

German ..... Hutteral
Location ......................... Russia (Ukraine)

German ..... Johannesruh
Location ......................... Russia (Ukraine)

German ..... Kärnten / Kaernten / Karnten
Location ......................... Austria

German ..... Karlsberg / Weissenburg
Hungarian .......... Gyulafehérvár / Gyulafehervar
Romanian .................... Alba Iulia
Location ......................... Transylvania

German ..... Kirschlag
Location ......................... Humgary

German ..... Klagenfurt
Location ......................... Austria

German ..... Klausen 
Italian ............... Chiusa
Location ......................... Tyrol, Italy

German ..... Klausenburg
Hungarian .......... Kolozsvár / Kolozsvar
Romanian .................... Cluj
Location ......................... Transylvania

German ..... Kleinsasserhof
Location ......................... Austria

German ..... Kräbach / Kraebach / Krabach (near Bucharest)
Romanian .................... Ciorogirle, Tschoregirle
Location ......................... Romania

German ..... Kronstadt
Hungarian .......... Brassó / Brasso
Romanian .................... Brasov
Location ......................... Transylvania

Hungarian .......... Léka / Leka
Location ......................... Hungary

German ..... Moos
Location ......................... Tyrol, Italy

German ..... Mures (river)
Hungarian .......... Maros
Romanian .................... Muresul
Location ......................... Transylvania

German ..... Neu Huttertal (Dobritchna)
Location ......................... Russia (Ukraine)

German ..... Neumühl an der Thaya / Neumuehl an der Thaya / Neumuhl an der Thaya
Slavic ............... Nové Mlýny / Nove Mlyny
Location ......................... Moravia

German ..... Neusider
Hungarian .......... Nezsider
Location ......................... Hungary

German ..... Nikolsburg
Slavic ............... Mikulov
Location ......................... Moravia

German ..... Neutra
Hungarian .......... Nyitra
Slavic ............... Neutra
Location ......................... Slovakia

German ..... Odenburg
Hungarian .......... Sopron
Location ......................... Hungary

German ..... Ofen
Hungarian .......... Buda (Budapest)
Location ......................... Hungary

German ..... Olbendorf
Hungarian .......... Szentlörinc / Szentloerinc / Szentlorinc
Location ......................... Hungary

Hungarian .......... Parád / Parad
Location ......................... Hungary

German ..... Peterwardein
Hungarian .......... Pétervárad / Petervarad
Slavic ............... Petrovaradinov
Location ......................... Yugoslavia

German ..... Prag
Hungarian .......... Prága / Praga
Slavic ............... Praha
Location ......................... Bohemia (now the Czech Republic)

German ..... Pressburg
Hungarian .......... Pozsony
Slavic ............... Bratislava
Location ......................... Slovakia

German ..... Pribitz
Slavic ............... Pribice (add slavic "hacek" diacritical mark over the r)
Location ......................... Slovakia

German ..... Protzka
Hungarian .......... Brockó / Brocko
Slavic ............... Brocké / Brocke
Location ......................... Slovakia

German ..... Pustertal
Location ......................... Tyrol, Italy

German ..... Radichev, Radititschewa
Location ......................... Russia (Ukraine)

German ..... Radnoten
Hungarian .......... Radnóth / Radnoth
Romanian .................... Iernut
Location ......................... Transylvania

German ..... Rossitz
Slavic ............... Rosice
Location ......................... Moravia

German ..... Sabatisch, Sobotischt
Hungarian .......... Szobotist
Slavic ............... Sobotiste / (add slavic "hacek" diacritical mark over the second "s")
Location ......................... Slovakia

German ..... Sárvár / Sarvar
Location ......................... Hungary

German ..... Schattmannsdorf
Hungarian .......... Cseszte
Slavic ............... Casta / Casta (add slavic "hacek" diacritical mark over the "C")
Location ......................... Slovakia

German ..... Scheromet
Location ......................... Russia (Ukraine)

German ..... Gross Seelowitz
Hungarian .......... 
Slavic ............... Zidlochovice (add slavic "hacek" diacritical mark over the "Z")
Location ......................... Moravia

German ..... Siebenburgen
Hungarian .......... Erdély / Erdely
Slavic ............... Ardeal
Location ......................... Transylvania

German ..... St. Johann
Hungarian .......... Szent-János / Szent-Janos
Slavic ............... Sv. Ján / Sv. Jan
Location ......................... Slovakia

German ..... Strassnitz
Slavic ............... Stráznice / Straznice (add slavic "hacek" diacritical mark over the "z")
Location ......................... Moravia

Hungarian .......... Szombathely 
Slavic ............... Sabaria
Location ......................... Hungary

German ..... Temeschwar
Hungarian .......... Temesvár / Temesvar
Romanian .................... Timisoara / Timisoara (add "cedilla" diacritical mark under the "s")
Location ......................... Romania

German ..... Tövis / Toevis
Hungarian .......... Tövis / Toevis
Romanian .................... Teius / Teius (add "cedilla" diacritical mark under the "s")
Location ......................... Transylvania

German ..... Tschachtitz
Hungarian .......... Csejthe
Slavic ............... Cechtice (add slavic "hacek"diacritical mark over the "C")
Location ......................... Slovakia

German ..... Tura
Hungarian .......... Ó Tura / O Tura
Slavic ............... Stará Turá / Stara Tura
Location ......................... Slovakia

German ..... Tyrnau
Hungarian .......... Nagyszombat
Slavic ............... Trnava
Location ......................... Slovakia

German ..... Vishenka, Wishenka
Location ......................... Russia (Ukraine)

German ..... Vishenau
Location ......................... Moravia

German ..... Wadowitz
Hungarian .......... Vagyóc / Vagyoc
Location ......................... Slovakia

German ..... Wessele
Hungarian .......... 
Slavic ............... Veselé / Vesele (on the Vah)
Location ......................... Slovakia

German ..... Wessely an der March
Location ......................... Moravia

German ..... Wien
English .......... Vienna
Location ......................... Austria