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Baltic Gazetteers

Gazetteers of Baltic Countries: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the Family History Library

By Margarita Choquette

© copyright Margarita Choquette and FEEFHS, all rights reserved

Baltische Staaten Estland, Lettland, Litauren. Europe Book 947.41 E7b.

United States. Army Map Service. Eastern Europe. Europe Map Case 947 E7e. United States. Board of Geographic Names. Official standard names for U.S.S.R. Europe Book 947 E5u. 1959, 1970 Microfilm #0928609, #0928610 (item 1-2), 087455, 087456. Fiche 6053504.

Hofmann, Harry von. Baltische Postorte, 1858-1916. Europe Book 974.4 E8h.

Kredel, Otto. Deutsch-fremdsprachiges (fremdsprachig-deutsches) Ortsnamenverzeichnis Europe. Book Q area 940 E5kt. Microfilm #0583457

Feldmann, Hans. Baltisches historisches Ortslexikon. Europe Book 947.4 E5fh, Volume 1 Estonia, Volume 2 Latvia

Strassenatlas von Estland, 1938. Europe Book 947.41 E7s

Strassenatlas von Estland, 1940. Europe Book 947.43 E7s

Feldmann, Hans. 
Verzeichnis lettandisher Ortsnamen. Europe Book 947.43 E5f. Micrfim #0496720 (item 5).

Schoenburg, Nancy. Lithuanian Jewish communities. Europe Book 947.5 F2s.

Vasmer, Max. Russiches geographisches Namenbuch. Europe book 947 E5r (For Eastern Latvia, Vilna Gubernia, the Eastern half of Kauna Gubernia and Suvalki Gubernia.)

Sprogis, Ivan Iakovlevich. Indeks alfabetyczny miejsowosci dawnego wielkiego Ksiestwa Litewskiego. Europe Fiche 6002146. 37 microfiche.

Atlas geograficzny illustrowany krolestwa polskiego. Europe Reference Book 943.8 E3b. Film 0873665 (item 3). Fiche 600827.

Skorowidz miejscowosci rzeczypospolitej polskiej. Europe Book 943.8 E5sm. Film #1343868.