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Russian Central State Military Historical Archive

By Vladimir Chernyshev
© copyright 1998-2001: by Vladimir Chernyshev, all rights reserved

BACKGROUND: Vladimir Chernyshev of Murom, Russia has made available to FEEFHS for posting on this website merchant and noble family surname indexes for the region of Murom Russia. It is a product of a decade of his archival research as a historian and genealogist.

Vladimr Chernyshev has prepared a brief over-view of the fonds (archival record collections) of the State Archive of Military History at Moscow, Russia. In its structure Vladimr has listed some of the important military persons living in Russia in XVIII-XIX century. He states that there are lots of foreigners from Europe among them. He has not had time to completely to process all the surnames. This is the first part. In a near future he will send the rest.

Vladimir is available and very interested in researching these fonds on a professional basis for genealogy record searchers.

Central State Military Historical Archive
(Moscow, Russia)

A brief review of archival fonds

1. Fonds of military board (1720-1812)

2. Founds of supreme authority (1701-1917)

3. Fonds of a Main staff (1815-1836)

4. Fonds of military ministry (1802-1918)

5. Fonds of military districts:

  • Warsaw military district (1838-1914), 18,060 documents
  • Vilensk military district (1862-1914), 13,685 documents
  • Eastern-Siberian military district (1865-1884), 213 documents
  • Dvinsk military district (1907-1918), 5,628 documents
  • Irkutsk military district (1884-1899, 1906-1918), 2,679 documents
  • Caucasian military district (1865-1918), 46,602 documents
  • Kazan military district (1864-1918), 3,532 documents
  • Kiev military district (1862-1918), 8,861 documents
  • Minsk military district (1914-1918), 3,505 documents
  • Moscow military district (1863-1918), 12,936 documents
  • Odessa military district (1863-1917), 3,415 documents
  • Omsk military district (1865-1918), 1,837 documents
  • Orenburg military district (1864-1881), 94 documents
  • Petrograd military district (1863-1918), 41,839 documents
  • Priamurye military district (1881-1918), 8,579 documents
  • Turkestan military district (1865-1918), 5,081 documents
  • Finnish military district (1824-1905), 5,455 documents
  • Kharkov military district (1864-1890), 1,437 documents

6. Fonds of bodies of management of boundary lines and areas (1772-1917)

7. Fonds of bodies of management of territories Cossack forces (1793-1918)

8. Fonds of fortresses:

  • Azov fortress (1763-1807), 92 documents
  • fortress of Saint Ann on Don (1732-1762), 80 documents
  • Bobruisk fortress (1815-1889), 188 documents
  • Brest - Lithuanian fortress (1830-1917), 4,360 documents
  • Warsaw fortress (1830-1917), 2,878 documents
  • Vladivostok fortress (1878-1918), 11,831 documents
  • Vyborg fortress (1885-1918), 629 documents
  • Gangyt fortress (1812-1845), 35 documents
  • Gijinsk fortress (1743-1824), 167 documents
  • Grodno fortress (1887-1916), 3,629 documents
  • Dvinsk fortress (1810-1918), 190 documents
  • Saint Demetrius fortress (1776-1848), 95 documents
  • Ivangorod fortress (1818-1916), 1910 documents
  • Kerch fortress (1870-1918), 35 documents
  • Kiev fortress (1840-1918), 1,037 documents
  • Kovensk fortress (1871-1917), 5,451 documents
  • Kushka fortress (1902-1917), 19 documents
  • Libavsk fortress (1895-1914), 174 documents
  • Michailovsk fortress (1878-1918), 889 documents
  • Narva fortress (1729-1864), 600 documents
  • Novogeorgievsk fortress (1873-1916), 444 documents
  • Osovetsk fortress (1872-1917), 3,890 documents
  • Ochakov fortress (1859-1918), 83 documents
  • Peremyshl fortress (1910-1915), 146 documents
  • Petrograd (Peter and Pavel) fortress (1821-1918), 2,825 documents
  • Sevastopol fortress (1895-1915), 130 documents
  • Taganrog (1737-1808), 51 documents
  • Ust-Dvinsk fortress (1851-1918), 1882 documents

9. Collection of the military-historical documents and cartographical materials of former military scientific archive: the documents and materials about Russian empire (materials under the theory of military art and device of the armed forces of Russia, statistical, economic, ethnographic and military topographical items of information on Russian empire, general cards of Russia, description and card of deposits of minerals, astronomical cards, card of parts of light); including:

  • wars up to Peter I (1552-1656), 4 documents
  • plan siege of Kazan in 1552 and Smolensk in 1635 - in latin language)
  • a Azov campaign Peter I (1695-1696), 2 documents
  • plan siege of Azov; Northern war (1698-1720), 103 documents
  • war with Turkey (1711), 13 documents
  • war with Persian (1722-1725), 5 documents
  • a campaign Minikh to Dantcig (1734-1740), 15 documents
  • war with Turkey (1736-1739), 96 documents
  • Swedish war (1741-1743), 29 documents
  • Campaign of the auxiliary case Russian forces-war for the Austrian inheritance (1748-1749), 12 documents
  • Seven-year war (1756-1763), 283 documents
  • marching office of the commander-in-chief forces in Seven-year war (1756-1766), 439 documents
  • war with Turkey and Polish confederation (1769-1775), 607 documents
  • war with Turkey (1787-1792), 288 documents
  • war with Sweden (1788-1794), 101 documents
  • military actions in Poland (1793-1796), 96 documents
  • a campaign in Persia (1796-1797), 15 documents
  • war with France (1799-1800), 90 documents
  • war with Turkey (1806-1813), 267 documents
  • war with France (1805-1808), 154 documents
  • war with Sweden (1808-1809), 126 documents
  • a campaign in Austria (1809), 26 documents
  • Domestic war 1812 and campaign 1813-1814, 1,860 documents
  • military actions against Persian and in Transcaucasia (1803-1814) 39 documents
  • Persian war (1826-1829), 105 documents
  • Turkish war (1828-1829), 823 documents
  • Polish revolt (1830-1832), 778 documents
  • a campaign of auxiliary group Russian forces in Turkey (1832-1833), 48 documents
  • suppression of Hungarian revolution (1848-1849), 82 documents
  • East war (1853-1876), 1,727 documents
  • Caucasian wars (1661-1879), 1,080 documents
  • military actions in Central Asia (1818-1898), 424 documents
  • Polish revolt (1859-1878), 2,987 documents
  • Russian-Turkish war (1876-1904), 4,328 documents
  • Russian-Japanese war (1904-1905), 11,545 documents
  • the First world war (1914-1918) 2,076 documents

10. Collection on a history of the states and countries:

  • Austria-Hungary (1600-1917), 1,820 documents
  • Arabia and Syria (1651-1915), 64 documents
  • Afghanistan (1835-1917), 55 documents
  • Belgium (1810-1916), 265 documents
  • Bulgaria (1728-1903), 1,790 documents
  • Great Britain (1686-1912), 443 documents
  • Germany (1568-1914), 3,997 documents
  • Holland (1617-1873, 1916), 406 documents
  • Greece (middle 17 centuries - 1915), 209 documents
  • Denmark (1648-1908), 142 documents
  • Spain and Portugal (1677-1911), 199 documents
  • Italy (1549-1907), 734 documents
  • China (1660-1916), 366 documents
  • Korea (1619-1904), 32 documents
  • Palestine (1744-1866), 37 documents
  • Persian (Iran) /1726-1914/, 362 documents
  • Romania (1769-1916), 438 documents
  • Serbia (1717-1915), 86 documents
  • Turkey (1658-1917), 901 documents
  • France (1633-1916), 1,390 documents
  • Montenegrin (1804-1912), 50 documents
  • Switzerland (1625-1903), 214 documents
  • Sweden and Norway (1567-1917), 481 documents
  • Japan (1754-1912), 79 documents
  • the countries of an Arabian peninsula (1651-1915), 64 documents
  • the states of America: USA, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Paraguay, Peru, Chile (1620-1911), 64 documents
  • the states of Africa: Abyssinian, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tripoli, Tunis (1705-1916), 294 documents
  • foreign wars (1618-1917), 1,703 documents

11. Fonds of managements of working army before the First world war 1914-1918 and cases generated up to military reforms of middle XIX centuries.

12. Fonds of field management of the supreme commander -in-chief, commanders -in-chief by fronts and commander by armies of the First world war 1914-1918

13. Fonds of fronts (1914-1918)

14. Fonds of armies (1914-1918)

15. Fonds of managements of cases and divisions (1914-1918)

16. Fonds of brigades, regiments and separate parts (1914-1918)

17. Fonds of managements and staffs special, Cossack, spare, militiaman forces, boundary and internal guards (1813-1918)

18. Fonds of rear military medical institutions (1716-1918), 5,278 documents.

19. Fonds of organizations and establishments on material and sanitary maintenance of army (1867-1918).

20. Fonds of military educational institutions (1711-1918)

21. Fonds of a personal origin:

Agafonov Kronid Kronidovich (was born in 1859) - official of department state horse-breeding, manager by archive of a military historical commission under the description of Russian-Japanese war.

Alekseev Michael Vasilievich (1857-1918) - general. In 1914-1918 occupied posts: the chief of a staff of south-western front, commander-in-chief by armies of Northwest fronts, chief of a Staff of the supreme commander -in-chief.

Albreht Alexandra Petrovna - nurse, manager of field hospital and warehouse in Harbin in 1904-1905.

Apraksin Stephan Fedorovich (1792-1862) - columns, general of cavalry. With 1824 command of Cavalergard regiment, with 1831 - Guards cuirassier division. Participated in suppression of Decembrists revolt.

Apuhtin Akim Ivanovich (1723-1804) - lieutenant-general. 1773-1782 - member of military board; 1782-1784 - Simbirsk and Ufa general - governor.

Arakcheev Alexis Andreevich (1769-1834) - columns, general of artillery. With Pavel I commandant of St. Petersburg and chief of artillery. With 1808 - military minister and general the inspector of all artillery and infantry. With 1810 - chairman of department of military businesses
of state council, member of committee of the ministers.

Barantsov Alexander Alekseevich (1810-1882) - columns, general-aide-de-camp, general of artillery. During Crimean war 1853-1856 acted as the chief of artillery Sveaborg, and then chief of artillery of Finland. With 1863 operated all artillery by Russian army.

Barclay de-Tally Michael Bogdanovich (1761-1818) - prince, general - field marshal. In 1810-1812 occupied a post of the military minister. In 1812 command by I Western army, and since February 1813 - III army; since May 1813 - commander -in-chief incorporated by Russian-Prussian army.
With 1814 - commander -in-chief by I army.

Barsukov Eugenie Zaharovich (1866-1940) - major-general, professor. The author of works on a history of Russian artillery in the First world war.

Benkendorf Christofer Ivanovich (1749-1823) - general, Riga military governor.

Benningsen Leonty Leontievich (1745-1826) - columns, general. In 1773 participated in war against Turkey. In 1812 was the chief of a main staff of working armies. In 1813 - commander of Polish army. Since October 1814 on 1818 - commander -in-chief by II army.

Bibikov Alexander Ilych (1729-1774) - general. Participated in Seven-year war and in war with Turkey. With 1771 occupied a post commander Russian forces in Poland.

Bobrikov Nicole Ivanovich (1839-1904) - general - aide-de-camp. In 1884-1897 was the chief of a staff forces of guards of a St.Petersburg military district. 1898-1904 - Finnish general - governor.

Bonch-Bruevich Michael Dmitrievich (1870-1956) - major-general, geodesist. A soviet military figure. The general of Soviet army.

Brjozovsky Serge Evgenievich (was born in 1880) - lieutenant colonel, military engineer. In 1915 supervised over an engineering part in time of siege of a fortress Peremyshl.

Brozin Basil Ivanovich (has died at the end of 30 years XIX centuries) - lieutenant-general. In 1800-1803 commandant of a fortress Neyshlot. With 1803 - chief a Moscow garrison shelf.

Brys Jacob Aleksandrovich (1732-1791) - columns, general. Participated in Seven-year war. In Russian-Turkish war 1769-1774 command division in army prince Golitsyn A.M.

Buturlin Alexander Borisovich (1694-1767) - columns, general - field marshal. Was batman Peter I. In 1735 nominated by the Smolensk governor, then Moscow governor. In 1760 - commander by Russian army in Prussian.

Buturlin Demetrius Petrovich (1790-1849) - militarian historian. Participated in Domestic war 1812. In 1835 is nominated by the senator, in 1840 - member of state council. With 1842 occupied a post of the director of Imperial public library. The author of many military historical works.

Buynting Georg Wilgelm Karlovich (1825-1875) - major-general. The participant of Caucasian wars.

Buynting Osvald Karlovich (1827-1907) - major-general. The participant of Franc-Prussian wars 1870-1871.

Vanovsky Peter Semenovich (1822-1904) - general -aide-de-camp. During Russian-Turkish war 1878-1879 command by 13 army case. With 1882 up to 1898 occupied a post of the military minister, during 1901 - minister of national education.

Veimarn Ivan Ivanovich (1722-1792) - lieutenant-general. Participated in Seven-year war. Command forces in Siberia. With 1764 on 1772 command Russian forces in Poland.

Velyaminov Ivan Aleksandrovich (1771-1837) - lieutenant-general. Participated in wars with France (1805-1807), with Sweden (1808) and Domestic wars 1812. In 1814 occupied a post commander by I case of reserve army.

Velyaminov-Zernov Mitrofan Alekseevich (1839-1904) - lieutenant-general. With 1876 on 1879 - command of 18 dragoon Pereslavl shelfs. With 1879 on 1882 - command I brigades 14 cavalry division. With 1894 - command 3, then 2 brigades cavalry of a stock.

Verderevsky Nicole Ivanovich (1768-1812) - lieutenant-general. In 1810-1811 governors Astrakhan and Caucasian provinces.

Voeykov Vladimir Nikolaevich (was born in 1868) - major-general of imperial retinue. With 1913 - palace commandant.

Volkov Apollon Andreevich (1738-1802) - general - lieutenant. In 1789-1790 - inspector and commander Russian forces in Eastlyandiya.

Volynsky Nicole Pavlovich (1878-1914) - militarian historian. 

Voronov Pavel Nikolaevich (1851-1922) - major-general. command 145 infantry Novocherkask regiment and 23 infantry division. Till an output in a resignation - editor of a magazine " Russian olden time".

Gantvig Karl Egorovich (1781-1792) - general-lieutenant, member of military board.

Gerzdorf Karl Maksimovich (1761-1813) - major-general. The participant of Russian-Turkish war (1787-1791), Swiss campaign Suvorov A.V. (1799). With 1807 - commander of a brigade 14 infantry division. In 1812 - chief by fifth infantry division.

Kutuzov Michael Illarionovich (1745-1813) - prince, general - field marshal, great Russian commander.

Golitsyn Alexander Michaelovich (1718-1783) - participated in Seven-year war. With 1761 commander forces, located in Livonia. In Russian-Turkish war (1769-1774) commander by I army.

Grabbe Pavel Christoforovich (1787-1875) - columns, general. Participated in war with France in 1807, Domestic war 1812 and foreign campaigns 1813-1814. In 1866 is nominated by the member of state council.

Grigoriev Theodore Alekseevich (was born in 1850) - lieutenant-general, inspector of classes pyrotechnic of artillery school (1881-1901); the director Voronezh military school (1901-1905) and I military school (1905-1917).

Gurko Iosif Iosifovich (has died in 1811) - general.

Gurko Vladimir Iosifovich (1795-1852) - general, participant of Caucasian wars, from 1845 chiefs of a staff of the Separate Caucasian case.

Gurko Iosif Vladimirovich (1828-1901) - general - field marshal. The participant of Russian-turkish war (1877-1878). In 1878-1879 - general the governor of St. Petersburg. In 1882-1883 - commander forces of a Odessa military district. In 1883-1894 - commander forces of a Warsaw military district.

Gurko Vladimir Iosifovich (was born in 1863) - member of state council

Davydov Denis Vasilyevich (1784-1839) - lieutenant-general. Participated in wars with France (1805-1807) and Sweden (1808). In Domestic war 1812 was the initiator and main chief of a partisan movement. The author of many works on a history of military art and number of literary products.

Daszas Alexander Loginovich (1810-1880) - general. Participated in suppression of Hungarian revolution 1849. With 1853 on 1856 participated in Crimean war in quality commanding officer Catherine infantry shelf.

From 1867 members of Main military council, and from 1877 chairmen of a Main military council.

Dekolong Ivan Aleksandrovich (1716-1779) - general - lieutenant, military engineer.

Deebich Ivan Ivanovich (1785-1831) - columns, general-field marshal. The participant of Domestic war 1812, Russian-Turkish war 1828-1829.

Dobrovolsky Felix Silvectrovich (was born in 1835) - major-general.

Domontovich Michael Alekseevich (1830-1902) - general. The participant of Russian-Turkish war (1877-1878). With 1896 - member of a military council.

Dubrovin Nicole Theodorovich (1837-1904) - general, historian, academician. In 1893-1904 scientific secretaries of an Academy of sciences. From 1896 was editor of the magazine " Russian olden time".

Ermolov Alexis Petrovich (1777-1861) - general. The participant of Domestic war 1812. In 1816-1827 - commanding officer of the separate Georgian case; the commander -in-chief in Georgia. The extreme and proxy ambassador in Persian.

Jeltuhin Peter Theodorovich (1777-1829) - lieutenant-general. In 1821-1823 - chief of a staff of the Guards case. In 1827-1829 - military governor in Kiev.

Zayonchkovsky Andrew Medardovich (1862-1926) - general, military historian.

Zalyubovsky Anatoly Petrovich (was born in 1859) - major-general. In 1914-1915 - chief Sestroretsk of a weapon factory.

Ivanov Valentin Grigorievich (was born in 1880) - lieutenant of leib-guards 3 artillery brigades. In 1913 - member of a commission on test of field rapid-firing artillery.

Ivanov Nicole Iudovich (1856-1919) - general - aide-de-camp. The participant of Russian-Japanese and First world wars. In 1908-1914 - Commander-in-Chief of a Kiev military district. In 1914-1916 commanders -in-chief of forces armies of Southwest front. In 1917 is nominated Commander-in-Chief Petrograd of a military district

Kaulbars Alexander Basilyvich (was born in 1844) - baron, general. The participant Khivinsky of a campaign 1873, Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878, Russian-Japanese war 1904-1905. In 1905-1909 generals - governors of Odessa.

Kakhovsky Michael Basilyvich (1734-1800) - columns, general. The participant of Seven-year war and Russian-Turkish wars 1768-1774, 1787-1791. In 1794 was commander forces in Crimea.

Kakhovsky Basil Basilyvich (has died in 1795) - major-general.

Kakhovsky Boris Vsevolodovich (was born in 1871) - colonel.

Kashkin Eugene Petrovich (1737-1796) - general. Participated in Seven-year war and Russian-Turkish war (1768-1774).

Keller Theodore Eduardovich (1850-1904) - columns, lieutenant-general. The participant of Russian-turkish war 1877-1878, Russian-Japanese war 1904-1905.

Kolyubakin Boris Michaelovich (1853-1924) - lieutenant-general. The militarian historian.

Konde Luis Joseph (1736-1818) - prince, French commander. Commander by the case of the French emigrants, entrance on Russian service.

Konovnytsyn Peter Petrovich (1764-1822) - columns, general. The participant of Domestic war 1812. In 1815-1819 military ministers. In 1819-1822 directors of military school and Tcarskoselsky Lyceum.

Kosagovsky Vladimir Andreevich (was born in 1857) - lieutenant-general. The participant of Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878 and Russian-Japanese wars 1904-1905.

Krykov Demetrius Michaelovich (was born in 1847) - colonel, military engineer. In 1887-1888 chiefs of works on construction of advanced strenghtenings of Ivangorod fortress.

Ksido Konstantin Ivanovich - captain.

Kuzmin Andrew Illarionovich (was born in 1878) - assistant army group commander of Petrograd military district.

Kuropatkin Alexis Nikolaevich (1849-1926) - general, member of state council. The participant of Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878 and Russian-Japanese wars 1904-1905. Since February till July 1916 commanders -in-chief by armies of Northern front.

Kuruta Demetrius Dmitryvich (1770-1838) - general. The participant of Russian-Swedish war 1788-1790, Domestic war 1812. From 1812 directors II military school.

Lamb Ivan Varfolomeevich (has died in 1801) - general. The participant of Seven-year war. In 1796 - member of military board. In 1798 vice-presidents of military board.

Liven Christopher Andreevich (1774-1838) - columns, general. From 1809 extreme envoys and proxy minister in Berlin. From 1812 ambassadors of London.

Linevich Nicole Petrovich (1838-1908) - general. With 1903 Commander-in-Chief the forces of Priamursky military district and general - governor of Priamurye. In Russian-Japanese war 1904-1905 commander of Manjursky army.

Lobanov-Rostovsky Demetrius Ivanovich (1758-1838) - prince, general. In 1812-1813 supervised over formation reserve regiments. From 187-1825 ministers of the justice.

Maksheev Alexis Ivanovich (1822-1892) - lieutenant-general, statistician, geocolumns. The professor of academy of a general staff.

Malinovsky Sylvester Sigizmundovich (was born in 1788) - lieutenant-general. The participant of wars on Caucasus.

Martyanov Peter Kuzmich (1844-1890) - colonel, military engineer.

Marchenko Mitrofan Konstantinovich (was born in 1866) - major-general. 1905-1910 - military agent in Vienna. 1910-1912 - commanding officer 19 dragoon Arkhangelogorodsky of shelfs. With 1912 - chief of Nikolaevsky cavalry school.

Matsievsky Eugene Iosifovich (1845-1907) - lieutenant-general. 1892-1901 - military governor of Zabaykalsky area. 1901-1904 - assistant Turkestan the general - governor, Commander-in-Chief of Turkestan military district.

Meller-Zakomelsky Peter Ivanovich (1755-1823) - baron, general. 1808-1810 - inspector of artillery. 1819-1823 - military minister.

Menkov Peter Kononovich (1814-1875) - lieutenant-general, military writer. The participant of suppression of Hungarian revolution (1849) and Crimean wars 1853-1856. With 1859 - editor "Military collection ". From 1872 members of military-scientific council.

Minikh Burkhard Christopher Antonovich (1683-1767) - columns, general-field marshal. In 1723-1728 the channel supervised by a structure Ladojesky. From 1728 generals-governors Ingermanlandy, Karelia and Finland. From 1732 presidents of military board and chairman of a commission of
military years. Played an outstanding role in businesses of external and internal of Russia policy .

Monteverde Peter Avgustovich (1839-1917) - lieutenant colonel, journalist.

Muravyev Nicole Nikolaevich (1784-1866) - general. The participant of Domestic war of 1812 and military actions on Caucasus.

Musin-Pushkin Valentine Platonovich (1735-1804) - columns, general, vice-president of Military board. 1788-1789 - commander -in-chief by Finnish army in Russian-Swedish war.

Nosov Akim Evdokimovich (was born in 1806) - major-general. The teacher Michaelovsky of an artillery school.

Olits Peter Ivanovich (has died in 1771) - general. Participated in Seven-year war and Russian-Turkish war (1768-1774).

Orlov Alexis Petrovich (1761-1857) - major-general. 1802-1804 - commander of leib-guard Cossack shelf.

Orlov Vladimir Nikolaevich (was born 1868) - lieutenant-general. 1906-1915 - chief of military marching office Nicole II.

Orlov Alexis Fedorovich (1786-1861) - general. 1831 - military governor of St. Petersburg. 1845-1856 - chief of police.

Orlov Ivan Davidovich (was born 1870) - major-general. The participant Russian-Japanese war 1904-1905.

Panin Peter Ivanovich (1721-1789) - columns, general. Participated in Seven-year war and Russian-Turkish war (1768-1774).

Panteleev Alexander Ilych (was born 1838) - general. 1900-1903 - general-governor of Irkutsk area. 1906-1916 - member of state council.

Parsky Demetrius Pavlovich (1866-1921) - lieutenant-general. 1916-1917 commander of grenadier corps.

Paskevich Ivan Fedorovich (1782-1856) - general - field marshal. With 1831 - commander -in-chief of Russian forces. 1849 - commander-in-chief of Russian forces in Hungary.

Pipko Michael Pavlovich (1867-1914) - colonel.

Pogodin Basil Basilyevich (1790-1863) - senator. 1829-1831, 1842-1846, 1854-1856 - general of operating army.

Polivanov Alexis Andreevich (1855-1920) - general. 1906-1915 - assistant of the military minister.

Popov Alexander Nikolaevich (1821-1877) - militarian historian, member the correspondent of an Academy of sciences.

Popov Basil Stepanovich (1745-1822) - major-general, senator.

Popov Stepan Alekseevich.

Popov Pavel Basilyevich (has died 1839) - major-general.

Potemkin Grigory Aleksandrovich (1739-1791) - prince, general - field marshal. The participant Russian-Turkish wars 1768-1774 and 1787-1791. With 1788 - commander -in-chief by Russian army.

Raevsky Nicole Nikolaevich (1801-1843) - lieutenant-general. The participant of Domestic war 1812. 1826 - commanding officer of Nizhniy Novgorod dragoon regiment. 1839 - chief of a black Sea coastal line.

Razumovsky Cyril Grigoryevich (1728-1803) - columns, general-field marshal. 1746-1765 - president of an Academy of sciences. 1750-1764 - hetman of Ukraine.

Razumovsky Alexis Cyrilovich (1748-1822) - in 1810-1816 ministers of national education.

Rediger Alexander Theodorovich (was born 1853) - general. 1905-1909 - military minister. 1905-1917 - member of State council.

Repnin Nicole Basilyevich (1734-1801) - prince, general-field marshal. The participant Russian-Turkish wars 1768-1774 and 1787-1791. 1777 - general-governor of Smolensk.

Rimsky-Korsakov Alexander Michaylovich (1753-1840) - general. The participant Russian-Turkish war 1787-1791. 1808 - military governor of Wilno.

Rosenberg Andrew Grigoryevich (1739-1813) - general. The participant of Seven-year war, Russian-Turkish wars 1768-1774, 1787-1791 and war with France (1799). 1788 - governor of Smolensk. 1803 - governor of Kherson.

Rosen Gregory Vladimirovich (1782-1841) - baron, general. The participant of Domestic war of 1812 and foreign campaigns 1813-1815.

Rosen Alexander Vladimirovich (1779-1832) - baron, major-general. The participant of Domestic war of 1812 and foreign campaigns 1813-1815. The participant of war with France (1799, 1805-1807).

Rudsevich Alexander Jacoblevich (1776-1829) - general. The participant of Domestic war of 1812 and foreign campaigns 1813-1814.

Ruzsky Nicole Vladimirovich (1854-1918) - general. C 1912 - assistant of a Kiev military district. 1914 - commander by 3 army of Southwest front. 1915 - member State and military council.

Rumyantsev Peter Aleksandrovich (1725-1796) - columns, general - field marshal. Played the important role in Seven-year war. Commander of cavalry. In 1761 supervised siege of a fortress Kolberg. 1764 - general-governor of Ukraine. The participant Russian-Turkish wars 1768-1774. Commander by army in Russian-Turkish wars 1787-1791. 1794 - commander -in-chief.

Saltykov Nicole Nikolaevich (1736-1816) - prince, general. The participant of Seven-year war, Russian-Turkish war 1768-1774. 1790-1802 - president of military board. 1812-1814 - chairman of committee of the minister and State council.

Sipyagin Nicole Martemyanovich (1785-1828) - lieutenant-general. The participant of Domestic war of 1812. The founder "A Military magazine".

Skobelev Demetrius Ivanovich (1821-1880) - lieutenant-general. The participant of Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878.

Skobelev Michael Dmitrievich (1843-1882) - general. The participant of Khivihsky a campaign 1873 and Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878.

Smelsky Vsevolod Nikolaevich (1831-1909) - major-general. 1896-1906 - chief of Nikolaevsky military hospital in St. Petersburg.

Sorokin Alexis Fedorovich (1795-1869) - general, engineer. The participant of Russian-Turkish war 1828-1829. 1849 - chief of the engineers of functioning army. 1855-1859 - commandant of Sveaborg fortress. 1861-1869 - commandant of Petropavlovsky fortress. The member of a military council.

Streshnev Peter Ivanovich (1711-1771) - general. 1758 - chief of Moscow division. 1758-1771 - chief of Ukrainian division.

Stroganov Alexander Nikolaevich (1740-1789) - baron, general. Commander of cuirassier regiments St.Petersburg division.

Suvorov Alexander Basilyevich (1730-1800) - prince, generalisimus, great Russian commander.

Suvorov Arkady Aleksandrovich (1784-1811) - prince, lieutenant-general.

Suvorov Alexander Arkadyevich (1804-1882) - prince, general.

Suvorov Constantine Arkadyevich (1809-1878) - prince, colonel, gofmaster

Sukhtelen Peter Kornilovich (1751-1836) - columns, general, engineer. Was born in Denmark. In 1783 has passed on Russian service. 1789 - member of department of the water communications. 1802 - inspector of engineering department. After Russian-Swedish war 1808-1809 - extreme ambassador of Stockholm.

Sukhtelen Pavel Petrovich (1788-1833) - general. The participant of wars with Napoleon (1805-1807), Russian-Swedish (1808-1809), Russian-Turkish war (1806-1812) and Domestic wars 1812. 1830-1833 - military governor of Orenburg.

Totleben Gotleb Genrikh (1710-1773) - columns, lieutenant-general. The participant of Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774 and military actions on Caucasus.

Totleben Edward Ivanivich (1818-1884) - columns, general, engineer. With 1838 served in engineering forces. In time Sevastopol siege supervised over construction of strenghtenings and all defenñe works in city. 1876 - main manager on a defense of black Sea coast. 1878 - commander-in-chief by working army. 1880 - commander forces of Wilensk military district.

Treyden fon Christopher Ivanovich (1735-1809) - major-general. The participant of Seven-year war 1756-1763.

Uvarov Theodore Petrovich (1773-1824) - columns, general. The participant of war with France (1805-1807), Russian-turkish war (1806-1812) and Russian-Swedish wars (1808-1809)

Unterberg Pavel Fedorovich (was born in 1842). C 1897 - governor of Nizhni Novgorod. 1905-1910 - general - governor Priamurie. With 1910 - member of State council.

Urusov Nicole Yurievich (1767-1821) - prince, major-general. 1813-1814 commander by 3 corps of reserve army.

Fabritsius Michael Platonovich (has died in 1914) - major-general, military engineer.

Frederiks Boris Andreevich (1797-1874) - baron, general. The participant of war with Persian (1826-1827), Turkey (1828-1829). 1846 - military governor of St. Petersburg.

Frolov-Bagreev Jacob Lukich - general. With 1743 commander of division. The participant of Seven-year war 1756-1763.

Khrulev Stephan Aleksandrovich (1807-1870) - lieutenant-general. The participant of military actions in Central Asia. 1861-1862 - commander of 2 army corps.

Chichagov Pavel Basilyevich (1765-1849) - admiral. 1807-1811 - minister of sea forces. The participant of Domestic war 1812. 1812-1813 - commander -in-chief Danube army.

Chichagov Basil Jacoblevich (1726-1809) - admiral. With 1775 - member of Admiralty board. During Russian-Swedish war 1788-1789 commander by Baltic fleet.

Shuvalov Peter Ivanovich (1710-1762) - columns, general - field marshal. From 1751 chiefs of division.

Ertel Theodore Theodorovich (1767-1825) - general. In 1811 commander by 2 reserve corps. The participant of Domestic war 1812. 

VLADIMIR CHERNYSHEV is a native of MUROM and a research profeesional at the MUROM Museum of History and Art. He is fluent in Russian and English. He welcomes serious inquries regarding professional assignments to research families known to have lived in or near Murom and to provide translatation of his research into English.

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