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Wandering Volhynians Index Section IV


By Jerry Frank

  • Obituaries, Current
    • - appear irregularly in various issues

  • Passenger Lists
    • - 14 different ships 1890-93 - 3-4, Dec 90
      - 15 different ships 1892 - 4-1, Mar 91
      - earliest non-Mennonite Volhynian Germans in North America, July 1874 - 4-3, Sep 91
      - Volhynian Records in England (passenger lists) - 7-1, Mar 94

  • Photographs & Artwork
    • - Seeding in Volhynia - 3-1, Mar 90
      - Harvest in Volhynia - 3-2, Jun 90
      - Topcza windmill, Tuschin, Volhynia - 3-3, Sep 90
      - Moravian church manse, Bruderheim 1897 - 3-4, Dec 90
      - Trinity Lutheran & Town Hall, Lodz pre.1850 - 4-1, Mar 91
      - Colonist house in Volhynia - 4-2, Jun 91
      - Potato harvest - 4-3, Sep 91
      - Lutheran Church at Plock, on the Vistula - 4-4, Dec 91
      - Lutheran Church at Lipno, Poland - 5-1, Mar 92
      - Lutheran Church at Luzk, Volhynia - 5-3, Sep 92
      - Country village scene, Blumenthal - 5-4, Dec 92
      - Lutheran Church at Kostopol, Volhynia 1936 - 6-1, Mar 93
      - St. Trinity Lutheran, Warsaw - 6-2, Jun 93
      - Volhynian - Schwabian cartoons / Lange - 6-2, Jun 93
      - Old Baptist Church - Sorotchin, Ukraine 1993 - 6-3, Sep 93
      - Zhitomir railway station c.1900 - 6-4, Dec 93
      - Former Lutheran, now Baptist Church, Zhitomir - 7-1, Mar 94
      - Misc. photos from trips to Volhynia - 7-1, Mar 94
      - Redeemer Lutheran Church, Lebanon, CT - 7-1, Mar 93
      - Kostopol Railway Station, 1993 - 7-2, Jun 94
      - Old Lutheran Church, Marianka near Pulin - 7-3, Sep 94
      - House in Volitsa near Zhitomir - 7-3, Sep 94
      - Lutheran Church, Novo Tres Passos, Brazil - 7-4, Dec 94
      - Michelsdorf, Poland scenes / Abel - 7-4, Dec 94
      - St. Matthew's Lutheran Church - Lodz - 8-1, Mar 95
      - Town hall, Alexandrow near Lodz - 8-2, Jun 95
      - Lutheran Church, Colony Annette - 8-4, Dec 95
      - Lutheran School & Chapel, Ruda Bugaj near Alexandrow, Lodz, Poland - 9-1, Mar 96
      - Rural Scene near Lodz, Poland -9-2, Jun 96
      - Remains of Heimthal Lutheran Seminary - 9.3, Sep 96

  • Place Names, European
    • See also "History, Churches" for village names mentioned in articles about parishes.
      - Moravian villages of origin for settlers at Bruderheim, Alberta c. 1892 - 89-1, Mar 89
      - Galician German Protestants in Volhynia - 3-1, Mar 90
      - German village names with Slavic counterparts in Volhynia - 3-4, Dec 90
      - Volhynian Village Index to maps in earlier Volumes 3-1 & 3-3 - 4-1, Mar 91
      - LDS film numbers for "Official Names Approved by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names" for Poland and Russia / Jansen - 5-1, Mar 92
      - villages in Lublin & Cholm districts, Poland - 5-1, Mar 92
      - List of villages in East Galicia & Volhynia from the Zabuzanski collection - 5-4, Dec 92
      - List of Towns and Villages of Volhynia Gubernia (book report) / Miller - 7-3, Sep 94
      - Western Volhynia village list / Krushel - 8-1, Mar 95
      - Dermanka residents with map / Schober - 8-3, Sep 95

  • Research Oddities & Problems
    • Regular column in each issue by Jerry Frank and starting 5-2, Jun 92
      - Double Birth Registration - 5-2, Jun 92
      - The Case of the Missing Great Grandmother - 5-3, Sep 92
      - Could My Grandfather Really Sign His Name? - 5-4, Dec 92
      - Researching Catholic and Lutheran Records - 5-4, Dec 92
      - Canadians Own Land in the U.S. - 6-1, Mar 93
      - Even Poles Have Trouble with Polish - 6-2, Jun 93
      - What's in a Name? - 6-3, Sep 93
      - Getting the Most Out of Your Inquiries - 6-4, Dec 93
      - The Peasant Farmer in Poland - 7-1, Mar 94
      - Getting Unfocused - 7-3, Sep 94
      - Missing Records - 7-4, Dec 94
      - A Letter From Beyond? Three Cheers for the Post Office - 8-1, Mar 95
      - Sandy Barrington's Pedigree - 8-2, Jun 95

  • Surname Exchange
    • - first in 89-1, Mar 89
      - then in June of each year starting 1990

  • Trips, Research & Visits
    • - Harke / Maser Trips - 3-1, Mar 90
      - My Volhynia Episode / Maser - 3-3, Sep 90
      - Volhynian Village Adventure / Wuschke, Maser - 6-3, Sep 93
      - Digging For Our Roots / Miller - 6-3, Sep 93
      - Bergstraesser Family Tour / Less - 6-4, Dec 93
      - Unexpected Discovery in Zhitomir / Krushel - 6-4, Dec 93
      - The Unscheduled Stop / Krushel - 7-1, Mar 94
      - Volhynian Village Adventure II / Miller - 7-3, Sep 94
      - Lesobuda: My Ancestral Village / Poppke - 7-3, Sep 94
      - Brazil - Visting Volhynian German Relatives / Kwiram - 7-4, Dec 94
      - Volhynia-94 / Maser - 7-4, Dec 94
      - Michelsdorf, Poland / Abel - 7-4, Dec 94
      - A Visit to Our Heimat in Volyn / Splett - 8-4, Dec 95
      - A Visit to the Zhitomir Archives / Miller - 9-3, Sep 96
      - A Missouri Yankee in Lublin County / Vogt - 9-3, Sep 96
      - 1996 Volhynia Tour / Krushel et al.- 9-3, Sep 9