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Classes that are only available to conference attendees in Salt Lake City

In addition to those classes listed below, all the online classes are also available to our in-person attendees (without any additional costs).

Polish track (class descriptions)

Introduction to Polish Research (Taieno Cook)

Introduction to Polish Records (Taieno Cook)

Finding Polish Records Online (Taieno Cook)

Understanding Polish Historical Geography (Joe Everett)

Russian empire / USSR track (class descriptions)

What's Different? Navigating Metrical Books from a Variety of Religions (Hailey Wentz)

Online Tools for Russian Empire Research (Hailey Wentz)

Revision Lists [Full title TBD] (Thom Edlund)

1897 Census [Full title TBD] (Thom Edlund)

Introduction to Russian Empire Records [Full title TBD] (Thom Edlund)

Research in Ukraine (Daniel Jones)

Research in Belarus (Daniel Jones)

Austro-Hungarian track (class descriptions)

Census Records for Czechia (Jilline Maynes)

Research in Galicia (Daniel Jones)

Austro-Hungarian Military Research [full title TBD] (Thom Edlund)

Maps [full title TBD] (Dave Obee)

German track (class descriptions)

Introduction to Germanic Research (Milan Pohontsch)

Internet Sources for Locating Your 19th Century German Emigrant (Baerbel Johnson)

Avoiding Mistakes in German Research (Baerbel Johnson)

German Marriage Laws and Customs (Milan Pohontsch)

The Small but Important Details in Germanic Research (Milan Pohontsch)

Passenger Lists containing Germans (Milan Pohontsch)

German Civil Registry Records (Milan Pohontsch)

Case Studies on Dead Ends [full title TBD] (Roger Minert)

Germans from Russia track (class descriptions)

Germans from Russia [full title TBD] (Dave Obee)

Jewish track (class descriptions)

Researching Jews in the Pale of Settlement (Ellen Kowitt)

The Tracks of Smoke & Water at Babyn Yar: Identifying Victims & Survivors (Ellen Kowitt)

Basics of Jewish Genealogy (Joanne M. Sher)

Jewish Genealogy: Beyond the Basics (Joanne M. Sher)

Beginning Holocaust Genealogy (Joanne M. Sher)

General / Resources track (class descriptions)

Researching East European Ancestors in U.S. Archives & Libraries (Joanne M. Sher)

East European Immigrants in the U.S. & Their Participation During WWI (Joanne M. Sher)

DNA track (class descriptions)

A DNA Case Study [Full title TBD] (Dave Obee)

Closing Session / Banquet keynote

The Repatriation Project [full title TBD] (Lisa Stokes)