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Slovak Genealogical Research Center

Postal Address:
6862 Palmer Court
Chino, California 91710-7343
Telephone (909) 627-2897

FEEFHS Representative: Ray Plutko, Director
Please use the above address.

This organization was founded in the summer of 1984 at the Slovak World Conference. The Slovak World Conference headquarters is located at San Diego, California. At the time of its formation, Mr. Plutko says that the SGRC was authorized to be the genealogical center for Slovaks in the western hemisphere by the Slovak World Congress.

According to Mr. Plutko, his SGRC has helped about six thousand persons with Slovak ancestry to deal with genealogy problems. It is expected that an addition to this SGRC HomePage in the future will include the SGRC surname list that includes these persons.

Slovak Genealogy Kit The kit contains genealogy forms, contact addresses and a sample letter in Slovak. The price is US $7.00 postpaid in US and Canada.
