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Slovenska Genealogicko-Heraldicka Spolocnost

Slovenska Genealogicko-Heraldicka Spolocnost Pri Matrici Slovenskej

(Slovak Genealogical-Heraldic Society at the Matica Slovenska)

c/o Matica Slovenska-Biographical Institute
Novomeskeho 32
036 52 Martin

SGHS MS President: Prof. PhDr. Jozef Novak, DrSc.

Background: SGHS MS was founded in 1991 at Martin, Slovakia. It is a non-profit organization interested in genealogy, heraldry and related branches. It is led by a committee elected bi-annually and composed of a president, two vice-presidents, secretary, treasurer, and six other members. Actually the society has 350 members from the Republic of Slovakia, the Czech Republic and several other countries. It communicates with more than 100 foreign organizations and is a member of FEEFHS and the Federation of Family History Societies of Birmingham, U.K.


  • Semi-annual magazine: Genealogicko-Heraldick hlas (Genealogical-Heraldic Voice) contains articles, short information, commentaries, bibliography, etc. in Slovak, with English and German summaries
  • Book Publication: Najstar ie rody na Slovensku (The Oldest Families in Slovakia), 1994 in Slovak with English and German summaries.

Meetings: Once a year in the autumn in Martin, with lectures, discussions, exhibitions, bi-annually with General Assembly.

Services: Offering basic information on genealogical research in Slovakia and special consultations. We do not provide genealogical research.

Library: Contains collections of genealogical, heraldic and vexillological periodicals, publications, manuscripts and typescripts, pedigrees, gravestone transcriptions, etc. from other organizations, individual researchers and donators.

Membership: US$10.00 per year, inclusive subscription for the magazine Genealogicko-heraldick hlas.
