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Ksiegi Metrykalne Finding Aid

FEEFHS Finding Aid for "Ksiegi Metrykalne i Stanu Cywilnego w Archiwach Pantstwowych w Polsce"
(Church and Civil Record Holdings)

The Polish Central Department for Archival Information published this book in 1998 claiming to list all of the church and civil records in each of their 89 regional archives. It is generally conceded that it most probably lists all (or nearly all) such holdings known to exist in the State Archives of Poland.

What is not known is if any additional holdings might possibly exist in any of the city or district or provincial archives or other existing archives within the borders of the Poland we know today.

This Polish language book is titled “Ksiegi Metrykalne i Stanu Cywilnego w Archiwach Pantstwowych w Polsce.”

One observation from a quick scanning: it does not seem to distinguish between types of church records - i.e between a primary (original) of a church (or synagog) book and a church or synagog book transcript or copy made by the pastor or rabbi for civil records or other purposes. However it does appear to document the existence of some church or civil records not yet microfilmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah (GSU = LDS/FHL)

In the absence of a index for this important Polish reference work, this page is designed to provide a finding aid for record types said to be available at one of the 89 regional archives of the Polish Federal Archive system.

Additional Information Available

The additional information includes the nature of the records (religion vs. civil), the actual parish or civil jurisdiction covered, type of record (birth, marriage, death) the years covered, Archive and fond number and other occasional notes. This book also has the correct address for all 89 archives and a bibliography.

Next Step To Obtain Further Information

Should you find a reference to church, synangoge or civil records of interest to you, it is strongly suggested that you first search the LDS Family History Library Catalog (FHLC) in addition to seeking out the specifics referenced in this book. You will discover that often these records already exist on FHL microfilm. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you contact ANY Polish Archive concerning these holdings until you have searched the FHLC and have assured yourself that they are not on FHL microfilm.
