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Reverend J.M. Trunk - Prominent Slovenes 1912, Part 2

Copyright © 1996, 1997, Slovenian Genealogy Society International, all rights reseved

These Rev. J. M. Trunk texts were published originally in 1912. Part 8, History of Slovene Communities, contains significant genealogical information about Slovenian immigrants, the places they lived, the organizations they formed, and the churches they attended.

Translators for the Slovenian Genealogy Society have been working to translate many texts published early in the 1900s that contain significant genealogical information. Our translators are not professional linguists, and they do not complete a translation with rigorous academic oversight. The goal of our translation projects is to make information available to the American descendants of Slovenian immigrants.

If you believe we have made serious errors in translation, please contact us and volunteer your time to us in order to make the corrections. We strive to do good work; we are always willing to correct errors to the extent we can; and we ask others to join us in this worthwhile endeavor.

The Slovenian Genealogy Society collects church histories. Readers with information on Slovenes in the communities listed, the churches mentioned, or other information on Slovenes, can contact:

Slovenian Genealogy Society
52 Old Farm Road
Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011-2604

The society accepts donations of Slovene books, texts, and publications for its genealogy library.


Grsic - Ragelj

GRSIC, G. is a foreman in a factory in Steelton, Pennsylvania. 

GRUDEN, John C., Rev., S. T. L. (Sacrae Theologias Lector), was born on 21 October 1884 in Idrja in Inner Carniola (Notranjska). He attended high school in Ljubljana and came to America with Rev. Bajcem in September 1901. He enrolled in St. Paul's Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, and graduated with a degree in philosophy and theology. He was ordained on 12 June 1907 and the next Sunday, 16 June, he celebrated his first Mass in the Church of St. Bernard in St. Paul. Rev. Dr. Seliskar furnished the sermon. For some time he was the assistant pastor at St. Agnes Church, and later on an assistant at St. Matthew's in St. Paul, where he spent approximately one year. He went to graduate school at Catholic University of America, in Washingto, D. C., where he obtained the honorary degree STL. He returned to St. Paul and became a philisophy professor at St. Paul's Seminary. The famous Slovenian historian and writer, Canon Dr. Joseph Gruden, is his brother.

HODNIK, Anton, Rev., was born on 18 May 1871, in the village of Straza No 2, Parish of Leskovec near Krska in Lower Carniola (Dolenjska). He was ordained a priest in June 1895 by Bishop Vrtin in Marquette, Michigan. In July of that same year he became the assistant pastor in the Cathedral of Marquette. From 8 September to 31 October, he was the pastor in Nadeau and on 3 November 1695 he went to Bessemer where he encountered poor conditions. The iron mines had been closed for several years. While Rev. Hodnik was living in Bessemer, the iron mines reopened and everybody began to experience better times and living conditions. Many people who left when the mines closed down, returned after they reopened and new life spring into the community. Rev. Hodnik was working very hard to renew and reestablish the church which was in poor condition. 

Everyone was very upset and sad when the Bishop ordered him to go to Iron Mountain on 11 October 1897. Another pastor was assigned to Bessemer, but the citizens of Bessemer filed a petition with the Bishop, asking for Rev. Hodnik to return to Bessemer. Bishop Vrtin granted the request and Rev. Hodnik was permitted to return to Bessemer on 10 December. He successfully continued his work and remained there until 26 June 1898. However, since he longed to see his native land and visit his parents, he booked passage on the steamer "La Bourgoyne" which went down, and Rev. Hodnik drowned on 4 July 1898. When the people heard of the tragedy they were very sad. In memory of their beloved pastor,the parishioners dedicated a window of St. Anthony in the parish church. (Rev. J. Zaplotnik)

HOMAR, Roman, belongs to the Benedictine Order. He spent some years as a missionary among the Slovenes in the Northwest.

HRIBAR, Vitus, Rev., a nephew of the Slovene composer Father Angelic Hribar, was born in the vicinity of Kamnik, in Upper Camiola (Gorenjska). He finished his studies in America, and was pastor at St. Vitus Church in Cleveland, Ohio, until July 1906. From there he went to a parish in Barberton, Ohio.

IVEC, Martin, Dr., is a physician in Joliet, Illinois

JAGER, Francis, Rev.., was born in Ljubljana. He graduated with a degree in theology in America and was ordained. His first pastorate was in Marshall, Minneapolis and From 1909 on he has been pastor in St. Boniface, Minnesota

JARC, Joseph, hotel owner and landowner, was born in Ljubljana. In 1892 he came to America. He is well known among the Slovenes in the West. He has been working hard to promote progress among his compatriots, and has been very active in the ranks of the benefit societies. He a proud owner of an estate which comprises 1,200 acres in Nunn, Colorado. The soil is of the best quality and he raises cattle. He also operates a big tavern and hotel at 5200 Washington Street, in Denver.

JERAN, Peter, was a student at St. Francis Seminary in Wisconsin, but there were rumors that he had drowned

JERMAN, Mattheus, is a well known Slovene immigrant in~Pueblo, Colorado.

JUDNIC, John, Rev., was born in the village of Kot, near Semic, Bela Krajina. He came to America with Rev. Joseph Judnic in 1909. He was a student of St. Paul's Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, but graduated from the Seminary of St. Thomas (Sv. Tomaz) in Denver, Colorado. Bishop Matz ordained him May 31, 1912. On June 9, he celebrated his first mass in Leadville, Colorado.

JUDNIC, Joseph (Jozef), Rev., was born in the parish of Semic in Bela Krajina. He attended schools in Slovenia and in Croatia. He came to America in the summer of 1902 with Rev. Matt Stukelj. He was a student of St. Paul's Seminary and in 1905 he was ordained in St. Paul. He spent five years in South Dakota as pastor in Fairfax, Hot Springs, and Kenebec. In September 1910 he left the Diocese of Lead and went to Washington, D.C. where he spent a few months in the Apostolic Mission House. In the beginning of 1911, he went to Portland, Oregon and spent some time there. At the present time he is the pastor of Slovanic church of St. Anthony (Sv. Anton) in Los Angeles, California.

KALAN, Jacob (Jakob), Rev., was born April 6, 1877, in Dobrava. He was ordained by Ljubljana on July 14, 1900. He was the pastor in Podkraj when he decided to immigrate to America. In November 1912 he came to the newly established farming community of Willard, Wisconsin.

KALlS, Edward (Edvard) is the owner of the publication Cleveland of America, printed in Cleveland, Ohio.

KASTIGAR, Alloysius (Alojzij), Rev., born in the village of Dolanice in Lower Carniola (Doleniska), was a student in Novo Mesto and in Ljubljana. He was ordained in 1887. He came to America in 1891 and for 13 years he was pastor at different parishes of the Diocese of St. Paul. In 1904 he established the Slovene parish of Holy Mary of Perpetual Help (Marija Pomagaj) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He also established the Slovak parish of St. Stephen (Sv. Stefan). On March 29, 1907, he moved to La Salle, Illinois, where he is building a new church.

KEBE, I, Rev., is the pastor in Charleroi, Pennsylvania.

KLEPEC, Joseph (Josip) is the manager of the publication, The American Stovene (Ameflkanski Slovenec) in Joliet, Illinois.

KLOBUCAR, Michael (Miheal), is president of the printing company which publishes The Announcer (Glasnik) in Calumet, Michigan.

KLOPCIC, Luke (Luka), Rev., was born October 4, 1880, in the community of Zelezniki in Upper Carniola (Goreniska). He attended high school in Ljubljana and had several semesters of theology. He came to America with Rev. Sonce in August 1903 and entered St. Paul's Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. He graduated on April 4, 1904, and he was ordained in Marquette, Michigan. Six days later he celebrated his first mass in the Slovene church of St. Joseph (Sv. Jozef) in Calumet. By the bishop's decree he became the pastor of the same church where he. has been pastor ever since. He finished the outside work around the church which had been constructed out of cut stone.

KNAFELC, Joseph (Josip), Rev., graduated from St. Paul's Seminary, St. Paul Minnesota. He is a pastor in San Antonio, Texas.

KOFALT, Marc (Marko) is a notary public and store keeper in Steelton, 

KOMP, Mattheus (Matijia), is a prominent resident of La Salle, Illinois.

KOMPARE, Joseph (Josip) Rev., had been very active for many years in the region along the Adriatic Sea (Primorie). He was a member of the region's assembly. Soon after he came to America he established the Slovene church of Holy Family (Sv. Druzina) in Kansas City, Kansas. He erected the church, built a hall and purchased the parish house. At the beginning of 1910 he went to St. Louis, Missouri, where he has been pastor of the Croatian church of St. Joseph (Jozef).

KOSMERL, Francis S., Rev., DD, was born July 22, 1864, in Jesenice, Upper Carniola (Goreniska). He came to America on September 1, 1883. Re graduated from St. Paul's Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, and was ordained November 15, 1890, in St. Paul. He became assistant pastor in Duluth, Minnesota, and established the German parish of St. Anthony of Padua (Sv. Anton Padovanski) in 1891. He was pastor there until 1906. While there he erected a beautiful church, built a parish house and school. The church belongs to the Diocese of Duluth as does Rev. Kosmerl, but for six years he has been absent with the Bishop's perrnission.

KOZJAN, Mary, is a school teacher in Steelton, Pennsylvania.

KRAKER, John, Rev., was born in Semic, Bela Krajina, on April 24, 1875. He was ordained October 25, 1897, by Bishop Vrtin in Marquette, Michigan. He was the assistant pastor at the cathedral in Marquette until the end of April 1899 when he became pastor in Vulcan where he stayed until the end of November. From there he went to Iron Mountain. After that he went to Munising where he stayed until 1908. Later he became pastor in Harmansville where he has been ever since. In addition to the above-mentioned parishes he had to take care of several missions. While in Munising he had to visit all missions in Au Train, Dearton and White.

KRAL, M, is a hotel owner and prominent citizen of Joliet, Illinois.

KRAMARSIC, S., is a notary public in La Salle, Illinois.

KRANJEC, John, Rev.., was born February 22, 1871, in Stan Trg, Dolenjska (Lower Carniola). He came to America in 1892 and attended St. Francis Seminary in Wisconsin. He was ordained July 3,1897, and became assistant pastor in the English parish in Joliet, Illinois. A year later the Bishop from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, contacted him and asked him to come to Pittsburgh and take care of Slovene immigrants. The Slovene church was under construction at that time.

The situation was not a rosy one and for two years he had to stay in the sacristy while he erected the parish house; however, a request from the Bishop of Chicago arrived asking him to come and take care of the Slovenes in North Chicago and Waukegan. For some time he took care of both North Chicago and Chicago, but this was too difficult. He tried to concentrate on North Chicago where he built the church at the cost of $30,000. The church and parish house were erected in eight years. He succeeded in paying off the debt of $8,000. After Rev. Sustersic passed away, he became pastor in Joliet, Illinois.

KRASCHOWITZ, A. M., Rev.., was born in America to Slovene parents. He was pastor in Chicago, South Chicago, and Joliet, Illinois.

KRZE, Francis L, Rev., was a professor at St. Thomas College, St. Paul, Minnesota. Later he went to Cleveland, Ohio, and became editor of the prominent publication New Homeland (Nova Domovina). He has been a pastor in Marblehead, Ohio, for some time.

KUIE, Frank, is the editor of the monthly publication The Slovene Economist (Sloveriski Gospodar), printed in Chicago, Illinois.

LAMPE, Simon, Rev., OSB, was born December 5, 1865, in Bregovec in Carniola (Kranjska). He came to America on November 3, 1885, and entered the Order of St. Benedict. He was very interested in the life and work of Indians. He was ordained November 1, 1888, in St. Cloud, Minnesota. He was a lecturer at St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota, and since 1889 has been a missionary among the Indians in Northern Minnesota. He is active among the Indians in the communities of Red Lake, Wbite Earth, Beaulieu and Cioquet where he is living at the present time. He is considered an expert in the dialects of Chippewa and Ochippewa tribes.

LAVRIC, Joseph (Josip), Rev., born in Blagovica in Carniola (Icraniska), is the pastor at St. Lawrence (Sv. Lovrenc), in Cleveland, Ohio.

LAVTIZAR, Lawrence (Lovrenc), Rev.., missionary, was born December 11, 1820, in the village of Srednji Vrh near Kranjska Gora. His parents were poor, hard-working people, but honest He spent his childhood in the midst of picturesque and scenic mountains. He was a strong lad and went to Ljubljana where he attended the high school and studied Theology. On August 3, 1845, Bishop Wolf ordained him and his first assignment was in Trebnje. After 1851 he was in Dobrava, Baraga's land, taking care of the pilgrim's church, He was well-known, an ardent orator and got the nick-name "the holy gentlemen". When Rev. Baraga came in 1854 and looked for helpers for his vicariate, Rev. Lavtizar joined him. He said goodbye to his native land and sailed to the New World. 

It was 44-day voyage and on July 14, 1854, he arrived in New York. From there he went to Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, where he learned English. But soon Bishop Baraga sent him to La Croix where the missionary Mrak introduced him to Indian dialects. In the spring of 1855 Rev. Mrak went to Eagle Harbor, and "the tireless and ardent Laptizar" as he was named in the Bishop's report, had to take care of the Beaver Island and Middletown missions. Since he wanted to take care of the Indians, he asked the Franciscan fathers to take over La Croix and he chose a more difficult job at Arbre Croche (now Harbor Springs). When the pastor-missionary left Rev. Lavtizar had to take care of Arbre Croche, Sheboygan and Agaming, and he performed these duties until the middle of 1858. Rev. Pirc mentioned that he performed a marvelous job. He was a truly pious man, loved and honored by everybody, always promoting the Catholic faith, and set a good example for his parishioners.

At that time he heard news about pagan customs in Minnesota where Rev. Pirc was active. Since most of the Indians in Michigan had been converted to the Catholic faith, he offered Rev. Pirc his help with the work among the uncivilized Indians of the Ochippewa tribe. The Bishop was rather sad at Rev. Lavtizar's decision, but at last he gave in and Rev. Lavtizavr joined the Diocese of St. Paul, Minnesota. At the end of 1858, Rev. Lavtizavr started his journey in Milwaukee, travelling on the newly opened railroad to Prairie due Chien, and along the Mississippi River to St. Paul. From there he travelled by stage to Crow Wing (160 miles), where Rev. Pirc was waiting for him as a "God-given present". The two ardent missionaries started immediately to make plans for their work. They decided to open a new mission along the Red Lake. Pirc was penniless, but Rev. Lavtitar had saved $80 and they purchased tents, food and equipment for themselves and for the Indian guides.

The winding road around the lakes, swamps and hills is about 200 miles long (320 kilometers), and full of difficulties and danger, but they succeeded to overcome everything. Father Pirc wrote later: We were just like one body, one heartbeat one spirit, strong and brave. We started our journey on August 1. We were singing Indian songs in English while walking and biking. We left Crow Wing with the goal to introduce Christianity to the Indians. We were hiking for three days. The journey was a tiring one yet we were smiling when we reached Leech Lake where about 1,400 Indians made their homes and were waiting to be converted. We stayed there eight days, preaching and helping the sick ones with homeopathic medication. They were good listeners; many were shaking our hands, assuring us that they were willing to adopt Christianity. The chiefs promised to help us in case we were willing to stay with them and open a mission, but we promised to return later.

MAZIR, Francis S, Rev., was born September 30, 1873, at St. Anna near Kremberg, Slovenia. Re attended high school in Maribor, went to Celovec (Kiagenfurt, now Austria) to study theology, and on July 20 1899, he was ordained a priest. He was pastor at different parishes in Carinthia (Koroska). [n 1907 he went to America, joining the archdiocese of St. Paul Minnesota where he spent some time at Blessed Agnes in St. Paul, Minnesota. Later he was the priest in Nicolet and Roggers. At the present time he is the parish priest in the community of Loretto, Minnesota.

MEDOS, Frank, born in 1869 in the village of Vinica, was the owner of a hotel in South Chicago and former president of the KSKJ. A proud Slovene, he died October 10, 1912.

MENSINGER, Angela, a Slovene teacher in Waukegan, Illinois, died in Brocinnay on June 15, 1912.

MENSINGER, Ed, (Angela's brother) was the owner of the publication Slovene Nation (Sloveriski Narod), published in Pueblo, Colorado.

MERTEL, John C., Rev.., was born in the village of Dvorjane, parish Cerklje. He studied philosophy at St. John's College, Collegeville Minnesota, and he was ordained a priest in 1901 for the Diocese of Pittsburgh. At the present time he is the parish priest in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

MIKA, Mary, is a teacher in Steelton, Pennsylvania.

MIKS, Anton, Rev., is a parish priest in the community of St. Michael's, Minnesota.

MISSIA, Francis, Rev.., a nephew of the first Slovene cardinal Missia, was born January 26, 1884, in the village of Mota near Kapela, region of Mursko Poije (The Field along the river Mura). He attended high school at the famous Jesuit School in Kalksburg, Austria. He spent one year in Ljubljana, and in August 1903, he came to America. He entered the well known seminary, St. Paul's Seminary, Minnesota. He graduated and was ordained June 12, 1908. As a seminarian he became well known since he founded the Slovene singing society and was its director for several years; the above-mentioned society was well respected. At the same time he was the director of the seminary singing society and took care of the church chorus. The archbishop nominated him a teacher of singing and music at the St. Paul's Seminary. He is still performing the duties. At the same time he is the teacher of German language at the same seminary; he is well liked by the students.

MLINAR, Alloysius (Alojzij), born June 2, 1873, in the village of Blato, parish Smihel near Pliberk, Carinthia (Koroska). He attended high school, as well as the theological seminary, in Celovec (KIagenfurt), and was ordained July 20, 1899. In 1904 he left for America. For some time he was working in the diocese of St. Paul, later he went to Roslyn and Enumclaw, Washington. In 1910 he built the church of St. Barbara in Black Diamond. By the end of 1911 he left for the parish in Tacoma (Slovak parish).

MODER, Albion F, Rev.., was born near Novo Mesto, Lower Carniola (Dolenjska) and attended high school in Novo Mesto. He came to America around 1900 and entered St. Paul's Seminary, where he studied Philosophy and Theology. In 1904 he was sent to St. Charles' Seminary in Overbrook, Pennsylvania. He graduated and on December 17, 1905, he was ordained. He spent several years at different parishes in Pennsylvania, among them he was the parish priest at the Slovak church of St. John the Baptist (Sv Janez Krstnik) in Mt. Carmell and at the Sacred Heart in Cornwall. Since March 1911 he was the parish priest in the Slovene church of St. Barbara in Springfield, Illinois, which he founded. The church was dedicated April 23, 1911.

MOZETIC, John Ev. Vy., Rev., VG, born most probably in a village in the region in Gorizia (Goriska), was a teacher in Gorizia (Goriska). Bishop O'Connor invited him to come to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to take care of education at the theological seminary. Due to a lack of priests, in 1848 he was asked to found a parish in Allegheny. December 17, 1848, the bishop dedicated the Church of Virgin Mary. Father Mozetic founded a parish school. The parish was a large one and his third assistant pastor was Father George (Jun) Gostenenik. Father Mozeti~ was succeeded by Father Stibiel. Besides parish duties, Father MozetiC performed the duties of a vicar general. He returned to his native land around 1851 and passed away soon afterwards.

MOZINA, Luka, Rev., was ordained February 24, 1872, in Marquette, Michigan, by Bishop Ignatius Mrak. For some time he was an assistant pastor in Houghton. He spent April and May in Hancock. (I could not find out what happened the next 18 months.) He was parish priest from February 1, 1879, to March 2, 1880, in Fayette where he erected a church after the old one burned down. From April 11 to August 10, 1880, he was the priest at the parish of Sacred Heart in Calumet In October and November 1880 he was the assistant pastor in Ishpeming. In February 1881 he returned to the parish of St. John (Sv. Janez) in Menominee. On May 15, 1881, he became parish priest in Norway, but he became a mental patient and by the middle of February 1882, he was admitted to the asylum of St. Joseph (Sv. Jozef) in Dearborn, Michigan. Two months later he passed away, on April 19, 1882.-Rev. J.I. Zaplotnik

MRAK, Ignatius (Ignacli), Rt. Rev., bishop, was in many ways like Bishop Baraga. Whatever he started, he finished. He bowed only in front of extremely difficult tasks. His work was performed in a genuine America way. He was born October 16, 1818, in the village of Hotovije, Upper Carniola (Gorenjska). In 1825 he was enrolled into the high school in Ljubljana. He transferred to Novo Mesto, but later he returned to Ljubljana. Bishop Wolf ordained him July 13, 1837.. For two years he was the teacher in the home of the baron P Pirquet in Legano near Verona, Italy. Then he was assistant pastor in the villages of Poijane and Slavina, but he decided to emigrate and join the missionaries in America. Bishop Lefe'vre in Detroit welcomed him and assigned him to Arbre Croche to help Father E Pirc. Ten days later he offered a sermon to the Indians in their dialect. He chose La Croix as his residence.

For two years Father Fire and Father Mrak were working hand in hand, but Father Pirc left for Minnesota in 1851, and Father Mrak was left alone, working hard in the missions. In 1853 the mission in La Croix became a part of the Diocese of Marquette. Bishop Baraga nominated Father Mrak as vicar general. In 1860 Father Mrak visited his native land. He returned, but in 1863 he expressed his wish to Bishop Baraga he would like to go back to Slovenia. He was very humble and did not seek any advantages. When Bishop Baraga suffered a stroke in Baltimore, he asked the Vatican to assign an auxiliary bishop. Father Mrak was his first choice, the second one was Father Cebul, the third choice the Jesuit priest A. Kohler. But there was some hesitation in Rome. The friends tried to talk in Father Mrak, and he accepted the honor. February 7, 1869, Bishop Purcell in Cincinnati performed the ceremony in which Father Mrak became an auxiliary bishop. The honorable speaker was the well known missionary, P Weninger, SJ. The enthronement took place in the simple cathedral. The humble bishop impressed everybody.

A year later he took part in Vatican's Assembly. He went to Slovenia and visited his birthplace. Father Luke (Luka) Mojina joined him on his return journey to America. Bishop Mrak was a very good leader of the diocese, though stubborn at times, his orders had to be carried out. He knew no mercy for misbehavior. He was constantly visiting parishes, offering sermons and performing missionary duties among the Indians. When he took over the duties of the bishop, there were 18 churches and 14 priests, among them the Slovene Vrtin. He ordained John (Ivan) Stariha in 1870. Father Stariha is the bishop in Lead, South Dakota at the present time. Difficulties in the diocese grew bigger from day to day, more and more new immigrants were coming and the small missions grew into large parishes.

Due to the economic crisis in 1872 and 1873, people became impoverished. Bishop Mrak was forced to close two schools and in 1873 no priest was ordained. There were no workers available and no money. After ten years of hard work the simple priest was longing for the life of a missionary. He became seriously ill, and asked the Vatican to be relieved of the duties. The resignation was granted and Bishop Mrak became titular bishop of Antioch. He was succeeded by Father Vrtin. But Father Mrak did not despair. When his health improved, he returned to the missions and took over the parish Negaunee. He spent some time in Grand Rapids with the Bishop Richter who sent him to the Indians in Eagle Town. In this community there were two Dominican sisters who were responsible for schools and educations, all three shared his humble income.

He was 81 when he accepted the position of a house priest in the hospital of Marquette. Everything he had, he shared with the sick and poor ones. He survived his successor and lived long enough to see nomination of the fourth bishop of Marquette who was ordained by him years ago. He lived to be 89. He passed away January 2, 1901. He was buried next to Bishops Baraga and Vrtin. The inscription on the marker reads as follows, "Laudant eum opera pro conversione Otchipwe Indianorum. Fidelis Baragae cooperator et successor.t1 (He should be praised for his work among the Indian tribe Otchipwe, he was coworker and successor of Bishop Baraga.) A writer, Father J.A. Rezek, mentioned that Mrak's charity was as proverbial as his humility

MUHIC, Martin, is a hotel owner, member of the banking committee, and a very respected citizen in Forest City, Pennsylvania.

MURN, Anzelm, Rev., OFM, was born in the village of Toplice in the Lower Carniola (Doleniska). He entered the Franciscan order January 16, 1897, and was ordained December 22, 1900. He came to Amerka on February 5, 1910. He has been working among the Slovaks and the Slovenes in New York.

NEMANIC, Anton, funeral director and president of the KSKJ for many years, was one of the first settlers in Joliet, Illinois, and a very respected citizen.

NOVAK, John, Rev., was born near Ljubljana and attended high school in Ljubljana. He came to America in the summer of 1903 with Father Soince. He spent two years in St. Paul's Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota. From there he went to St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and graduated from Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. In the summer of 1909 Bishop Stariha ordained him in Lead, South Dakota, and he was assistant pastor at the cathedral for some time. He became especially interested in the Croatians living there. For two years he has been in Colome, South Dakota. He had to take care of the county of Tripp, and missions Carter, Hamel, Clearfield, Winner and Witt and missions Colina and Ideal.

OGULIN, Anthony, Rev., was born February 16, 1862, in the village of Cerovec, parish of Semic, Bela Krajina, and graduated from high school in Novo Mesto. He came to America with Father Stariha, September 1, 1880, and was enrolled in St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Archbishop Ireland in St. Paul ordained him September 19, 1884. He became pastor in Heron Lake, Minnesota, where he stayed four years. He administered missions in three counties, such as Jackson, Worthington, Hersey and Windom.

In 1888 he was transferred to St. Peter, Minnesota, where he established a German parish, and took care of several issions around the community. In 1890 Archbishop asked him to come to St. Paul to establish the parish of St. Bernhard (Sv. Bernard). He spent 22 years in this parish which was a real showcase. The church buildings comprise the entire street block; the church is a magnificent edifice. Plans were designed by the Slovene builder, John (Ivan) Jager. The school building has room for 700 schoolchildren, sisters' house, space for 16 sisters from the order of St. Benedict, and the parish house. Father Ogulin was a good economist. Everything is almost paid off. November 8,1912, he took over the parish of Blessed Agnes (Sv. Neza).

OMAN, John (Ivan), Rev., a American Slovene, born in Brockway, Minnesota, attended St. John's College, Collegeville, Minnesota, and studied philosophy and theology at the St.Paul's Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota. Bishop Trobec ordained him in his native village December 26, 1911, where he offered his first mass the next day. He has been assistant pastorat St. Vitus in Cleveland, Ohio.

OSREDIKAR, Leo, 0SF, was born May 5, 1811, in the village of Cresnjica in Carniola (Kranjska). He was ordained September 23, 1834, and in 1852, he came to America. It's not known where he spent the first years after having landed in America, but around the year 1855, he was a missionary in Scott County, Michigan. He had room and board in Benton, and besides the parish, he had to take care of the mission Tywappity Bottom. In 1859 he moved to Indiana and became parish priest in the village of St. Peter, Franklin County. From there he had to take care of the mission Wolf Creek, Dearborn County. For 23 years he was the parish priest of St. Peter and died there May 1, 1882. On the marker one can read that he was 73 years old at the time of his death.--Rev. J.L. Zaplotnik

PAKIZ, Marc (Marko) spent some years in the Slovene communities. At the present time he is the parish priest of the Slovene parish in West Allis, Wisconsin.

PAVLETIC, Francis, Xavier, Rev., was born December 1, 1846, in Gorizia (Gorica), Slovenia, where he attended high school and one part of his theological studies. He came to America with Father Pirc on May 18, 1869. He was ordained in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, on July 2,1869. From August 1869 to February 1870 he was the assistant pastor at the church of the Virgin Mary in Allegheny,. From there he went to Temperanceville where he was the parish priest at St. Martin's. Later he was the priest at the parish of St. Peter and Paul in Pittsburgh.

Around the year 1874 he left the Diocese of Pittsburgh and went to Long Island, New York. First he was assistant pastor of Holy Trinity parish in Brooklyn, New York, where he stayed until 1879. For two years he was the pastor of the parish of St. Joseph (Sv. Jotef) in Long Island City. From there he went to the parish of St. Stanley (Sv. Stanislav), Maspeth, where he stayed until 1898. He went to Brooklyn and became pastor at the church of the Annunciation. He stayed there until his death. He passed away April 25, 1906.--Rev. J. L. Zaplotnik

PAVLIN, John, Rev., was born in the village of Podbrezje, Upper Carniola (Gorenjska) December 8, 1848. His parents were rather well-to-do and sent the talented boy to school rather early in order to enable him a good education. He wanted to become a priest and dedicate his life to missions. He rejected the dowry and inheritance and left for America in 1870. He was ready to serve in God's vineyard and willing to live in the poorest conditions. He graduated from St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and was ordained March 15, 1873 in St. Paul, Minnesota. He went to Belle Prairie as assistant to Rev. Joseph Buh. He had to take care of the missions in Rich Prairie, Little Falls, Two Rivers, and Long Prairie.

In 1874 he became pastor at the parish of St. Augustine in Austin. He had to take care of the missions in Grand Meadow, Lerow and Adamstown. In 1875 he left for Northfield and became pastorof the parish of St. Dominic. From there he took care of the missions Hazeiwood, Farmington and Cannon Falls. Twelve years later he became past of the church of St. Lawrence (Sv. Lovrenc) in Fairbault. There were several missions nearby, and he spent his remaining years there. He paid many visits to the Slovenes living in Brockway and Tower, Minnesota. He passed away January 11,1896. Father Pavun was an exceptional priest very dedicated, pious, humble, ardent and hard working, good-hearted; he always shared whatever he had. About 40 priests were in the funeral procession. It's a proof how beloved and respected he was. He was well educated and very familiar with German and English literature. He was also an excellent musician.--Rev. J. L. Zaplotnik

PERSE, John, Rev., was born September 1, 1867, in the village of Stan Trg in the Lower Carniola (Dolenjska). He came to America at the tender age of thirteen. With the help of his older brother and Mr. Joseph Kraker from Albany, Minnesota, who helped other students, he was a student of the following schools: St. John, Minnesota, Mt. Angel, Oregon and St. Meinard, Indiana. June 3, 1898 he was ordained for the Diocese of Denver. He spent the first year of his priesthood as an assistant pastor of the English parish in Leadville, Colorado. In 1899 he founded for the Slovenes the parish of St. Joseph (Sv. Jozef) where he has been ever since.

PETKOVSEK, Frank, a notary public in Waukegan, Illinois.

PIRC, Francis (Franc) Xavier (Ksaver), Rev., a missionary, was an exceptional man among the American pioneers who left their native land to introduce Christianity to the Indians, and get them civilized. One has to be dedicated and ardent on living the native land at the age when the majority long for a rest after hard work. This is the case of Rev. Pirc. He as born in the village of Godic near Kamnik on November 20, 1785, and was ordained in 1813. He spent several years as an assistant pastor in Kranjska Gora. For several years he was pastor in the viflages of Pece and Podbrezje. He was a tireless worker and improved the living conditions in the villages where he worked. He was a man of practice. Whatever he started, he successfully finished. He published the book A Gardener of carnolia (Kranjski vrtnar) which enabled many farmers to improve their income. When the news about the works of Bishop Baraga reached Slovenia, Father Pirc was longing for more hard work and sacrifice. He left his well organized parish and came to America.

On October 18, 1835, he landed in New York, but in the harbor all his luggage caught fire, a sign that he would have to face hard times. Many times he had tears in his eyes, but he had an iron will and overcame all difficulties. He started his missionary work in Baraga's diocese in Upper Michigan. He was very successful at his work. He spent 17 years at the missions in La Croix, Fort William, Sault Ste. Marie, Grand Portage, Arbre Croche, Middletown, Sheboygan, Isle de Castor, Manistique, Grand Travers, Meshkigong, and some others. In Baraga's diocese the missions were rather well organized, but he wanted some additional duties. He went to northern Minnesota, the territory had no permanent missionary.

In June 1852 Bishop Cretin from St. Paul, Minnesota, handed over to him the counties which were parts of diocese St. Clond and Duluth. The center of the mission activities was Crow Wing and he had to take care of the Indians in Mille Lacs, Cass Lake, Red Lake, and some others. We mentioned already that Father Pirc was a very practical person and would give the white settlers advice to settle down on the rich soil of the prairies. In the diocese of St. Cloud with Bishop J. Trobec who is retired by now, Father Pirc offered mass for the first time in the house of Mr. Schwarz on May 20, 1855. In 1885 the anniversary of this event was observed. Father Pirc took care of the Indians, but at the same time he did not forget his fellow Slovene immigrants. He introduced a number of new missions, such as St. Joseph, St. Jacob, Richmond, Rich Prairie, Little Falls, Sauk Center and Sauk Rapids. The community of Pierz was named after the hard worker. He was trying hard to enroll new helpers and co-workers. He was successful in recruiting monks of the Benedictine Order to come to northern Minnesota. He worked very hard for 21 years. He was already 90 years old and his vision was getting poor. He returned to his beloved native land where he spent seven years. Besides Bishop Baraga, Father Pirc is the most famous Slovene pioneer in the American northwest.

PIRC, Louis J., was the editor and co-owner of the publication Cleveland's America, published in Cleveland, Ohio.

PIRNAT, Alloysius (Alojzij), Rev., brother of Michael (Miheal) and John Pirnat, was born July 6,1885, in the village of Dravlje near Ljubljana. He graduated from high school in Kranj. He came to America together with Rev. Rant on August 30, 1902, and graduated from Philosophy and Theology at St. Paul's Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota. June 12, 1908, he was ordained for the Diocese of Duluth. He spent three years in Aurora. Since September 1911 he has been the pastor in Gilbert where very shortly a new church is going to be dedicated.

PIRNAT, Anthony (Anton), a student of Philosophy at St. Francis, Wisconsin.

PIRNAT, John B., Rev., born in the village of Dravije near Ljubljana, attended a few years of high school in Ljubljana, but he graduated in America and was ordained here, too. He has been working in the Diocese of Helena, Montana.

PIRNAT, Michael (Miheal), Rev., was born October 9, 1883, in the village of Dravlje near Ljubljana, and attended high school in Kranj for a few years. He came to America in either 1899 or 1900 and graduated from St. Thomas College in St. Paul, Minnesota. In 1902 he went to Baltimore, Maryland, where he entered St. Mary's Seminary and graduated from Theology. He was ordained by the end of 1907 in the town of Helena, Montana. He has been active among the Slovene, Croatian, Irish, and Italian immigrants in the town of Butte, Montana.

PIRNAT, Joseph (Josip), Dr., in Calumet, Michigan.

PLAZNIK, John, a student Wisconsin.

PLEVNIK, John, Rev.., spent priest in Waukegan, Illinois

PLUT, Alloysius (Alois), Msgr. Rt. Rev., a priest and pioneer in Minnesota, was born June 21, 1841, in the parish of Semic in Bela Krajina. In 1864 he was a student of the Seminary in Gorizia (Gorica) when Father Pirc visited the town, looking for the young men wbo would be willing to help him with their work among the Indians in America. The young Plut joined him. He came to America June 21, 1864, and spent some time in the East He paid a visit to his co-patriot and missionaries Skopec and Stibiel. Late in the fall he arrived in Minnesota. He was ordained February 12, 1865, and his bishop made a bundle and put in some vestments, a missal, chalice , and sent him to abandoned and rather wild parts of Minnesota. It's nearly impossible to describe the emotions of the young man, without experience. He started his journey alone. He went east to Stillwater, with the aim to found the parish there. He succeeded in performing the difficult task.

He himself was taking care of the territory along the Wisconsin border one hundred miles to the north where he stayed until June 1866. He then spent some time as a visiting missionary and paid a visit to different missions and Catholica notary public and veterinary, was one of the first settlersof Philosophy and Theology in St. Francis College,several years in different communities. He has been a settlers who lived scattered onthe great plains of Minnesota. Then he took over the Czech parish New Prague and several missions were included. He learned the language and stayed 19 months there. In May 1868 he came to the city of Winona where he built an addition to the church of St. Joseph (Sv. Jozef) and built the first Polish church of St. Stanley (Sv. Stanislav). From some time he was the administrator of the English church of St. Thomas (Sv. Tomaz). He built a church inGothic style which still is the cathedral of the Diocese of Winona.

He was a founder and administrator of a Polish parish. That's how he learned the Polish language. Besides city parishes, he had to take care of many missions in the county of Winona. Re built several churches. In June 1876 he became parish priest in Shakopee where he stayed for ten years. He finished the church and purchased enough land so that the parish.became the owner of the entire street block. It was his work that the beautiful school building was erected at the same time the sisters' house was built. For the first two years he was taking care of the Irish church. By the end of May 1886 he accompanied Bishop Ireland to the first provincial assembly in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In June 1886 the Bishop asked him to go to St. Paul in order to establish the parish of St. Matthew (Sv. Matevz). He immediately started to act. The church was being built, as well as the school and parish house. 

He founded many church and benefit societies. He was there for more than three years when he resigned in September 1889. Due to hard work and strain he became seriously ill. The Archbishop granted a vacation so Rev. Plut's health could improve and he could regain his strength. He went to Europe and stayed there a couple of months. After his return he stayed about six months with the Archbishop. Around New Year's 1891, he became the parish priest in New Ulm where he stayed about 18 months. From there he went to Glencoe where he stayed for five years. This place was rather well-organized in that no new buildings were required. Everywhere he went he had to work hard, and at the same time, supervise the building of churches, schools, and parish houses. In 1898 he was transferred as the parish priest in Sleepy Eye here he stayed until March 1990. From there he went as an tenmovable priest to Shakopee where he has been ever since.

These are a few brief notes about the life and work of Father Plut. Afl difficulties, fights, struggles and sacrifices have been written in the Book of Life. His work has been recognized by the Pope, and Father Plut was nominated Monsignor in 1906. For many years he has been a deacon and bishop's counselor.

PODGORSEK, Anton P, Rev., was born January 31, 1867 in the town of Brezice in Styria (Stajerska), and attended the school in the village of Pisece. His parents moved to a farm in the village of Mali Vrh. He attended middle school in Krsko and went to high school in Maribor. Re came to America August 19, 1888, and graduated from Theology Seminary in St. Meinrad, Indiana. Bishop L.M. Fin, OSB, ordained him January 23, 1893, in Kansas City, Kansas. Re offered his first mass a week later in St. Joseph's church in Kansas City, Kansas, and became the parish priest in the German-Irish church in Greely, Kansas. Nearby there were several missions. He succeeded in paying off the mortgage on the church and he was successful in expanding the school building.

In 1895 he was transferred to Frontenac, Kansas, a coal mine district where immigrants, belonging to eleven different nationalities made their home. He founded the parish out of a former mission. He purchased more land, erected a school building where 130 children were educated and built a sisters' house. When the Diocese of Leavenworth was divided, the southeastern part with Frontenac came within boundaries of Wichita. Father Podgorsek and 17 priests got unwillingly under the new boss. In 1898 he was transferred to Great Bend, Kansas. For two years he had to take care of two-thirds of the diocese mission,ten counties, from Great Bend to Barton, Co, all in all 17 missions. At that time the church in Hoisington was built, the church in Seward underwent some repair work, and with great efforts he erected the parish house in the parish which was for 25 years in existence. If we would like to describe all work in those days, the writings would fill a book.

He was at the new parish house only two weeks when, on January 29, 1901, the Bishop ordered him to move to the larger parish in Pilsen. Pilsen was a Czech community, and a sAlary was offered and secured. In Pilsen he made some repairs on the old church and successfully finished building the new church in Tampa. The work around the new church started earlier. In November 1902 Bishop Spalding from Peoria, Illinois, and the now deceased priest, Father Sustersic from Joliet and some Slovenes from La Salle, Illinois, invited him. He was successful in uniting all Slovenes--not only those who came from Carniola (Kranjska)--into one parish. He purchased next to the two existing lots, an additional lot at the price of $1,000. He erected the church, a school and a sisters' house at the cost of $15,000. Bishop Spalding blessed the church of St. Rochus (Sv. Rok) in La Salle on September 13, 1903. Nearly 30 children were attending the school and about 120 families became parish members.

Two years later the parish house at the cost of $3,400 was erected. He raised nearly one-third of the money necessary for the endeavors alone. He sacrificed some of his own money and borrowed some money. He did everything for a simple thank you. For some time he was active among other nationalities when the Bishop of Wichita, Kansas, ordered him to return. In May 1910 he became the priest in Chicopee. Six months later he was already in the German parish Windhorst, Ford Co., where in 1912 a beautiful edifice in Gothic style was erected at the price of around $50,000. It will be a jewel of English Gothic architecture on the plains of western Kansas, following the saying, "Per aspera ad astra" (Through the thorns to the stars).

POGORELC, Matthew (Matija), merchant was born in 1868 in the village of Planina near Rakek. He came to America on April 23, 1893. He is a well known personality among the immigrants of Slovene descent. His biography is a biography of many a Slovene immigrant who came to the New World to find better luck. That's why I'd like to dedicate a few paragraphs to him. He mentioned that upon his arrival in Ely, Minnesota, May 1, 1893, he got work at an iron mine. By the middle of June there were times many Slovene workers experienced the economic crisis and depression resulted that many a worker lost his job. Wherever one inquired for work everywhere the answer was just the same: no work.

"Since I had no money, I took a freight train and traveled to Tower, Minnesota. Rt Rev. Buh purchased a building which should become a school, but due to the depression almost one-half of the workers left the community and there was no need for a school. This old building became the home of over twenty immigrants who were without jobs, and here "poor brothers" were waiting for work and jobs. One of my friends sent me some money in order to travel to Cleveland, Ohio. At the same time it was a bitter experience. The larger the city, the bigger the misery. No work, no food. With some help I came to Imperial, Pennsylvania. A stranger among the strangers.

"I happened to come to learn that some Slovene immigrants live in a house. At first they were unwilling to accept me, but at last I was offered a shelter. There were 10 men. We prepared our meals, did the laundry. We worked one day in a week digging coal. In 1894 the economic situation improved a little, it was easier to get work. I was working for some months in Federal, Pennsylvania, and returned to Ely, Minnesota. I was working 10 hours a day and got $1.10. In the damp mine I got sick. I suffered from arthritis, my legs swelled, was without work and money. The benefit societies could offer no help, saying that I was unwilling to work, my landlord became nasty talking rough to me. I was very depressed when I went back to Tower, Minnesota, and Rev. Buh again became my benefactor. He helped me in a way he helped many Slovenes. I was deserted and depressed, but found help with strangers. Many a person offered some good advice, but it is useless if one cannot realize the good wishes. The stomach is empty and so is the pocket. I have to be grateful to Rev. Buh who enabled me to open a little bookshop selling Slovene books. It was not easy, but I tried very hard. In 1902 I started selling jewelry and it was the base of my future."

POLLAK, Joseph (Josip), parish priest of the Slovene-Croatian parish in Hibbing, Minnesota.

PONIKVAR, Jerry B. (Jernej), Rev., was born in the village of Ponikve near Velike Laice in Lower Carniola (Doleniska). He attended high school in Ljubljana, and came to America with Rev. Bajc in 1901. He graduated from St. Paul's Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, and was ordained June 12, 1906. He has been the parish priest at the St. Vitus parish in Cleveland, Ohio.

PORENTA, Gregory (Gregor), a well known citizen in Black Diamond, Washington.

POZEK, Ferdinand, Rev., assistant pastor in the parish of New Ulm, Minnesota.

RABIC, Jacob (Jakob), was one of the first settlers in Calumet, Michigan.

RAGELJ, Jerry (Jernej), Rev., OSB, was born December 21, 1848, in the village ofBitnje, Upper Carniola (Goreniska). He was baptized as Frank (Francisek). He came toAmerica in 1868, and joined the Benedictine order in the Abbey of St. Vincent Pennsylvania,May 14, 1868, made his first vows May22, 1873, and was ordained in St. Paul on September 29,1873. In 1876 he went to Minneapolis, Minnesota and became a priest at the parish of St.Bonifacius (Sv. Boniifacij) where he spent 12 years working very hard. For some time he wasmanaging Crystal Lake in the vicinity. Father Ragelj came to America when the conditions for a priest were not favorable. There were cliques among the parishioners and many Slovene immigrants were hostile towards priests. One can only wonder that this courageous man did not loose courage as he had to fight hard heads who were constantly causing troubles. In spite of all the difficulties he decided to stay in the community.

He was very patient and hard working. Step-by-step he gained the sympathies of the parishioners. Re was a pious man and good-hearted. His successor mentioned in his letter from Minneapolis that Father Ragelj was respected by the fellow priests and brothers. He was truthful, could be trusted and was very sincere. He was only 40 when he succumbed to a serious illness on October 18, 1888. When he was laid out in state, many people came to pay their last respects. They wanted to say farewell to their friend who was worked very hard and gained their respect and love. In the evening the body was transferred to the Abbey St. John near St. Cloud, Minnesota. The funeral took place the next day, October 20. Among the mourners were his two sisters, Sister Pia and Sister Agnes (Neza), OSB.--Rev. J. I. Zaplotnik
