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List of 154 Murom Clergymen

By Vladimir Chernyshev
© copyright 1998-2001: by Vladimir Chernyshev, all rights reserved

BACKGROUND: Vladimir Chernyshev of Murom, Russia has made available to FEEFHS for posting on this website merchant and noble family surname indexes for the region of Murom Russia. It is a product of a decade of his archival research as a historian and genealogist.

Vladimr Chernyshev has prepared this list of 154 clergyman of Murom, Russia. Vladimir is available and very interested in researching these fonds on a professional basis for genealogy record searchers.

The Nativity of the Virgin Cathedral (The register of births 1873-1877)

1. archpriest Vinogradov John
2. archpriest Lybomudrov John (1873)
3. priest Drozdov Alexis (1873)
4. deacon Uspensky John (1873)
5. psalmreader Alyakrinsky Constantine (1876)
6. sexton Slavyansky Michael (1873)
7. sacristan (bell ringer) Al`bitsky Alexander (1873)


The Ascension Church
(The register of births 1858-1918)

1. archpriest Yastrebov Gabriel
2. archpriest Lybomudrov John (from 1897)
3. priest Belotsvetov Leonid  (1913)
4. deacon Vinogradov Alexis (1858)
5. deacon Sobolevsky Constantine (1887)
6. deacon Bellonin Nicholas (1896)
7. deacon Pogostovsky John (1903)
8. deacon Chalyshev John (1915)
9. sexton Nadejdin Lazar (1858)
10. psalmreader Udal`tsov Paul (1887)
11. psalmreader Levitsky Nicholas (1900)
12. psalmreader Viselkin Alexander (1909)
13. psalmreader Kapranov A. (1915)
14. psalmreader Bajanov Mich15+ael (1918)
15. sacristan (bell ringer) Diletorsky Basil (1858)

The Resurrection of Christ Church
(The register of births 1874-1918)

1. archpriest Kiparisov John
2. priest Lebedev Alexis (1874)
3. priest Robustov Basil (1874)
4. priest Al`bitsky Serge (from 1895)
5. priest Avrorov Alexis (died 27 November 1914)
6. priest Roshiksov (?) Basil (from 1914)
7. deacon Vedensky Peter (died 4 March 1877)
8. psalmreader Sionsky Simeon (1874)
9. psalmreader Sokolov Peter (1889)
10. sacristan (bell ringer) Sionsky Peter (1874)

St. George Church
(The register of births 1865-1918)

1. priest Lebedev Alexander (1865)
2. deacon Il`in Nicholas (1865)
3. archpriest Smirnov John (1885)
4. priest Orlov Kapiton (1915)
5. sacristan (bell ringer) Kantorsky Nicholas (1865)
6. sacristan (bell ringer) Pavlov Peter
7. psalmreader Dubrovsky Alexander (1894)

Church of St. Kozma and St. Demean
(The register of births 1844-1881)

1. priest Spektorsky Basil (1844)
2. priest Spassky Paul (1858)
3. priest Valednitsky Nicholas (1882)
4. priest Chijov John (1893)
5. deacon Sokolov Paul (1844)
6. deacon Lebedev Stephan (1896)
7. deacon Pobedonostsev Alexis (1900)
8. psalmreader Lebedev Stephan (1893)
9. psalmreader Orlov Basil (1903)
10. psalmreader Polisadov Nicholas (1904)
11. psalmreader Yanevsky Demetrius (1910)
12. sacristan (bell ringer) Vzorov Nikifor (died 1848)
13. sacristan (bell ringer) Vinigradov Alexander (from 1849)
14. sacristan (bell ringer) Lebedev Nicholas (1858)

The Church of Exaltation of the Cross
(The register of births 1869-1918)

1. priest Sikitsky John (1869)
2. priest Archangelsky Peter
3. priest Nikol`sky John (1885)
4. deacon Kymonensky Paul (1901)
5. deacon Lebedev (1911)
6. deacon Lavrov Alexis (1917)
7. deacon Vinogradov Basil (1869)
8. sexton Sobolevsky Vladimir (1869)
9. sacristans (bell ringers) Ramensky Theodore and Sobolevsky Osip (1869)

St. Nicholas Church on the market-place
(The register of births 1863-1918)

1. priest Lebedev Anatoly (1863, died 28 October 1869)
2. priest Amenitsky Vladimir (from 1869)
3. priest Varvarinsky Victor (from 1886)
4. priest Smirnov John (from 1889)
5. priest Bratanovsky Vladimir (from 1903)
6. deacon Bystrovzorov Peter (1863)
7. deacon Kudryavtsev George (from 1878)
8. psalmreader Troitsky Michael (from 1889)
9. psalmreader Sokolinsky Nicholas (from 1891)
10. psalmreader Milovzorov Michael (1896)
11. psalmreader Novoselsky Michael (1897)
12. psalmreader Kalliopin Stephan
13. sexton Tutorsky Fivet (?) (1863, died 18 June 1871)
14. sexton Trostinin Basil (from 1871)
15. sacristan (bell ringer) Kudryavtsev George (1863)
16. sacristan (bell ringer) Kallistov Demetrius (died 29 November 1884)

Kazan Church (St. Nicholas of Mojaysk Church)
(The register of births 1872-1818)

1. priest Orfanov Alexander (1872)
2. priest Kapatsinsky Gregory (from 1886)
3. priest Albitsky Serge (from 1899)
4. deacon Sokolsky Nicholas (1872)
5. deacon Alexandrovsky Theodore (1879)
6. sexton Pavlov Peter (1872)
7. psalmreader Nikolsky Basil (1892)
8. sacristan (bell ringer) Uspensky Efim (1872)

St. Nicholas Church on the Embankment

(The register of births 1872-1818)

1. priest Chijov John (1872)
2. priest Loshmanov John (from 1891, died 3 September 1894)
3. priest Vasil`ev John (1894, died 7 September 1910)
4. priest Dobrodeev John (from 1911)
5. sexton Orlov Basil (1873)
6. psalmreader Veselovsky Paul (1886)
7. psalmreader Bessonov Peter (1903)
8. psalmreader Zlatoustov Michael (1905)
9. psalmreader Speransky Iosif (1911)
10. psalmreader Solov`ev Nicholas (1912)
11. sacristan (bell ringer) Tutorsky (died before 1872)
12. sacristan (bell ringer) Pavlovsky Nicholas (died in 1872)

St. John the Baptist Church
(The register of births 1874-1918)

1. priest Amenitsky Alexander (1874)
2. priest Trelin Peter (1903)
3. deacon Ostroumov Michael (1874)
4. deacon Albitsky Alexander
5. deacon Preobrajensky Andrew (1913)
6. deacon Bogoslovsky John (1899)
7. sexton Levitsky Gregory (1874)
8. sacristan (bell ringer) Sobolevsky John (1874)

Pyatnitskaya Church
(in honer of the great martyr Paraskeva
named Pyatnisa / Friday /

(The register of births 1876-1818)

1. priest Archangelsky Peter (1876)
2. priest Orlov John (1889)
3. psalmreader Sobolevsky Vladimir (1876)
4. sacristan (bell ringer) Romensky Peter (died 15 January 1878)
5. psalmreader Vinogradov Serge (1901)
6. sexton Chernyshev Alexis (1909)
7. psalmreader Krasovsky Basil (1910)

The Purification of the Most Holy Virgin (Sretenskaya Church)
(The register of births 1864-1918)

1. archpriest Robustov Basil (died 12 November 1913)
2. priest Omoforsky Nicita (died 25 June 1886)
3. priest Tikhomirov Elijha (1886, died 21 June 1895)
4. priest Modestov Nicholas
5. deacon Blagosklonov Timofey (1864)
6. deacon Smirnov Matthew (1864)
7. sexton Albitsky Alexander (1864)
8. sacristan (bell ringer) Levitsky John (1871)

Trinity Church
(The register of births 1898)

1. priest Chernobrovtsev John (died 23 March 1898)
2. priest Robustov Basil
3. priest Vinogradsky Alexis
4. priest Avrorov Alexis
5. deacon Pokrovsky Peter
6. psalmreader Nikolsky Nicholas

The Prison Church
(The register of births 1863-1918)

1. priest Kharizomenov Basil (died 21 December 1863)
2. priest Nardov Alexander
3. priest Pokrovsky Peter (1913)
4. sexton Lebedev Demetrius
5. sexton Stulov Nicholas (1911)
6. sexton Bajanov Michael (1914)
7. sexton Chijov Alexander (1916)

The Assumption Church
(The register of births 1874-1818)

1. priest Narbekov John (1874)
2. priest Smirnov Peter (1895)
3. deacon Solov`ev Demetrius (1874)
4. deacon Dubrovsky Alexander
5. deacon Arkhipov Peter (1912)
6. psalmreader Arkhipov Peter
7. sacristan (bell ringer) Solyarsky Nicholas (died 9 February 1912)

The Nativity of Christ Church
(The register of births 1874-1918)

1. priest Archangelsky Basil (1874)
2. priest Blagonravov Eugene (1887)
3. deacon Vinogradov Jhon (1874)
4. deacon Dobrodeev (?) Basil
5. deacon Kuprelov Alexis
6. deacon Adelfin Theodore (1894)
7. deacon Krykovsky Nicholas (1898)
8. sexton Kazansky Nicholas (1874)
9. psalmreader Kapatsinsky John (1887)
10. psalmreader Solov`ev John (1890)
11. psalmreader Sobolevsky Vladimir (1894)
12. psalmreader Nekrasov Basil (1901)
13. sacristan (bell ringer) Vishnyakov Nicholas (1874)
