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Reverend J.M. Trunk - Prominent Slovenes 1912, Part 3

Copyright © 1996, 1997, Slovenian Genealogy Society International, all rights reseved

These Rev. J. M. Trunk texts were published originally in 1912. Part 8, History of Slovene Communities, contains significant genealogical information about Slovenian immigrants, the places they lived, the organizations they formed, and the churches they attended.

Translators for the Slovenian Genealogy Society have been working to translate many texts published early in the 1900s that contain significant genealogical information. Our translators are not professional linguists, and they do not complete a translation with rigorous academic oversight. The goal of our translation projects is to make information available to the American descendants of Slovenian immigrants.

If you believe we have made serious errors in translation, please contact us and volunteer your time to us in order to make the corrections. We strive to do good work; we are always willing to correct errors to the extent we can; and we ask others to join us in this worthwhile endeavor.

The Slovenian Genealogy Society collects church histories. Readers with information on Slovenes in the communities listed, the churches mentioned, or other information on Slovenes, can contact:

Slovenian Genealogy Society
52 Old Farm Road
Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011-2604

The society accepts donations of Slovene books, texts, and publications for its genealogy library.


Rant - Zuzek

RANT, Francis S., was born in the village of Cesnjica on the Field along the river Sora (Sorsko Pohe) in the Upper Carniola (Goreniska). For some time he attended St. Paul's Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. In 1900 he was ordained and on June 10 he offered the mass in the church of Blessed Agnes (Sv. Neza). He stayed in the parish to be an assistant priest In 1901 he went to New Ulm, Minnesota. In 1904 he became priest at the parish in Arlington, Minnesota, and at the time being he is still there. In 1902 he visited Carniola (Kranjska) and on returning he brought with him seven young Slovene students who were ordained a few years later and sent to different dioceses in the USA. They were: Vincent (Vinko) Bozkja, Valentine(Valentin) Schiffrer, John (Ivan) E. Schiffrer, John (Ivan) L. Zaplotnik, Joseph (Jozef) Sodja, Joseph (Jozef) Vrhunec, and Alloysius (Alojzij) Pirnat.

RAVNIHAR, F H., Rev., parish priest at the Slovak parish in Reading, Pennsylvania. He has been taking care of the Slovenes, too.

REMS, Joseph (Josip) came to Amerka December 28, 1888, was employed at a bank, and founded the first Slovene singing society Lyre, (Lira). He is considered as one of the most prominent Slovene immigrants of his time in New York.

REVS, Joseph (Jozef) Res (Roesch) and George (Jun). Joseph was born November 1, 1819, and ordained August 1, 1844, in the village of Proece in Carinthia (Koroska). There is no doubt that the brothers are of Slovene descent. Bishop Slomsek gave them permission to join Bishop Baraga in 1854. Rev. Verwyst mentioned that George joined the order of Redemptorists. Joseph was a priest in different places in the State of New York. In 1879 he was a priest at the German parish of St. Joseph on West 125 Street and Morningdale Avenue, and he has been there for three years. It's unknown whether he died or returned to his native Iand.--Rev. J. L. Zaplotnik

REMSKAR, Peter F, Rev., was born June 27, 1855, in Brezovica and attended schools in Ljubljana. In 1903 he went to St. Paul, Minnesota, to study Theology and on June 10, 1908, he was ordained. He was assistant pastor in Shakopee where he stayed until October 1909. Later he was an administrator of the parish in Cologne, Minnesota. Since August 1910 he has been the assistant pastor at the Blessed Agnes in St. Paul, Minnesota.

REZEK, Antoine J., Rev.., LLD, was born February 9, 1867, in the village of Radovica, in the Lower Carniola, (Doleniska), and he came to America July 24, 1887. He graduated from St. Francis Theological Seminary in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Bishop Vrtin ordained him in arquette, Michigan, July 12, 1890. He became the assistant pastor in the parish of St. John the Baptist in Menominee, Michigan, where he stayed until December 13, 1890. Two days later he was already on the island of Mackinac as the pastor of St. Ann's parish. The church building was in disrepair so he had the necessary repair work performed and also succeeded in paying off the church debts. He was ordered to take the position as temporary pastor of St. John the Baptist in Menominee on September 2, 1891, and he stayed there until December 10, 1891.

From December 15, 1891, to August 25, 1892, he was the pastor of the parish of All Saints (Vseh Svetnikov) in Gladstone. He had to take care of the missions in Rapid River and Masonville and for about two months he was carrying the parish of St. Francis (Sv. Frantisek) in Manistique, too. From August 25, 1892, to November 1895, he was the pastor in Crystal Falls where he met hard times. It was the time of deep depression afl over United States; it was especially hard during 1892 and 1893. He was absent from November 1894 until May 1895. From May 5 untfl June 2, 1895, he was pastor of the parish of St. Sebastian in Bessemer, but he resigned and went back to Crystal Falls.

November 6, 1895, he became pastor of the parish Ignatius Loyola in Houghton where he has been ever since. He built a beautiful church there. The groundwork was started in the spring of 1898. As the first phase of construction, the ground floor was built and blessed, but the construction was continued, and on August 19, Bishop Eis blessed the church. The construction works were appraised at $65,000. He had the new parish house and parish schooi built and furnished. He had to administer the mission Atlantic where in 1898 a new church was built and it was blessed on December 18. He was administrating it until 1902 when it became an independent parish. He was not only a hardworking priest; he was a writer and local historian, collecting historic data and facts. In 1906 and 1907 the history of the Diocese Marquette was published in two volumes, the title The History of the Diocese of Saute Ste. Marie and Marquette.

RUPE, Peter, one of the first settlers, was later mayor in Calumet, Michigan.

RUS, John (Janez) and Joseph (Josip), merchants, were respected citizens of Pueblo, Colorado.

SAKSER, Frank, was the owner of a print shop, travel agency, broker, dealing with mailing money to Europe, owner of the bookstore, owner of the publication, The Voice of People (Glas Niroda) and The Croatian World (Hrvatski Svijet). He is not only well known and respected in New York, but also in the other parts of the United States. He was a printer prior to his arrival to the States, and step-by-step became a true American businessman.

SALOVEN, Francis, Rev., was born in Styria (Stajerska), is a parish priest in Biwaik, Minnesota.

SARABON, Joseph (Josip), is a hotel owner in Duluth, Minnesota.

SAVS, Matthew (Matija), Rev., was born February 16, 1870, in the village of Breg, parish Preddvor near Kranj, Upper Carniola (Gorenjska). He came to America in the fall of 1891 and studied in St. Paul, Minnesota. He was ordained a priest in December 1895 and celebrated his first mass on New Year's Day 1896 in Joliet, Illinois. He became a parish priest in the parish of Delano, Minnesota, where German, Polish and Irish immigrants live and worked. In 1903 he had a church erected for Polish parishioners at the cost of $18,000. In 1912 he staned building a new church for parishioners of other nationalities at the estimated cost of $40,000.

SCHIFFRER, Anthony, Rev., brother of John (Ivan) Schiffrer, was born June 14, 1885, in Stara Loka in Upper Carniola (Gorenjska). He attended high school Kranj and in Novo Mesto. He came to America in the spring of 1905 and upon his arrival he entered the seminaryin St. Paul, Minnesota, which he attended for three years. He left for Canada and graduated from Grand Seminaier in Montreal. He was ordained a priest in Chicago on February 17, 1910, by Polish bishop Rhode. Three days later he offered his first mass at the Slovene church of St. Stephen (Sv. Stefan).

He left Chicago for Wyoming and he has been very active among the Slovene immigrants in Rock Springs. He is the only Slovene and at the same time the only Slavic missionary in the state of Wyoming. On June 7, 1912 the cornerstone for a new Catholic church was laid in Rock Springs. It will be a Slovene church, dedicated to the Slavic apostles of Sts. Cyril and Methodius (Sv. Ciril in Metod). He has been very active in the missions in the county of Sweetwater, among other places Green River and Superior have to be mentioned.

SCHIFFRER, John E., Rev., was born January 1, 1884, in the village of Stara Loka in Upper Carniola (Goreniska) and attended high school in Kranj. He came to America with Rev. F S. Rant August 30, 1902, and entered St. Paul's Seminary in Minnesota. He graduated and on June 12, 1908, he was ordained. He became a temporary priest in the parish of St. Anthony in Ely, Minnesota where he stayed from July 4, 1908, until the end of February 1909. He made all the necessary preparations for the golden mass celebration of Msgn Joseph Buh. From the beginning of March to the beginning of June 1909 he was the parish priest of the parish in Hinckley, Minnesota. He took care of the missions when the parish priest left for Europe. He was taking care of the Czech parishioners in Beroun.

From the beginning of June until the end of August he was priest in Scanlon, Minnesota and took care of the entire county of Carlton. From there he went to the Benedictine monastery of St. Scholastica (Sv. Skolastika) in Duluth, Minnesota. On December 27, 1909, he went to Gilbert and founded the parish of St. Joseph (St Jozef). His parishioners were mostly of Slovene descent and worked in the coal mines.He took care of the missions Elba and Mountain Iron. On September 19, 1911, he became the priest of the parish of St. Joseph (Sv. Jozef) in Chisoim. He has been taking care of the mission Buhi and Ashava, as well as Greany.

SCHIFFRER, Valentine (Valentin), was born February 12, 1881, in the village of Strazisce near Kranj. He came to America on August 30, 1902, and graduated from the Seminary of St. Paul. He was ordained June 12, 1906. For two years he was the assistant pastor in the parish of St. Francis (Sv. Francisek) in Redwood Falls, Minnesota. In August 1910 he was promoted and became pastor in the parish of Madison, where he has been ever since. He has been taking care of the missions in Dawson and Mariette.

SCHIFFRER, Vincent (Vincenc), Rev., OSB, was born November 30, 1843, in the village of Bitnje in the Upper Carniola (Gorenjska). He came to America July 28, 1867, and joined the Benedictine Order. He obtained novitiate in the Abbey of St. Vincent Pennsylvania. In October 1869 he returned to Minnesota and graduated in the Benedictine College in Collegeville. He was ordained December 22, 1872, in St. Paul, Minnesota. He taught at St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota, and he was helping out at different parishes and missions, such as in Farming, Zion and Avon. For several years he took care of the Slovenes in Stearns County, Minnesota. He lives now in the Benedictine Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota and he is retired.

SCHNELLER, Paul, is a respected citizen of Calumet, Michigan, and president of the KSKJ.

SCUWEIGER, Frank, is editor of the weekly publication The Announcer (Glasnik) in Calumet Michigan.

SELISKAR, Jacob (Jakob), M.D., lives in Cleveland, Ohio.

SELISKAR, John, D.D., a relative of Bishop Trobec, was born December 16, 1871, in Polhov Gradec near Ljubljana where he received his basic education. Upon arrival to the States he joined the Archdiocese of St. Paul, Minnesota, but Archbishop Ireland sent him to Louvain, Belgium to further his studies at the Catholic University and obtain his Doctor Degree. When he returned to America in 1901, he taught at St. Paul's Seminary in St. PauL Minnesota, the following subjects: psychology, cosmology, later on biology. He was well respected by his students. For many years he has been dean of discipline in the Northern Seminary Dormitory. 

At the present time he is performing the duty of Seminary Librarian. At the same time he is the treasurer of St. Paul's Historic Society and emminator cleri (priest's examinator). He is well known as an outstanding singer and musician, as well as an excellent speaker and a writer. He published a thesis about the well known missionary Father Pirc which was published in the third volume of the official publication of the St. Paul's Historic Society. SSS , Friderik, Rev. (Rev. J. Zaplotnik was inquiring about the just mentioned man and found out that certain E Seneca was a priest in the parish of the Holy Trinity (Sveta Trojica) from August 20, 1859, until March 19, 1860, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but if E. Seneca and F. Senica are identical, Rev. Su~tersic could not find out.)

SIRCA, Ambroz, Rev.., OFM, was born in 1877 in the village of Pliskovica on Karst (Kras). Re attended schools in Gorizia (Gorica), Zadar and Dubrovnik. He graduated fromTheology and was ordained in 1901. He joined the Franciscan Fathers of the province of Dalmatia (Dalmacija) already in 1895. In 1910 he left for America and has been taking care of the Croatian parishioners in New York and Hoboken.

SKOLA, Otto, OFM, missionary, is an exceptional man. Born in Nova Mesto, Lower Carniola (Dolenjska), he graduated from high school and entered the Franciscan Order. Hedecided to immigrate to America and came here December 25, 1854. Bishop Lefe'vre sent him in the company of Father Pirc to the Indians belonging to the tribe Ochippewa. For some time he was Baraga's co-worker in Mackinac, Ar re Croche and LAnse. He was the sole missionary in La Pointe for some time. When Father Pirc took the later, Father Skola went to the Indians of tribe Menonimi who were dwelling along the Wolf River Keshena where he spent 17 years. In 1871 he returned to Europe. His residences were in Nazaret and Trsat (near Rijeka, Croatia). He died April 4, 1879. Father Skola was a talented painter and poet. He was promoted modesty among the Indians and with his drawings he tried to explain to them the bad consequences of fire water (brandy). He loved music and songs and his accordion was his true companion on his trails and missionary work.

SKOPEC, Andrew (Andrej) Rev., was born November 19, 1802, in Polhov Gradec, Upper Carniola (Gorenjska). He was ordained August 21, 1830, in Ljubljana. After that he was assistant pastor in Crnomelj in Bela Krajina for one year, and spent twelve years as an army chaplain in Lom. Upon his arrival in America he was the administrator of a German parish in Philadelphia. From 1846 until 1870 he was a missionary in Clarion County, Pennsylvania; his home was next to St. Michael's (Sv. Mihael) church in Fryburg. From 1870 to 1887 he was pastor in the community of Hermitage. Mercer County is where he observed the golden anniversary of the priesthood on November 25, 1880, and it was a festive event. For the last thirteen years of his fruitful life he was very sick and lame. He died October 24, 1887, in Hermitage; he was laid to rest in Fryburg, Pennsylvania. He was the priest for the Diocese of Erie.--Rev. I. L. Zaplotnik

SMOLEJ, John C., Rev., was born January 30, 1873, in the village of Kranjska Gora in Upper Carniola (Gorenjska), and ordained July 19, 1896, in the Diocese of Krka (Carinthia,Koroska). He was a priest at different parishes of Carinthia and in 1897 he became the arrny chaplain in reserve for the Austro-Hungarian Army. In 1904 he was to enter the active duty, yet he never did. He came to America August 8, 1907. In West Allis, Wisconsin, he erected the Slovene church. He was taking care of the Slovenes in Sheboygan, too, and Port Washington. Later he went to the German parish of St. Anthony (Sv. Anton) in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. By the middle of 1909 he came to the Slovene parish of the Holy Trinity (Sv. Trojica) in Indianapolis, Indiana. It was his advice to hand over the parish to the Order of Minorities. August 6, 1910, he came to the Diocese of Bismark, North Dakota and took over the Czech parish of St. Peter and Paul in Novi Gradec. With the Bishop's approval, he was postmaster at the same time.

SMREKAR, Andrew (Andrej), Rev.., was born November 29, 1871, in the region of Gorizia (Goriska). He came to America in 1891 and was enrolled into St. Paul's Seminary. In 1897 he was ordained. He went to Duluth, Minnesota and for seven months he was helping Father Joseph Hub at his work in the community of Tower, Minnesota, as an assistant pastor. From there he went to Ely and became pastor of St. Anthony's (Sv. Anton) parish where he stayed two years. For the next three years he was the pastor in Tower, taking care of the missions in Mesaba at the same time. By the end of 1903 he became the spiritual guide of the Catholic Hospital of St. Anthony (Sv. Anton) in Bemidja, Minnesota. Yet he did not stay there long since the very same year he had to take over the parish of St. Anthony in Duluth. In 1905 he left the State of Minnesota and went to Ohio. For some time be was risept at the Slovene parish of St. Lawrence (Sv. Lovrenc). Later be went to St. Vitus in Cleveland. In 1908 he took over the Slovene parish in Collinwood, Ohio, where he has been ever since. Father Smrekar is a well known poet and writer.

SODJA, Joseph (Josip), Rev.., was born March 19,1884, in Breznica, Upper Carniola (Goreniska). He came to America August 30, 1902, and entered St. Paul's Seminary. He was ordained June 12, 1908. For some time he has been the priest at Shakopee. He has been a pastor in New Prague. Minnesota.

SOJAR, Anton, Rev., was born in the village of Spodnja Siska near Ljubljana and educated in Ljubljana. He came to American with Rev. J. M. Solnce in August 1903 and entered St. Paul's Seminary. He was ordained in 1904 in Chicago for the Chicago Archdiocese. For some time he was the assistant pastor at the Slovene parish in Joliet Illinois. From 1905 he has been the pastor at the Slovene church of St. Stephen (Sv. Stefan) in Chicago, Illinois.

Rev. Sojar is a very hardworking and energetic personality. His parish has been administered in an excellent way and order. He was a talented writer while defending the faith and in the fight with socialists and atheists who were trying hard to overrule and take over power. While still a student, he was well known. He was the founder and first president of the Seminarian's club Baraga. In 1902 and 1903 it became obvious that a students' organization was a necessity. At that time there were 17 students of Slovene descent there, but by the summer of 1903 their number increased to 26, and A. Sojar suggested a club should be founded. 
September 23, 1903, a special meeting was called to order, the by-laws adopted, and the name of Baraga was chosen. In Chapter 2 of the by-laws one could read that the aim of the club was to train the members in speeches and discussions pertaining to Theology, Philosophy and Sociology, discuss problems of literature, study recitals, at the same time to exercise criticism, study languages to a perfection, especially English, at the same time Slovene and German should not be neglected. The third chapter states that every student of Slovene descent could become a member. The following ten chapters state duties and rights of membership and committee members, rules to conduct a meeting, voting system, aso.

The major goal of the club was to promote penmanship and speeches. It had been five years in existence and progressed real nicely. It was lively, there were debates, discussions, speeches, critiques which were very constructive though stormy at times. And why not. It was evident that the European immigrants were step-by-step becoming individualistic Americans. All members cherish memories of the times they were members of this club. Its existence was a short one, but I am quite sure it will have a prominent place in the history of Slovenes in America.

SOLAR, Venceslav, Rev., OSB, his home village is Zelemiki in Upper Carniola (Gorenjska). He entered the Benedictine Order and received his education at the college of St. Vincent Pennsylvania, where he was ordained. He is pastor in Ladd, Illinois.

SOLNCE, John M., Rev., was born June 7, 1861, in the village of Smiednik, Upper Carniola (Goreniska). He graduated from high school and came with Rev. Trobec to America on September 19, 1880. He graduated from St. Francis Seminary in Wisconsin and was ordained in June 1884 by Archbishop Heiss. His first mass was celebrated in the church of St. Felix in Wabasha, Minnesota. For nearly a year, until May 5, 1885, he was the assistant pastor in the parish of New Ulm. He was the parish priest until September 5, in Hoka, followed by priesthood in Owatonna where he stayed until October 1889. From there he went to the parish of St. Matthew (Sv. Matevz) in St. Paul and stayed there until September 19, 1897.

When Rev. Trobec became bishop, he took over the parish of Blessed Agnes (Sv. Neza). He had a beautiful church erected here at the cost of $250,000 which was dedicated June 9, 1912. On November 8, 1912, he left the parish and took over the parish of Ascension (Marijino Vnebovzetje). Rev. Solnce was very active and benefacted the Slovenes in many ways. From 1890 to 1894 he was a missionary among the workers in Montana and founded many benefit societies.He was taking care of the Slovene immigrants in Joliet, Illinois until the time when Rev.Suiter~i~ arrived and took over the Slovene parish. In Owatonna he took care of Czechparishioners. He was "promotor fiscalk in emminator cleri" in the archdiocese.

SPRAJCAR, Peter, Rev., was born July 12, 1884, in the village of Strahinje near Kranj. He attended the lyceum in Kranj for several years and came to America with Rev. Soince in August 1903. He entered St. Paul's Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, and stayed there one year The Bishop of Marquette sent him to Canada, but on doctor's orders he had to go back to his native land and graduated from high school there. He returned to Canada and graduated from Theology in Montreal. He was ordained on March 19, 1910, in the cathedral of Marquette, Michigan. Tile next day, Palm Sunday, he celebrated his first mass. On Easter Thursday he went to Ironwood, Michigan. He was pastor of Holy Trinity church. His parishioners are mostly Slovaks, but there are many Slovenes among them.

SREDENSEK, William (Vujem) a hotel owner and city counselor in Forest City, Pennsylvania.

STARIHA, John (Ivan), Ret. Rev.., bishop, was a very energetic man. Whatever he decided to do, he did it. He had been working in the States for four decades and became well known in the American Northwest. It was a great honor for a foreigner to became a bishop. His home village was in a region which was rather poor and many people were forced to immigrate. He was born May 12, 1845, in the village of Sodinja Vas in the parish of Semic in Bela Krajina. The nickname of the house in which he was born is at Jenzetek, and the house number was 5. He was educated at the Franciscan fathers in Novo Mesto, but as a senior in igh school in 1866 he was called in, and since a war broke out he had to join the army. Re took part at the Battle of Custozza June 24, 1866. He was honored with a silver medal and promoted to sergeant. But being a soldier was a burden for him since he wanted to become a priest. That's why he decided to immigrate to America.

He was sailing on a sailing boat for 57 days and reached New York on May 11, 1867. He came to Wisconsin and had no choice but to go to a farm. For a month he was a farmhand and earned $20. He left the farm and went to Milwaukee to see his schoolmate J. Vrtin in Houghton. He tried to study at home but his compatriot J. Cebulj advised him to enter the seminary in Milwaukee. The headmaster Dr. Salurnan rejected him at first but later on he called him back, telling him, "your face looks, honest, stay with us." September 19, 1869, he was ordained a priest by the Slovene Bishop I. Mrak, and offered his first mass in Bishop Vrtin's diocese and it was he who sent him to the parish of Negaunee. It wasn't easy since the parishioners were mostly Irish and French, but he was firmly determined to overcome the difficulties. But the climate did not suit him and he asked for a transfer.

In the fall of 1871, he came to the diocese of St. Paul, Minnesota. Bishop The. Grace ordered him to go to Marystown for 9 months. In 1872 he went to Red Wing on the Mississippi River where he stayed for seven years. In that time he erected the church, a school and three more chapels at the missions. It was not easy. The parishioners were not cooperative at the very beginning, but when the bishop ordered him to return to St. Paul, the parishioners asked him to stay. In St. Paul, the Bishop handed over a parcel of land and ordered him to have a church and school built. When the church of St. Francis of Assisi (Sv. Franciscek Asiski) and the school had been erected, the parishioners started to build homes around the church. In six years the parish had 550 families as parishioners and 600 children had been enrolled in the school.

In 1890 Rev. Stariha became vicar general of the archdiocese, but he did not forget his native land and wanted to visit his native village. But since he left his homeland illegally, the emperor (it was the time of the Austro-Hungarian Monarch) had to grant permission for his return. He visited his native village in 1882 and in 1889. When he lost his voice he went back for a treatment in 1894. In 1902 in eastern Dakota, a new diocese was founded and Rome nominated Rev. Stariha bishop of the just mentioned district on August 6, 1902. He was ordained bishop October 28, 1902, and he took over the duties November 23, 1902 in the town of Lead. As in Red Wing he had to start from the very beginning. He was very active among the Indians. He had 23 churches erected by the year 1907, but he was already a sick man. Many times sickness prevented him from performing his duties. Me asked the Pope to ease his burden and his request was granted. He became bishop of the former diocese Antipatris. He moved to Ljubljana Slovenia, to get a rest after four decades of hard work among the Slovenes in America. He was a great humanitarian and promoter of the church.

STEFANIC, John, Rev., pastor in Lorain, Ohio.

STIBIEL, John, Rev., Vy. VG (Stibiel's family is a very respected one. Ivan Vukasinovic Stibiel, his nephew, is the commander of the Serbian gendarmes and lives in Belgrade.) He was born October 30, 1821, in the village of Vrtovin, parish Kamnje in the valley of Vipava (Vipavska). He was ordained September 21, 1845 and his first assignment was in Bovec where he was assistant pastor. He was the administrator in Placuta in Gorizia (Gorica). In 1850 he went to America. First he went to his compatriot Rev. Mozetic who was pastor of the parish of the Virgin Mary in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, and became his successor. 

It was his only working place, but he performed many good deeds in the 18 years he spent there. He has been remembered as a good father As soon as he came there, he had a school and parish house uilt and in 1852 he erected a beautiful church. He purchased land for the cemetery. He organized the parishes of Manchester and Troy Hill, had the school rebuilt, organized several benefit organizations and associations. Around 1860 he became vicar generale of the diocese in Pittsburgh. He was very active during the civil war which was a tragedy for the population. On December 8, 1868, during the sermon he suffered from a hemorrhage and died January 13, 1869. He was buried in a small chapel in the parish and mourned by all parishioners who respect and loved him.--Rev. J. L. Zaplotnik.

STUKELJ, Matthew (Matija), Rev.., pastor in New Market. Minnesota.

STUKEL], Joseph, Rev.., was born in Chicago, Illinois. He attended grade school in Joliet, Illinois, high school in Quincy, Illinois, and Theology in Innsbruck, Austria. For some time he was the assistant pastor at St. Joseph's (Sv. Jozef) in butt, Illinois. He was pastor in Bradley. At the present moment he is the pastor of the Slovene parish of Holy Mother (Mati bozja), in Waukegan, Illinois.

SUSTERSIC, Francis S., Rev., was born January 22, 1864, in the village of Vic near Ljubljana, Slovenia, where he was educated and ordained July 21, 1886. He celebrated his first mass on August 8, 1886. He was very enthusiastic about missionary work and founded the Slovene parish in Joliet Illinois. He arrived there May 12, 1891, upon the invitation of Rev. Ivan Soince from St. Paul. He was his friend and he knew that he picked the right man for the job.

As soon as Father Sustersic came to Joliet, he started with construction work for the new Slovene church. Just a little later he made plans for the new Slovene school. It was the first Slovene school in America. Tile first year there were 64 children enrolled, taught by two sisters of the Franciscan order. The choral director taught them singing. As soon as the new parish ouse was built, the old one was given to the sisters. The parish progressed. At the very beginning there were 40 families who were parishioners and now there are more than 400. The jokers would say that the church is getting smaller and shorter from day-to-day, and soon after the first decade of having been in existence the plans for a new church have been made. But heavy work and different obstacles took their toll, and by 1910 the pastor became so weak and lost so much weight that he decided to go to Europe to improve his health. His beloved mother passed away February 4, 1911, and it was a tremendous shock for him. He did not recover and passed away March 24, 1911. He succumbed to TB in the prime of his life.

The monthly publication Ave Maria published the following article: "A magnificent church of St. Joseph (Sv. Jotef), a well administered parish, a nice Slovene school under the guidance of Slovene sisters from the Order of St. Francis (Sv. Franciscek)--this is the work of Rev. Su~terAic who was there for twenty years. Everybody who knows the difficulties of a Slovene priest in America is familiar with difficulties and struggles one has to meet every day of the work, the life was not without difficulties and struggle and enemies who tried to hinder the work in the parish, in Lord's vineyard. Only those who are familiar with life and struggle of an immigrant priest will know how to cherish his work and success. The parish is well administered, the church building splendid, and the Slovene teachers offer an education in Slovene-American spirit

Nobody can count all the sleepless nights, sacrifices and fights to have everything done in a perfect order, we all see the results, we do not see the background, everything was performed for the love of God, Slovene nation, progress of the Holy Church. He was not only working for the benefit of the Slovene parish in Joliet, Illinois. His work had no borders, he loved all Slovene immigrants, he was among the founding father of knjska Katoliska Jednota (Carniola Catholic Society), he was among the founders of the Association of Slovene-American priests, he would visit different Slovene communities, many of them had no priest he would encourage them, he helped to establish many a Slovene parish and tried to find a pastor. If he could not find a priest here he would go to Slovenia trying to find young men who were willing to go to America and become priests.

He loved the Slovene language, he has been trying very hard to obtain Slovene teachers for Slovene schools, and again he was trying to encourage Slovene girls to join the Order of St. Francis (Red Sv. Franciscka) and be willing to become teachers of Slovene children in America, he was successful as Slovene teachers are offering education to children in Joliet. He was editor of American Slovene (Amerikansid Slovenc), many hours were spent at the editorial desk, writing the booklet Lessons to my compatriots Slovenes (Potek rojakom Slovencem). Nobody is able to put down all the work performed by Rev. Su~ersic, a Slovene immigrant-priest. He was tired when he was laid to eternal rest When we encounter all his performances we could but wonder that he got so exhausted, everything he did he did for his nation, for our souls, for the Lord and the Church, and for the benefits of his new homeland."

TAMCHINA, John, Rev., was an Austrian, but as Rev. Stibiel was his friend, we just assume that he is of Slovene descent. From 1851 to 1875 he was pastor in Pittsburgh, but he was a priest in Buttler, Donegal, now North Oakland, Fairfield, Allegheny, Robinson Township; it is not known whether he died here or went back to Europe.--Rev. J. L. Zaplotnik.

TASSOTTI, Gabriel, was one of the first settlers of Greater New York.

TERBOVEC, Anton J., merchant and traveling salesman, was born in 1882 in Zerovnica near Zidani Most in Slovenia (Styria, Stajerska) and came to America in 1905. He is the coowner of the jewelry store and imported goods Al. Terbovec & Co., 1622 Arapaho St., Denver, Colorado. He is a travelling salesman and has travelled all over the USA. He is proud to be a Slovene and tries very hard to teach the Slovenes how to improve their living and progress. He has been publishing his humoristic and educational short stories in Slovene publications around the United States.

THOMAS, George (Jun), a prominent citizen in Pueblo, Colorado.

TOMAZIN, Ignatius, Rev., priest-pioneer of the north and central Minnesota and Indian missionary, was born in Ljubljana February 4, 1843. He attended high school and some years of Theology studies. On May 19, 1864, he came to America with Rev. Pirc. He graduated from St. Paul's Seminary and was ordained November 5, 1865. For some time he was Pirc's assistant in Crow Wing. He travelled all over. After some time he took over some missions in the west since Rev. Pirc, due to his old age, could not manage any more. Step-by-step he took over all the missions along the Mississippi River. His headquarters was in Red Lake. He travelled to Oak Point Sandy Lake and Pakegoma.

Later he moved to Wadena and took over the counties Wadena, Becker, Hubbard and Norman with substations, Wadena, Aldrich, Frazee City, Detroit City, Audobon, Lake Park, Pelican Lake, Park Rapids and Ada, and Aitiken in the county of Crow Wing, Motley in the county of Morrison and Pelican Rapids in the county of Otter Tail. He spent several years in Belle River where he has been pastor and deacon. For some time he took care of the Slovene community Brockway. In 1907 he became pastor in Padua with adjacent mission Sedan. In 1908 he took over the parish Elizabeth with the mission Pelican Rapids. Since last year he has been pastor of Slovene-German parish of St. Anthony (Sv. Anton) in ICraintown, Minnesota. For some time he performed the duties of the spiritual adviser of the diocese St. Cloud, Minnesota.

TOMAZEVIC, John, Rev., was born April 21, 1840, in Breznica in Upper Carniola (Gorenjska). He was a seminarian in Gorizia (Gorica). In 1864 Rev. Pirc invited him to come to America and he arrived in St. Paul, Minnesota, the very same year. He was ordained and became pastor in the parish of St. Anthony (Sv. Anton) in Minneapolis, Minnesota. A year later he went to Stiliwater. He suffered from TB and died October 28,1867. He was buried in the cemetery Calvary in St. Paul, Minnesota. His father attended the funeral services.--Rev.J.L. Zaplotnik.

TOMSIC, Joseph (Josip), Rev.., came to America in 1902. He spent some time. in Lead, South Dakota. At the present time he is in Forest City, pastor of the Slovene parish which was founded by him. In 1911 he became the spiritual leader of the KSKJ.

TORI, John, Rev.., was born December 12, 1854, in the village of St. George (Sent Jurij) under Kum in Lower Carniola (Doleniska). He came to America with Msgr. Plut on October 14, 1873, and was ordained July 8, 1877 in St. Paul, Minnesota. He was pastor in several German and English parishes, such as Sleepeye, Springfield and Winsted where he was a deacon. Due to poor health, he went to Richfield where on October 28, 1901, he passed away due to a stroke. He was an excellent priest--Rev. J. L. Zaplotnik.

TROBEC, James, Rt. Rev., bishop, was born July 10, 1835; in the village of Log near Polhov Gradec, Upper Carniola (Gorenjska). He was very talented, so his parents enabled an education in Ljubljana. He graduated from high school and attended first two years of Theological Seminary. When Rev. Pirc was looking for young helpers, James Trobec joined him and graduated from Theological Seminary St. Vincent Pennsylvania. On September 8, 865, he was ordained in St. Paul, Minnesota. For about 11 months he helped Msgr. Bub in Belle Prairie and took over the missions Two Rivers (now N. Prairie), Royalton and Rich Prairie (now Pierz, called after the Slovene missionary Pirc).

In 1866 he became the pastor in Wabasha, about 70 miles to the southeast from St. Paul, situated along the Mississippi River. For 21 years he was pastor and missionary and he was very successful. He was pastor at the parish of St. Felix, but he had to take care of the missions of the entire co~ty of Wabasha, such as Highland, Oakland, Minneiska, Pell and Sherman, and substations, Snake Creek, Sand Prairie-Plainview and Beckers Settlement. He built several churches and did a lot of good work among the people. He was well liked because of his kindness. He was an ardent priest and good-hearted. In 1887 there was a very important task to be performed and a capable, ardent and energetic man was sought. The plans for the founding of the parish of Blessed Agnes (Sv. Neza) were made and the archbishop offered Rev. Trobec the assignment. Rev. Trobec came to St. Paul in October and started to work immediately. In ten years this parish grew to one of the )argest parishes of the archdiocese.

On July 28, 1897, he was nominated bishop of St. Cloud. He was ordained bishop by Archbishop J. Ireland on September 21. Archbishop F KS. Katzer from Milwaukee and Bishop J. Vrtin from Marquette were present. Seven bishops and about 100 priests attended the festivities. Of course, there were many parishioners, too. One week later he took over the office and he has been there ever since. He has been very successful. In 14 years the number of priests increased by 35. There are 35 more parishes, two more hospitals and 25,000 more parishioners. It is a well known fact that Rev. Pirc laid the cornerstone of the diocese. Rev. Pirc started as a missionary in 1852. He came to learn the good ground and soil and invited the Slovene immigrants to settle down. In 1875 the region became the Apostolic Vicariate. In 1889 it became the diocese. It comprises the region of 31,700 square kilometers. Bishop Trobec is a noble personality the Slovenes can be proud of.

TROBEC, John, Rev., a nephew of Bishop Trobec, was born September 7, 1875, in the village of Log near Polhov Gradec Upper Carniola (Goreniska). He was educated in Ljubljana and in St. Paul. His uncle ordained him in St. Cloud, Minnesota, on September 15, 1900. He celebrated his new mass in his native village of Polhov Gradec on September 16, 1900. He spent some time in St. Cloud and later went to Kraintown. Since 1901 he has been pastor in the Slovene community of Brockway, Minnesota.

TSCHOLL, John, Rev., was born July 2, 1874, in the region of Tyrol, Austria. He is of German descent, but upon his arrival in America in 1907 he spent many years among the Slovenes, so he deserves to be mentioned. First he was assistant of Rev. Bilban in Eveleth, Minnesota. He would visit the Slovenes in Chisholm. He was pastor there and he built additions to the church and erected the parish house. He founded a parish among the Slovene farms and took care of the missions BuhI, Ashawa and Greany. In 1911 he went to Enumclaw, Washington and learned the Polish language. He was suffering from TB and published a book War on the White Piteg He went to Mexico to improve his health, but he lost the fight and died October 5, 1912. He was a noble man, and the Slovenes will always remember him. He would submitted many articles in the Slovene language for the publication of American Slovene (Amerikanski Slovenec).

TSCHOPP, A., Rev., was a professor in Benedictine College of St. Meinhard, Indiana, in 1859 and is apparently of Slovene descent.

TURK, Anton, was born in Crenomelj, Slovenia, and was a well-to-do factory owner who died in Chicago, Illinois.

TURK, Francis, Rev.., was born in the vicinity of Novo Mesto, where he was educated for several years. Upon his arrival in America he graduated from St. Paul's Seminary. June 12, 1903, he was ordained. He went to California and founded the Croatian-Slovene parish and had the necessary buildings built, but they were destroyed by the terrible earthquake and fire on April 20, 1906. He succeeded in saving his life. Later on the building were rebuilt. He is still there.

VAUAVEC, Viktor, a longtime editor of the daily publication The Voice of People (GArs Naroda). He is employed with the Immigration Office in New York.

VARH, Joseph (Josip), Rev., was born October 9, 1876, in the village of Kolentawa, Carinthia (Koro~ka). He was a seminarian when he came to St. Paul, Minnesota in 1905 and was ordained June 10, 1905. He was a priest in the parishes of St. Matthew (Sv. Mate'&) and Sacred Heart in St. Paul. At the present time he is pastor in Marystown, Minnesota.

VILMAN, Anton, Rev., has been the pastor in Watkins, Minnesota, and has been building a new church. He is a well-known author; he translated into Slovene the well-known novel, Ben Hur.

VIRANT, A., was one of the first settlers in Lorain, Ohio.

VOUK, Alloysius (Alojzij), a photographer in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

VRHUNEC, Joseph, Rev., was born October 6, 1883, in the village of Zelezniki and educated in Kranj. He came with Rev. Rant to America on August 30, 1902. He was ordained in St. Paul on June 12, 1908, for the diocese Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He spent some time in New Castle. At the present time he is the pastor of the Slovak parish of St. Joachim in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

VRTIN, John, Rt. Rev. Bishop, the third shiny star on the northwest of the United States, was born July 17, 1844, in the village of Doblice in Bela Krajina. Baraga and Mrak were true pioneers who ploughed the ground, Vrtin leveled the ground and had it ready for the seeds. His father was a traveling salesman and visited many countries. In 1852 he left for America but came back after five years. The youngest son attended high school in Novo Mesto. In 1863 the entire family followed the father and immigrated to America. After graduation from high school, John (Ivan) decided to become a priest. Mr. Cebulj, his father's friend, suggested Marquette, where the talented youngster was welcomed by Bishop Baraga. Rev. Cebulj taught him Philosophy, English and French. John Vrtin was the last one to be ordained by Bishop Baraga on July 31, 1866.

The son inherited some commercial talent from his father. Bishop Vrtin was always a practical American. First he was pastor in Houghton where he erected a church. Then Bishop Mrak sent him to Negaunee where the parish was a disaster, but in three years John Vrtin succeeded in paying off almost all of the debts, $15,000. When Bishop Mrak resigned, Rev. Weninger talked John Vrtin into taking over the diocese, a very responsible task, but it was an honor, too. He was the third Slovene priest to become the bishop of the diocese Marquette. The guest speaker was Bishop John Ireland, who is the Archbishop of St. Paul's diocese. John Vrtin was the youngest bishop in the United States. He was only 35 years old. When he took the office over, there were 28 churches, 20,000 parishioners and 18 priests in the diocese. He was full of enthusiasm and American enterprising spirit when he started. There is no doubt that the diocese progressed under the guidance of bishops Baraga and Mrak, but it was lacking money. 

Bishop Vrtin succeeded in obtaining financial aid due to his commercial talent. All those who are familiar with life in America will agree with me and recognize the importance. Before he entered the cathedral,it burned down October 2, 1879. He found only rubbish and ruins. In ten years Bishop Vrtin had a new cathedral built, much larger and prettier. He offered his salary, but he enjoyed financial help from his father and brothers who were well-to-do. (Tile store, Vrtin Brothers, in Calumet, Michigan, comprises an entire street block and is the largest store north of Chicago.) As bishop, John Vrtin visited Europe several times. In 1887 he went to Rome ad limina, paid a visit to his native village Doblice where he enjoyed a friendly reception. But John Vrtin is the man of modern times, his instructions pertaining to the education, church properties, societies and organizations aso are founded on modern basis.

The bishop's letters, published in 1882 and 1886, dealt with religious education. The bishop asked that every parish found a Catholic school, and regulations pertaining to priests are modern for those days. In 1891 he traveled for the second time to Rome, his health was lingering and he was hoping that his health would improve in Karlovy' Vary' (Czechoslovakia), but the trip was not successful. He died February 26, 1899, and is buried next to his ancestors. John Vrtin was a true American at work. He did all the necessary correspondence and went to the post office alone. He was a missionary, a good speaker, and listened to confessions. He was a true pastor fidelis. lie had 50 churches built and ordained many priests, among them priest and author A. J. Rezek from Houghton and the Slovene A. Hodnik who suffered an accident on July 4 while sailing on the boat Bourgoyue. Bishop Vrtin will be remembered in Marquette forever.

ZAGAR, Anthony, Rev., was ordained by Bishop Vrtin in Marquette, Mkhigan in July 1895. From August 18, 1896, to February 5, 1897, he was assistant pastor in the cathedral of St. Peter in Marquette. Later he was pastor in Garden, Michigan. He died in Marquette on January 9, 1901.

ZAKILUSEK, Kazimir, Rev., OFM, was born May 31, 1878, in the village of Preseije. He joined the Order of Franciscan Fathers on September 28, 1897 and was ordained July 14, 1902. He came to America in 1906 following the invitation of Bishop Horstman. There were some hard times in Cleveland and he went to Lorain, Ohio. He became the immigrant's missionary in New York and was taking care of the Slovene immigrants. In 1908 he founded St. Raphael's Society (Druzba svetega Rafaela), and the monthly publication, Ave Maria. Slovene Franciscan Fathers were given the parish Rockland Lake, New York, by Cardinal Farley in 1909 and in 1912 they took over the parish of Blessed Agnes (Sveta Neta) in Brooklyn, New York. Father Zakrajsek was nominated commissionary of Franciscan Province. He had many articles published in different publications and published some short stories at the publishing house Society of St. Mohor (Druzba Svetega Mohoria).

ZALAR, Joseph, has been secretary of the KSKJ in Joliet, Illinois, for several years.

ZALOKAR, Joseph, Rev., was born in the village of Gorje in the Upper Carniola(Goreniska) about 60 years ago. He got his education in Kranj and Ljubljana and was ordainedAugust 10, 1879. In 1880 he was in Planina. He spent four years in Hrenovice; he came toCirknica. By the beginning of 1889 he came to America and reached New York February 12,1889. St. Paul's bishop gave him a letter of recommendation and Father Zalokar went toMarquette to see Bishop Vrtin. He was assistant pastor in Hancock for some time, then Slovene immigrants asked for a priest and Father Zalokar went to Red Jacket or Calumet,Michigan.

His first dwelling was next to Sacred Heart church. At a certain time he had service for the Slovenes. He purchased some land, founded the parish and had the church of St. Joseph (Sv. Jozef) built. Bishop Vrtin laid the cornerstone on September 1889 and onNovember 9, the church was blessed. Rev. Zalokar had the parish house erected, and obtainedthree church bells which were blessed by Bishop Mrak on November 18, 1891. In 1892 he went to Pennsylvania in order to establish a parish in Pittsburgh. He picked Bridgeville and on top of the hill the church of St. Barbara was erected. He passed away in Bridgeville on January 18, 1912. He was buried in the cemetery plot which was purchased from funds out of his own pocket.

Father Zalokar was a very modest person. He was enthusiastic for everything that was pretty. He just loved his nation, a nation of hard workers and sufferers. Every year he would pay a visit to different communities where Slovene immigrants would live and offered them Holy Communion. He was not afraid of long walks, hard work or the blasphemy of roughnecks. He would sacrifice everything for fellow Slovenes. His salary was just a piece of paper. From a long time his dwelling was the sacristy. He could not spend money for a cook or housekeeper. He took his meals among the workers, a sufferer among the sufferers.

ZAPLOTNIK, John L., Rev., was born September 19, 1883, in the village of Lute near Kranj. For six years he enjoyed his education in Kranj. On August 30, 1902, he came toAmerica and entered St. Paul's Seminary. He studied Philosophy for two years and studiedTheology for four years. He was ordained June 12, 1908, for the diocese Omaha, Nebraska.Nine days later he offered his first mass in the church of St. Elizabeth in Minneapolis,Minnesota. Then he went to Nebraska, Since July 1, 1908, he has been the pastor at Blessed Agnes (Sv. Neta) in South Omaha, Nebraska. Most parishioners are of English descent, but he has been taking care of the Slovenes, the Croatians, the Germans, the Hungarians, the Romanians and others who live in the community. At Easter time he would pay a visit to Slovene immigrants.

ZAVRL, Alloysius (Alojij) was one of the first settlers in Forest City, Pennsylvania. Joseph (Josip) Zavrl, Alojzij's nephew, was an American solider. He happened to be in thePhilippines close to the volcano Taal which erupted January 30, 1911, and killed 2,000 people.He and some fellow soldiers escaped the tragedy, but the atmospheric pressure threw them into the lake.

ZEVNIK Vincent (Vinko), was the manager of the daily publication The Voice of People (Glas Naroda) in New York.

ZUPAN, Cyril (Ciril), Rev., OSB, was born April 17,1862, at Orehar's homestead in Srakovlje, parish Predosije. He came to America in 1881, upon the recommendation of Msgr. Thomas Zupan and Abbot Locniskar, and joined the Benedictine Order in the Abbey of St. John (Sv. Ivan) in Minnesota. He was ordained October 24, 1886. For several years he would pay a visit to Slovene immigrants in Minnesota and Colorado. Since more and more immigrants settled in Colorado, Abbot Lo~i~ar sent him to Pueblo, Colorado in 1894 as the assistant pastor of the German parish of Mary, the Perpetual Help (Mania Pomagaj). He would visit the Slovene parishioners and communities. The Slovene and Croatian parishioners paid off the German parishioners in 1900. In 1910 they seceded from northern Slavic immigrants and founded an independent parish where Father Zupan has been a very successful pastor.

ZUPAN, John (Ivan), is the editor of the weekly publication The Nation's Announcer (Narodni Glasnik) which is published in Duluth. Minnesota 

ZUPAN, Peter, Rev., OSB, (Cyril's brother) came to America in 1899. He was educated at the college of St.. Vincent Pennsylvania, and was ordained in 1909. He has been a pastor in Vandergrift, Pennsylvania. Orehar's family is proud of their sisters, Sister Cirila' OSB and Ludmila, OSB. They belong to the Benedictine Order and are teaching at a parish school in Pueblo, Colorado.

ZUZEK, John, Rev., was born December 31, 1837, in the village of Lasce. He was junior of Theological Seminary in Ljubljana when he joined missionary Pirc on his way to America in May 1864. In November of the very same year, he was ordained by Bishop Grace in St. Paul, Minnesota. Since the bishop was busy, John Zagar offered his first mass the next day which was All Souls Day. He joined missionaries Pirc, Plut and Tomazin and they were working hard among the indians of the Ochippewa tribe. Then he became seriously in. He spent the next 18 years at St. Peter's, Nicollet Co., and when he became disabled, he lived at his parish Caledonia, Minnesota. In March 1901 he went to his brother and spiritual adviser S. Zuzek in Vodice. He died January 8, 1908, and as buried in his mother's grave which was his last wish. He was a gentle man and well liked. Many tokens of appreciation were given to him by Bishops Cotter (from Winona), Svebach and Trobec.Rev. J. L. Zaplotnik
