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United Romanian Society

The United Romanian Society was founded in 1978.

URS Correspondence and Membership

14512 Royal Drive
Sterling Heights, Michigan 84312
DAY Telephone: (313) 226-4900, extention 8152

URS Publication Mailing

Eugene S. Raica
14512 Royal Drive
Sterling Heights, Michigan 84312-4368
DAY Telephone: (313) 226-4900, extention 8152


History of the United Romanian Society (1995, 208 pages)
by Eugene S. Raica and Alexandru Toma Nemoinu.
Copies available postpaid to U.S. and Canadian addresses.

Research and Educational Organizations

Upon request, a limited number of copies of History of the United Romanian Society (1995, 208 pages) by Eugene S. Raica and Alexandru Toma Nemoinu are available to libraries and research institutions gratis.


To be added.

Areas of Interest

  • Romanian / Eastern Orthodox
  • Byzantine Rite Catholic
