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United Romanian Society: Society Presidents (1909-1994)

Page 166 from "History of the 'United Romanian Society';
Istoria Societatii 'Unirea Romanilor'"


Note: Multiple terms not recorded.

"Desteapta-te Romane" Society

(founded July 9, 1909)

Stefan Ognian, Daniel Iacob, Ion Vulpescu, Lazar Colgea, George Botean, Iova Onciu, George Magina, Alexandru Istvan, Dumitru Popescu, George Balan, Stefan Lutai.

Desteapta-te Romane- Hora Unirii" Society

(founded July 3, 1920)

Ioan G Pertoviciu, Ioan Furceanu, Ioan Vuica, Iacob Tudor, Petre Gabrean.

"Unirea Romanilor" Society

(established October 29, 1924)

Stefan Musta, Solomon Ghilezan, Nicolae Dragos, Vasile J. Vlad, Nicolae Nicula, Charley Pop, Ilie Chitu, Ioan Indreica, Iosiv Popa, Avram Barbu, Nicolae Dragomir, Ioan Popescu, John Mercea, Michael Z. Mihaiu, Alexandru Buliga, John G. Gaspar, Nicolae Carstea, Sr., Eugen Marginean, Vasile Craina, Eugene J. Popescu.


Eugene S. Raica, 1988-present (as of 1994)
