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FEEFHS 2021 Virtual Conference Schedule by Meeting Room

Here is the link to the conference login. If you had previously registered, use on that site the Login button in the upper left corner. Afterwards choose one of the links called "Conference Schedule by ...". Choose the lecture you want to listen to. On the very left of each presentation is a room number listed. This room number is your link into the presentation.


Below is the exact schedule of the FEEFHS 2021 virtual conference. All times are Mountain Daylight Time. For detailed information on each class click on the name of the presenter. To see what classes are taught in each track, click on the track name.


Zoom Lobby Room


8:30 am          

Opening session. Speaker: Dave Obee, topic: Finding our Way in Eastern Europe


FRIDAY                    13 AUGUST

4:00 pm          

Closing Session & Door Prizes.  Keynote-Speaker: Ceil Jensen, keynote topic: Coral Beads and Poppy Seeds.



Zoom Meeting Room #1


9:45 am          

An overview of, online sources, connections and more. Beginning German Research      (Becky AdamsonGerman track)


11:00 am        

Introduction to German Phonetics as it Applies to the Spelling of Personal Names or: “How can Tiefendörfer and Diependerper be the same family?”  (Dr. Roger Minert, German track)     


1:30 pm          

Jump-Start Your German Research With Ortsfamilienbücher / Ortssippenbücher  (Gina PalmerGerman track)


2:45 pm          

Early German Immigration—Where They Came From, Where They Settled, & When They Migrated  (Suzanne M. Trotter, German track)


4:00 pm         

Has It Already Been Done? German Compiled Records   (Kory Meyerink, German track)



THURSDAY              12 AUGUST


8:30 am          

Polish Diaspora Throughout Central Europe and the U.S.     (Tadeusz Pilat, Polish track)


9:45 am          

Introduction to Latin Paleography (Dr. Fritz JuenglingGerman track


11:00 am        

Silesia or Schlesien? Which is it? It’s BOTH!   (Annette AdamsGerman track)


1:30 pm         

Meyers Gazetteer Now Online: Indexed and Fully Searchable   (Dr. Fritz JuenglingGerman track)       


2:45 pm          

Church Records on Matricula-Online and Archion  (Charlotte Noelle Champenois, German track)


4:00 pm          

The Small but Important Details for Germanic Research  (Milan PohontschGerman track)       




FRIDAY                     13 AUGUST


8:30 am          

Residential Registration in Germany  (Dr. Roger MinertGerman track)                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

9:45 am          

Sources of the Facts as Told in an Obituary  (Roland GeigerGerman track)


11:00 am        

German Language and Handwriting   (Milan PohontschGerman track)


1:30 pm          

Strategies for Avoiding Common Research Blunders  (Camille AndrusGerman track)


2:45 pm          

Facebook or FamilySearch Communities? Stumped on how social media may be a benefit to your German research?   (Annette AdamsGerman track)



Zoom Meeting Room #2



9:45 am

Austrian Family History Research  (Dr. Roger MinertAustro-Hungarian track)


11:00 am

Some Techniques for Finding the Village of Origin When All You Know is “Austria”  (Joanne M. SherAustro-Hungarian track)


1:30 pm

I Have a Place Name! Now What? Identifying Place Names in the Lands of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire  (Suzanne M. TrotterAustro-Hungarian track)   


2:45 pm          

Austro-Hungarian Empire Geography   (Dr. Fritz JuenglingAustro-Hungarian track)


4:00 pm

Census Records of the Czech Republic (Greg NelsonAustro-Hungarian track)



THURSDAY              12 AUGUST


8:30 am

You think Family Search has Everything? Think Twice. Offline Sources for Croatian Genealogy

 (Lidija SambunjakAustro-Hungarian track)


9:45 am

Online & Offline Sources for Slovenian Genealogy   (Lidija SambunjakAustro-Hungarian track)


11:00 am Website for Research in Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia & Slovakia   (Dr. Fritz JuenglingAustro-Hungarian track)


1:30 pm             

Austrian Military Research    (Milan PohontschAustro-Hungarian track)


2:45 pm          

Basics of Jewish Genealogy   (Joanne M. SherJewish track)


4:00 pm          

Researching A Shtetl   (Joanne M. SherJewish track)



FRIDAY                     13 AUGUST


8:30 am          

Challenges in Jewish Ancestral Research    (Dr. Janette SilvermanJewish track)


9:45 am          

When Gravestones Lie   (Dr. Janette SilvermanJewish track)


11:00 am        

Crossing the Ocean: Finding Your European History   (Susan WeinbergJewish track)


1:30 pm          

Immigration History: Laws, Documents and the Story Within   (Susan WeinbergJewish track)


2:45 pm         

Westward Ho! The Jewish Agricultural Colony in Sanpete County, Utah   (Jane Neff RollinsJewish track)





Zoom Meeting Room #3



9:45 am

Introduction to Russian Research    (Joe EverettRussian track)


11:00 am

Russian Birth, Marriage & Death Records   (Joe EverettRussian track)


1:30 pm

Russian Census, Revision & Conscription Lists   (Joe EverettRussian track)


2:45 pm

Russian Archives & Online Sources-Part 1   (Joe EverettRussian track)


4:00 pm

Russian Archives & Online Sources-Part 2   (Joe EverettRussian track)



THURSDAY              12 AUGUST


8:30 am          

Russian Maps & Gazetteers   (Joe EverettRussian track)


9:45 am          

Russian (Soviet) WWI & WWII Military Records   (Valentina Nagy, Russian track)


11:00 am        

Baltic States Research    (Greg NelsonRussian track)


1:30 pm         

Lithuanian Research     (Angela SinickasRussian track)


2:45 pm           

Germans from Russia: An Overview   (Ellie Vance, Germans from Russia track)


4:00 pm          

Germans from Russia: Revision Lists   (Ellie Vance, Germans from Russia track)




FRIDAY                     13 AUGUST


8:30 am   

Hiring a Professional Genealogist in Eastern Europe    (Valentina NagyResources track)


9:45 am

Working in Records Containing Mixed Languages   (Suzanne M. TrotterResources track)


11:00 am

Germans from Russia: Locating Church Records   (Ellie Vance, Germans from Russia track)


1:30 pm Coming from the East: Little Known Resources for Tracing Germans from Russia   (Edie Adam, Germans from Russia track)


2:45 pm Germans from Russia Case Study   (Dave Obee, Germans from Russia track)




Zoom Meeting Room #4



9:45 am          

Using My Heritage Search Engine for Eastern Europe Research   (Daniel HorowitzResources track)


11:00 am        

Walk the Talk: Valuable Insights from Location Resources   (Craig SiulinskiResources track)


1:30 pm          

DNA: An Introduction to Genetic Genealogy   (Beth TaylorDNA track)


2:45 pm          

DNA: I’ve Tested, Now What?    (Beth TaylorDNA track)


4:00 pm          

The Long & Winding Road . . . the History of Antoni Przytula - How DNA and Databases Deliver Success   (Ceil JensenDNA track)



THURSDAY              12 AUGUST


8:30 am          

Reuniting Holocaust Survivors     (Daniel HorowitzJewish track)


9:45 am          

Plan Your Roots Trip to Eastern Europe Efficiently    (Daniel Horowitz & Banai Lynn FeldsteinResources track)


11:00 am        

Introduction to Polish Research    (Taieno K. CookPolish track)


1:30 pm          

Polish Historical Geography      (Daniel JonesPolish track)


2:45 pm          

Finding Polish Records     (Greg NelsonPolish track)


4:00 pm          

Reading Polish Records     (Greg NelsonPolish track)



FRIDAY                     13 AUGUST


8:30 am          

Polish Family Online Research-Part 1: General Tips & Russian Partition   (Aleksandra Kacprzak, Polish track)


9:45 am          

Polish Family Online Research-Part 2: Prussian & Austro-Hungarian Partitions   (Aleksandra Kacprzak, Polish track)


11:00 am        

Genealogy Societies-A Survey of Genealogy Societies in North America & Poland   (Ceil JensenPolish track)


1:30 pm          

The Blue Army, Grey Samaritans, & White Cross: Polish-Americans in France, 1917-1920   (Joanne M. SherPolish track)


2:45 pm         

Advanced Polish Genealogy - Sto Lat: A Modern Guide to Polish Genealogy   (Ceil JensenPolish track)