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Slovenian Marriages - Forest City News, Pennsylvania

Grooms A-H

Copyright © 1996 Slovenian Genealogy Society, all rights reseved

Allen, Kenard married Jean Marie Shema, daughter of Louis Shema, 1 May 1965, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Allen, Kenneth E. married Veronica Turk, daughter of Mary Brenc Krantz Turk and the late Matthew Turk, 24 August 1957, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Amadio, Angelo married Mildred Bezek, daughter of the late Frank and Mary Petrovcic Bezek, 19 November 1949, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Amatucci, Louis married Mary Krantz, daughter of Mary Brence Krantz Turk and the late John Krantz, 8 October 1939, St. Ephrem's Church, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York.

Ambro, Alan married Marsha Gliha, daughter of Raymond and Theresa Skrajner Gliha, 18 December 1970, Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Manchester, Connecticut.

Andrilla, Bernard, son of Amelia Andrilla, married Mary Janezic, daughter of Frank and Jennie Carli Janezic, circa 13 November 1937, St. Joseph's Church, Little Falls, New York.

Anzelovar/Angelovar, James, son of Rose Sapuder Anzelovar and the late Ignatz Anzelovar, married Lavonna Jones, circa 2 May 1946. No place given.

Anzelovar, Joseph, son of Rose Sapuder Anzelovar and the late Ignatz Anzelovar, married Mary Salayda. No date and place given.

Arciesiewski, Vincent married Emma Moser, daughter of August and Mary Grazel Moser, 2 October 1948, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Arnold, Ernest married Margaret Yakely, daughter of Fanny Kastelc Yakely and the late John Yakely, 30 October 1954, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Aubel, Arthur, son of Anna Gerchman Aubel and the late Jerry Aubel, married Mary Alice Moran, 28 October ??, St. Rose's Church, Carbondale, Pennsylvania.

Aubel, David, son of Anna Gerchman Aubel and the late Jerry Aube1, married Mary Kost, daughter of John and Helen Tusar Kost, 9 June 1956, St. Agnes' Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Ayryca, Edward married Veronica Chesnick, daughter of Jacob Chesnick,. Uniondale, 5 August 1939, St. Anthony's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Baber, Anthony, son of George and the late Jennie Puntar Baber, Hudson Street, Forest City, Pennsylvania, married Phillippa Norleen Serge, 31 Sep 1938, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Carbondale, Pennsylvania.

Baber, Martin, son of George Baber and the late Jennie Puntar Baber, married Isobel M. Purdy, daughter of Mrs. J. A. Drasler, 21 February 1944, Cleveland, Ohio.

Baber, Vincent, son of George Baber and the late Jennie Puntar Baber, married Rose Mary Slick, 2 September 1950, St. Michael's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Bachman, Wendall married Ann Pazel, daughter of Frank Pazel, Vandling, Pennsylvania, 18 October 1935, Binghamton, New York. No place given.

Baileys, Robert, son of William and Pauline Rozina Baileys, Sr., married Margaret Carey, 1 July 1950, Sacred Heart Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Baileys, Thomas, son of William Baileys, Jr., married Kim Marie Chesnick, daughter of Thomas and Karen Tusar Chesnick, 26 May 1984, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Baileys William, Jr., son of William and Pauline Rozina Baileys, Sr., married Frances Lombardi.
Baldwin, Dwight married Edna Cerar, daughter of Frank and Mary Majdic Cerar, 26 May 1947. No place given.

Banko, Joseph married Veronica Verib, daughter of Anna and the late Michael Verib, 22 July 1950, Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Simpson, Pennsylvania.

Beautz, Anthony, son of Fannie and the late Ignatz Beautz, married Mary Blodnikar, daughter of Frank and Anna Kepic. Date and place unknown.

Beautz, Frank, son of Fannie and the late Ignatz Beautz, married Josephine Devney, 5 July 1930, St. Agnes' Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Beautz, Ignatz, son of Fannie and the late Ignatz Beautz, married Virginia Franceski, 9 June 1934, St. Agnes' Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania. Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Beautz, John, son of Fannie and the late Ignatz Beautz (Bevc in Slovenian), married Margaret Jones, Christ Episcopal Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania. Date unknown.

Beautz, Joseph, son of Ignatz Beautz, married Barbara Polensek, daughter of John and Ann Trelc Polensek, 5 September 1959, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Beautz, Rudolph, son of Fannie and the late Ignatz Beautz, married Julia Sisco, 23 February 1935, St. John's Greek Catholic Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Beautz, Stanley, son of Fannie and the late Ignatz Beautz, married Nancy Lahoda, 25 September 1937, St. Michael's Ukrainian Church, Simpson, Pennsylvania.

Bedene, Frank, son of Anthony and the late Mary Grill Bedene, married Angeline Blodnikar, daughter of Frank and Anna Kepic Blodnikar, 28 August 1948, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Bedene, Paul, son of Anthony and the late Mary Grill Bedene, married Lucille Harrison, 25 October 1958, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Beer, Richard married Angeline Rudolph, daughter of Frank and Antonia Klemencic Rudolph, 16 June 1934, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania

Belcher, Albert Donald married Marienne M. Kokel, daughter of Albert Kokel, 28 November 1959, Bethel Congregational Church, Welsh Hill, Pennsylvania.

Belford, Quentin married Bridget Gerchman daughter of Anna Zedar Gerchman Bresnick and the late John Gerchman, 17 August 1932, St. Mary's Church, Berwick, Pennsylvania.

Benarick, Eugene married Marion Gruden, daughter of Frank Gruden, 7 September 1961, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Benarick, Joseph married Sylvia Trelc, daughter of Frank and the late Mildred (Amelia) Pecar Trelc, 13 October 1938, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Benarick, Walter married Mary Suponcic, daughter of Michael and Gertrude Okoren Zuponcic, 2 March 1935, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Bennett, Winfield married Augusta Sredenschek, daughter of William and Mary Pischer Sredenschek, 4 November 1936, St. Agnes' Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Benusutti, Raymond married Marilyn Shema, daughter of Josephine and the late Anthony Shema, 15 February 1958, Sacred Heart Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Bezek, Dean A., son of Frank Bezek, Jr., married Mary Lou Hadley, daughter of Arthur and Mary Yaklic Hadley, 15 May 19__, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Bezek, Frank T. Jr., son of Frank and the late Mary Petrovcic Bezek married Marjorie Snedekar, 16 September 1943, Baptist Parsonage, Aldenville, Pennsylvania.

Bezek, John, son of the late Frank and Mary Petrovcic Bezek, married Ann Sopko, 13 October 1945, St. John's Greek Catholic Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Blodnikar, Albert, son of Frank and Anna Kepic Blodnikar, married Amelia Chesnick, daughter of Jacob Chesnick, 23 February 1946, Sacred Heart Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania. (Jacob Chesnick and wife were Polish, not Slovenian.) Albert divorced Amelia, remarried, name of present wife unknown. 

B1odnikar, Anthony, son of Frank and Anna Kepic Blodnikar, married Helen E. Gamble, 8 February 1947, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Blodnikar, Frank, son of Lawrence Blodnikar, married Betty Pacewicz, 14 May 1941, Church of the Holy Innocents, New York City, New York.

Blodnikar, John, son of Frank and Anna Kepic Blodnikar, married Agnes Swidersky, 14 June 1947, St. Anthony's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Bokal, Anthony J., son of Anton and Mary Urbas Bokal, married Elizabeth G. Cotter, circa 6 December 1941, St. Anselem's Church, Brooklyn, New York.

Bokal, William, son of Anton and Mary Urbas Bokal, married Christine Zelenika, daughter of Christine Parnaver Zeleznikar Poterjoy and the late Lawrence Zeleznikar, 5 October 1940, St. Joseph's Church, 
Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Bostjancic, Frank married Theresa J. Paulin, daughter of Felix and Theresa Femc Paulin, 22 July 1929, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Bozich, John married Marion Pungerchar Savage, daughter of Mary Pungerchar and the late John Pungerchar, 19 August 1961, St. Aloysius Church, Cleveland, Ohio.

Brager, Frank, son of Frank and Frances Omahen Brager, married Catherine Orehek, daughter of John and Mary Kravec Orehek, 16 April 1929, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania. Slovenian spelling Bregar.

Brancely, Frank of Forest City, Pennsylvania, married Josephine Perhne, daughter of Ursula Perhne, 16 May 1931, by a Justice of the Peace. No place given.

Brennan, J. Everette married Jean Shamro, daughter of Stephen Shamro, 29 June 1957, St. Mary's Church, Fort Mott, New Jersey.

Brownell, George married Mary A. Kovacic, daughter of Karl and Sophie Bucinell Kovacic, 25 August 1956, Sts. Simon and Jude Church, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Brunick, Niles J., of Nebraska, married Dorothy May Gerchman, daughter of Martin and Antoinette Babik Gerchman, 20 October 1934, St. Thomas Aquinas' Church, Binghamton, New York. 
Buchar/Bucar, Bernard A., son of Joseph Buchar, married Margaret Scianflone, 23 June 1973, St. Michael's Church, Simpson, Pennsylvania.

Bucinell, Felix J., Jr., son of Felix Bucinell, Sr, married Irene Mary Novak, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Nick Novak, 26 Jul 1947, St. Anthony of Padua Church, Endicott, New York.

Bukosky - see Rotkosky

Bullett, Walter married Jennie Woodsinger, daughter of Peter and the late Mary Moser Woodsinger, 17 September 1938, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Burnakis, Victor married Helen Novak, daughter of Mary Mros, 19 October 1940, St. Mary's Church, Greenwood. No additional information.

Burshnick, David, son of the late Rudolph and Frances Tagler Burshnick, married Patricia O'Neill, 6 June 1953, St. Cecelia's Church, Whites Valley, Pennsylvania.

Burshnick, Edward Jerome, son of Anton and Mary Carli Burshnick, married Colleen Mary Connally, 20 December 1963, San Antonio, Texas. No place given. Burshnick spelled Borstnik in Slovenian.

Burshnick, James, son of Rudolph and Mary Bedene Burshnick, married Lorraine White, 8 February 1950, St. Agnes' Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Burshnick, Joseph, son of Anthony and Mary Carli Burshnick, married Mary Barno, 5 October 1931, Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Simpson, Pennsylvania.

Burshnick, Rudolph, son of Rudolph and the late Frances Tagler Burshnick, married Tillie Shamro, daughter of John and Jennie Kogovsek Shamro, 2 October 1948, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Carey, Robert married Agnes Volk, daughter of Louis and Mary Pantzer Volk, 5 July 1958, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Casmer, John J. married Helen Gerchman, daughter of John Gerchman, Simpson, Pennsylvania, 5 June 1954, Holy Trinity Church, Simpson, Pennsylvania.

Cebular, Edward James, son of Ignatz and Fannie Cerar Cebular, married Gladys Mary Shamro, daughter of Antonia Rozina Shamro and the late Matthew Shamro, 6 November 1954, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Cebular, Milan, son of Joseph and Gertrude Lauriha Cebular, married Regina Tobias, 15 April 1950, Sacred Heart Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania. Regina died 23 January 1952.

Cebular, Rudolph, son of Ignatz and Fannie Cerar Cebular, Vandling, Pennsylvania, married Celia Peskura, 15 June 1946, St. John's Greek Catholic Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Cempre, Jacob married Anna Novak, daughter of Frank and Anna Kostelic Novak, on 21 May 1921, place unknown.

Cempre, John J., son of Jacob and Anna Novak Cempre, married Virginia Stratton, 23 May 1953, St. 
James' Church, Kansas City, Missouri.

Cerar, Anthony J., son of Mary Hribar Koncuit Cerar White (3 husbands) and the late Anthony Cerar, married Margaret Mason, 12 April 1942, Bolling Air Force Chape1, Washington, D.C.

Cerar, Carl J., son of Mary Hribar Koncuit Cerar White, married Mollie M. Orasin, daughter of the late Frank and Mary Tagler Orasin, 23 May 1942, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Cerar, Edward W., son of Edward and Agnes Sheroshek Cerar, married Pauline Tedesco, daughter of Rudolph Tedesco, 27 April 1974, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Cerar William, son of Frank and Mary Majdic Cerar, Vandling, Pennsylvania, married Madelyn R. Herrick, St. Peter's Church. Boston, Massachusetts. In 11 March 1954, Forest City News.

Chalowinski, Victor H. married Florence Slopnick, daughter of Joseph Slopnick, 18 June 1949, Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church, Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Chernesky, Joseph C. married Pauline J. Zigon, daughter of Mary Kokel Zigon Kotar and the late Charles Zigon, 4 August 1947, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Chervanka, Jerome married Evangeline Rudolph, daughter of Joseph and Mary Telban Rudolph, 5 June 1948, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Chervon, Joseph married Victoria Vauter, daughter of Frank and the late Kathryn Gerdine Vauter, 15 April 1944, St. Aloysius Church, Cleveland, Ohio.

Chesko, Joseph married Florence Pazel, 11 January l928, St. Agnes' Church.

Chesnick, Albert, son of John Chesnick, married Irene Mazlar, 23 September 1944, St. John's Greek Catholic Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Chesnick, Benedick, son of Jacob Chesnick, married Nancy Tornich, daughter of John and Mary Milsec Tornich, 3 May 1952, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Chesnick, Donald, son of John Chesnick, married Marie K. Marincic, daughter of Joseph and Mary Erzen Marincic, 16 August 1969, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Chesnick, Edward, son of Lawrence and Jennie Chesnick (Cestnik in Slovenian), married Julia Korosec, daughter of Frank and Louise Kusar Korosec, 30 October 1933, St. Joseph's Church.

Chesnick, Frank, son of Lawrence Chesnick, married Julia Tursic, daughter of Catherine Baber Tursic and the late Joseph Tursic, __ July 1934, St. Joseph's Church.

Chesnick, Henry, son of Lawrence Chesnick, married Martha Piorkowski, 8 October 1941, St. Michael's Church, Newark, New Jersey.

Chesnick, John, son of Lawrence Chesnick, married Rose Orasin, daughter of Mary Tagler Orasin and the late Frank Orasin, 20 November 1929, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Chesnick, John Frank, son of John Chesnick, married Margaret Rose Baber, daughter of Geo and Jennie Puntar Baber, circa 19 Sep 1957, St. Ambrose's church, Endicott, New York.

Chesnick, Joseph William, son of Joseph Chesnick, Vandling, married Anne Marie Dee, circa 3 August 1946, St. Joseph's Church, Long Island, New York.

Chesnick, Lawrence, son of Edward and Julia Korosec Chesnick, married Patricia Fives, 22 November 1975, St. Agnes' Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Chesnick, Stanley, son of Jacob Chesnick, Uniondale, married Nellie Markunas, 8 August 1933, St. Anthony's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Chesnick, Thomas, son of Edward and Julia Korosec Chesnick, married Carol Tusar, daughter of Raymond and Marcella Erzen Tusar, 30 September 1961, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Chichak, John J. married Betty Marie Peterlin, daughter of Joseph and Rose Jerin Peterlin, 24 January 1953, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Chrapowicki, Chester married Jennie Orasin, daughter of the late Frank and Mary Tagler Orasin, 19 August 1939, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Christina, John J. married Sylvia Telban, daughter of John and the late Jennie Zaller Telban, 8 July 1931. No place given.

Chuch/Cuk, Michae1, son of the late John and Ursula Turk Chuch, married Alice Bolecek, 29 July 1945, St. John's Church, Guttenberg, New Jersey.

Cimochowski, Adam married Mildred Kramer, daughter of Joseph and Mary Kotar Kramer, 14 June 1952, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Cisek, John V. married Dorothy Mihelc, daughter of Jospehine Novak Mihelc and the late Anthony Mihelc, 23 November 1940, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Cobb, James married Marie Planinsek, daughter of Frank and Anna Sodnik Planinsek, 27 0ct 1962, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Cobb, Melvin married Sylvia Femc, daughter of Victoria Sapuder Femc and the late Anthony Femc, 10 October 1955, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Cocchiaro, Frank married Marianna Poterjoy, daughter of Frank and Mary Oblock Poterjoy, 3 June 1972, St. Mary's Church, Greenwich, Connecticut.

Conner, William J. married Barbara Ann Urbas, daughter of Julia and the late John Urbas, 3 November 1973, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Constango, David married Mary Kobilsek, daughter of Peter Kobilsek, 28 June 1980, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Cost, Nicholas married Mildred Zigon, daughter of Catherine Frank Zigon and the late Frank Zigon, 26 January 1935, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Cramer, Frederick W. married Elizabeth Margaret Pazel, daughter of Frank Pazel, 14 May 1951, Sacred Heart Church, Sidney, New York.

Cruser, Robert W. married Angeline Stermole, daughter of Leopold and Mary Jevnik Stermole, 18 March 1937, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Cuk - see Chuch

Cummings, William married Mary Blatnik, daughter of Ignatz B1atnik, 16 January 1929, St. Agnes' Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Curcio, Sam married Sylvia Zgavec, daughter of Rose Stare Zgavec and the late John Zgavec, 23 October 1947, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Daugelalo, Albert married Rose Kotar, daughter of Rose Novak Kotar and the late Lawrence Kotar, Center Street, 29 May 1954, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Daugherty, David William married Gail Ann Lesjak, daughter of Rose Bucinell Lesjak and the late John Lesjak, 12 February 1982, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Daugherty, Thomas married Patricia Ann Lesjak, daughter of Joseph and Helen Bucinell Lesjak, 30 May 1981, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Davis, Robert G. married Dorothy Ostonek, daughter of Leona Ostonek and the late Joseph Ostonek, 23 Jun 1962, St. John's Greek Catholic Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Debevec, Edward J., son of Frank and Josepha Kobal Debevec, married Mary Chesnick, daughter of Jacob Chesnick, 22 August 19__, Sacred Heart Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Debevec, Joseph L., son of Frank and Josepha Kobal Debevec, married Angeline Rebernick, daughter of Joseph and Bertha Rozic Rebernick, Vandling, 23 June 1951, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Decker, Conrad married Mary Pristavec, daughter of Molek and the late Joseph Pristavec, 14 November 1942, St. Ann's Church, Newark, New Jersey.

Deet - see Derk

Deimer, John married Margaret Ursic, daughter of Frances Tomazin Ursic and the late Joseph Ursic, 1 November 1947, Long Island, New York. No place given.

Dejunas, Vincent G. married Frances J. Petrich, daughter of the late Matthew Petrich and Mrs. Apolenia Paulin, 26 November 1938, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

DeMark, Augustus married Margaret Shivitz, daughter of Mary Swegel Shivitz and the late John Shivitz, 19 June 1954, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Demchak, Joseph married Elizabeth Janezic, daughter of Mary Oven Janezic and the late Anthony Janezic, 20 August 1955, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

DePue, O. Fichter married Anne M. Gliha, daughter of Louise Brager Gliha and the late John Gliha, 7 November 1942, St. Joseph's Rectory, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Derk, John P., son of Philip and Mary Pitus Derk, married Rosemary Steponaitis, 26 June 1971, St. Basil's Russian Orthodox Church, Simpson, Pennsylvania.

Derk/Deet, Joseph, son of Frances Hribar Derk and the late Joseph Derk, married Alice Smith, 29 July 1946, St. Rose of Lima Church, Newark, New Jersey.

Derk, Philip, son of Frances Hribar Derk and the late Joseph Derk, married Mary Pitus, 21 February 1946, St. Basil's Russian Orthodox Church, Simpson, Pennsylvania.

Detoro, John married Josephine Garm/Germ, daughter of William (Vide) Garm, 29 January 1944, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Dobrautz/Dobravec, David, son of John and Angela Verkoved Dobrautz, married Ann Marie Sisko, 27 December 1958, St. Michael's Church, Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Dombroski, Walter married Helen Ostanek, daughter of Mary Zaverl Ostanek and the late Louis Ostanek, 26 April 1945, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Donofrio/Onofrio, Albert married Kathryn Pazel, daughter of Frank Pazel, 3 April 1937, Boonton, New Jersey. No place given.

Donofrio, William married Margaret Pazel, daughter of Frank Pazel, 4 July 1941, St. Agnes' Church.

Donovan, Martin J. married Agnes L. Supon, daughter of John Supon, __ February 1946. No place given.

Donovan, William married Frances Poterjoy, daughter of Frank and Mary Oblock Potenoy, 26 June 1965, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania. (Wife #2).

Drassler, Anthony Jr., son of Anton and Johanna Kerin DrassIer, married Anna Saiz, daughter of the late Mr. And Mrs. Martin Saiz, 16 May l934. No place given.

Drassler, Rudolph, son of Jennie Kerin Drassler and the late Anton Drassler, married Evelyn Stetzar, 5 September 1946, St. John's Greek Catholic Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Drob, Joseph, Jr. married Helen Ursic, daughter of Joseph and Celia Bervar Ursic, Waymart, Pennsylvania, 30 August 1947, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Drum, Robert married Veronica Bucinell, daughter of Felix Bucinell, Sr., 19 January 1946, St. Ambrose Church, Endicott, New York.

Dudash, Joseph, son of Paul Dudash, married Jennie Rupnik, daughter of Antonia Petrovcic Rupnik and the late Frank Rupnik, 30 July 1949, St. Mary's Church, Cleveland, Ohio.

Duffy, John, Jr. married Mary Novak, daughter of Martin Novak, 6 April 1932, St. Mary Magdelene's Church, Honesdale, Pennsylvania.

Durko, David P., son of Paul and Agnes Zedar Durko, married Mary Ann Kollar, daughter of Mary Zaverl Kollar and the late Ignatz Kollar, 20 August 1960, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Durko, Paul married Agnes Zedar, daughter of Agnes Praznik Zedar and the late Frank Zedar, 25 April 1931, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Durner, Robert married Rose Marie Pristavec, daughter of William and Mary Jean Lousch Pristavec, 28 August 1965, St. Elizabeth's Church, Linden, New Jersey.

Dushak, Darko, son of Josephine and the late Joseph Dushak, married Margaret Ann Kerzic, daughter of Frances and the late Frank Kerzic, 27 January 1940, St. Mary's Church, Collinwood, Ohio.

Dutchman, Frank, son of Mary Dutchman Cherney and the late John Dutchman, married Frances Kathryn Pantzer, daughter of Ignatz and Lucia Gerdine Pantzer, 11 August 1930, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Dutchman, George, son of John Dutchman and the late Sophia Tusar Dutchman, married Charlotte Warner, 29 February 19__, St. Martin of Tours Rectory, Jackson, Pennsylvania.

Dutchman, William, Jr., son of William and Mildred Cijar Dutchman, married Patricia Nesbit, 15 May 1948, Assumption Cathedral's Rectory, Boonville, 

Dyno, Michael married Lynn Marie Pantzer, daughter of Edward and Gladys Ravnikar Pantzer, 18 June 1983, St. John's Greek Catholic Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Effinger, Walker Kyle married Mary Louise Franceski, daughter of Edward and Mary Planinsek Franceski, 12 April 1958, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Elovar, Anthony, son of Mary Elovar Cebular Merlock and the late Frank Elovar, married Edna Marie Cebular, daughter of Ignatz and Fannie Cerar Cebular, 6 December 1958, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Ericson, Roger J. married Shirley Marie Cerar, daughter of Edward and Agnes Sheroshek Cerar, 22 August 1970, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Honesdale, Pennsylvania.

Erjavec, Francis, son of Frank and Josephine Marincic Erjavec, married Jean Bonavitch, 26 April 1954, Sacred Heart Church, Peckville, Pennsylvania.

Erzen, James, son of Anton and Agnes Gantar Erzen, married Frances Fryer, 10 May 1952, St. Rose's Church, Carbondale, Pennsylvania.

Falbo, Joseph, married Marion Marnick, daughter of Rachel Petrich Grablutz Marnick and the late John Marnick, 26 May 1951, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Carbondale, Pennsylvania.

Fellis, Frank married Mary Planinsek, daughter of Jennie and the late Joseph Planinsek, 14 June 1938, St. Michael's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Femc, Raymond, son of the late Anthony and Victoria Sapuder Femc, married Emma Marnick , daughter of Emma and the late Joseph Marnick, 4 August 1951, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Femc, Thomas, son of the late Anthony and Victoria Sapuder Femc, married Irene Paradis, 3 July 1943, St. Peter's Church, New Britain, Connecticut.

Ferraro, Joseph married Marion Harvatine, daughter of Joseph and Frances Orehek Harvatine, 27 October 1962, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Fields, Kenneth married Irene Cempre, daughter of Jacob and Anna Novak Cempre, 16 June 1945, Post Chapel, Laredo, Texas.

Fink/Link, Martin, son of Matthias Fink of Brooklyn, New York, married Mary Rupnik , daughter of 
Frank Rupnik, Forest City, 3 August 1940, St. Matthias' Church, Ridgewood, New Jersey.

Fisher, James married Joan Beautz, daughter of Frank Beautz and the late Mrs. Beautz, 11 April 1959, St. Agnes' Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Fisher, Thomas married Phyllis Sodnik, daughter of William Sodnik, 20 July 1974, Blessed Sacrament Church, Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania.

Fitzsimmons, James married Janet Beautz, daughter of Ignatz Beautz, 9 July 1955, St. Agnes' Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Fitzsimmons, Robert married Ruth Ann Zedar, daughter of Louis Zedar, Sacred Heart Church, in 22 June 1951 Forest City News.

Fives, William married Rose Korosec, daughter of Frank and Louise Kusar Korosec, 19 January 1946, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Flynn, Francis J. married Veronica Kozlevcar, daughter of John and Ann Paulin Kozlevcar, Uniondale, 28 December 1963, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Flynn, Richard V. married Catherine Gerchman, daughter of Martin and Antoinette Babik Gerchman, 23 June 1934, St. Thomas Aquinas' Church, Binghamton, New York.

Flynn, William married Jeanne Swetter, daughter of Arnold Swetter, 17 May 1963, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Foster, David married Frances Swegel, daughter of Valentine and Frances Tedesco Swegel, 18 October 1958, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Fox, Michael A. married Jane Marie Gerchman, daughter of Philip and Martha Nograsek Gerchman, 6 July 1974, Blessed Sacrament Church, Johnson City, New York.

Franceski, Albert, son of Frank and Kathryn Bucinell Franceski, married Ann Swedersky, 13 April 1942, St. Anthony's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Franceski, Arthur, son of Rosario and Pauline Maurich Franceski, married Dorothy Benarick, 25 September 1948. Sacred Heart Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Franceski, Benjamin, son of Dominick Franceski, married Pauline Prince, daughter of Paul Prince, 21 October 1939, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Franceski, Carl married Matilda Rudolph, daughter of Frank and Antonia Klemencic Rudolph, 24 July 1933, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Franceski, Cyril, son of Frank and Kathryn Bucinell Franceski, married Mabel Conner, 7 January 1935, St. Francis' Church, Cleveland, Ohio.

Franceski, David, son of John and the late Mary Rozina Franceski, married He1en Ligus, 24 January 1942, St. John's Greek Catholic Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Franceski, Donald J., son of Rosano and Pauline Maurich Franceski, married Kathryn M. Kazmer, 12 June 1947, Sacred Heart Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Franceski, Edward, son of Frank and Kathryn Bucinell Franceski, married Mary Planinsek, daughter of Gregory and Frances Grablovec Planinsek, 29 June 1929, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Franceski, Joseph, son of Catherine Bucinell Franceski and the late Frank Franceski, married Florence Slick, 29 October 1949, St. Michael's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Franceski, Raymond, son of Fannie Lebar Franceski and the late Daniel Franceski, married Molly Gombita, 23 June 1951, St. Patrick's Church, Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

Franceski, Robert, son of Rosario and Pauline Maurich Franceski, married Mary Zwicharowski, 16 August 1941, Church of the Sacred Heart, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Gallina, Gino married Emelda Junz, daughter of Jennie and the late Anton Junz, 17 December 1955, St. John's Church, Straws, Texas.

Galusha, Woodrow W. married Angie Pantzer, daughter of Frank and Margaret Puntar Pantzer, 28 September 1946, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Gantor, Paul, son of Anton and Mary Beautz/Bevc Gantor, married Dorothy Selinsky, daughter of Stephen and Mary Tursic Selinsky, 29 April l956, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Garm, Philip, son of Josephine Kovacic Ovnick Garm and the 1ate William (Vide) Garm, married Mary M. Curran, St. Paul's Church, Portsmouth, Virginia. In 8 February Forest City News issue.

Genovese, Neil J. married Evelyn Konchar, daughter of Anthony and Louise Krause/ Korosec, 13 June 1953, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Gerchak, John married Marion Novak, daughter of Mrs. Ludwig Novak Korce, 8 June 1940, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Gerchman, Charles, son of Martin and Antoinette Babeck/Babik Gerchman, married Lois J. Armbrust, 10 August 1946, St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Binghamton, New York.

Gerchman, James M., son of John G. and Mary Banko Gerchman, married. Jean Marie Okoren, daughter of Joseph Okoren, 3 October 1964, Holy Trinity Church, Simpson, Pennsylvania.

Gerchman, Philip, Jr., son of Philip and Margaret Nograsek Gerchman, married Gail J. Palmeter, circa 2 June 1958, Blessed Sacrament Church, Binghamton, New York.

Gerchman, Philip, son of Mary and the late Joseph Gerchman, married Martha Nograsek, daughter of Mary Nograsek, Browndale, 11 September l937, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Gerchman, Stephen J., son of Anna Zedar Gerchman Bresnick and the late John Gerchman, married Isabel Cecelia Millroy, 4 July 1929, St. Mary's Church, Berwick, Pennsylvania.

Gerchman, Thomas, son of Mary and the late Joseph Gerchman, married Frances Gerstel, daughter of Frances Strajnar Gerstel and the late Frank Gerstel, 24 October 1942, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Germ, Valentine R., son of Valentine Germ, Vandling, married Ann Lorraine Fallon, 18 June 1960, Sacred Heart Church, Dover, New Jersey.

Gerstal, Frank married Frances Strajnar, 16 August 1920, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Gerstel, Giu, son of the late Frank and Frances Strajnar Gerstel, married Frances Kamin, daughter of the late Rudolph and Mary Zedar Kamin, 1 December 1951, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Ghezzi, David married Joan Bedene, daughter of Frank and Angeline Blodnikar Bedene, 23 July 1983, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Giles, Dean F. married Marilyn A. Zedar, daughter of Albert and Jean Gerdine Zedar, 14 October 1972, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Gilroy, James married Josephine Prince, daughter of Paul Prince, circa 31 January 1942, Binghamton, New York.

Glavich, Albert, son of Christina Christoph Glavich and the 1ate Joseph Glavich, married Stella Goskowski, 25 May 1946, Sacred Heart Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Glavich, John, son of Christina Christoph Glavich and the late Joseph Glavich, married Olga Kloptosky, 16 February 1946, Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, Simpson, Pennsylvania.

Glavich, William son of William Glavich, married Laura Riebesell, 20 May 1978, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Succasuman, New Jersey.

Gliha, Frank, son of Joseph and the late Fannie Matos Gliha, married Angeline Swegel, daughter of Mary Intihar Swegel and the late Frank Swegel, 29 August 1934, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania. Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Gliha, Frank D., son of Louise Brager Gliha and the late John Gliha, married Irene A. Dupius/Rupius, 23 November 1940, St. Ann's Church, Hartford, Connecticut.

Gliha, Raymond, son of the late John G. and Louise Brager Gliha, married Theresa Skrajner, daughter of Mary Svetlin Skrajner and the late Felix Skrajner, Our Lady of the Sacred Tears Chapel, Bremerton, Washington, 10 March 1949, Forest City News issue.

Gliha, Robert W., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gliha, married Barbara J. Nelson, 6 August 1955, St. Michael's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Gliha, William, son of Louise Brager Gliha and the late John Gliha, married Dorothy Gerdusky, 10 October 1942, St. Michael's Church, Newark, New Jersey.

Glohokar, John married Frances Gerchman, daughter of Anthony Gerchman, Hudson Street, 14 May 1928, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Gniazdowski, Chester married Mary Korosec, daughter of Frank and Louise Kusar Korosec, 17 July 1943, The Chapel at Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania.

Golinski, Edmond married Mitzi Degnan, daughter of the late William and Mary Sredenschek Degnan, 12 July 1952, St. Agnes' Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Gooch, Macon E. married Mary Terchek, daughter of Johanna Korosec Terchek and the late Jacob Terchek, 3 March 1943, St. Matthew's Cathedral, Washington, D.C.

Grablutz, Anthony married Fannie Blatnik, 27 September 1933, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Grosel, Martin, son of Mary Prasnikar Grosel and the late Martin Grosel married Sophie Kramer, daughter of Joseph and Mary Kotar Kramer, 28 June 1947, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Gruden, Frank Jr., son of Frank Gruden, married Catherine Valezave, 27 May 1963, St. Anthony's Church, Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Gruden, Paul, son of Frank and the late Mrs. Frank Gruden, married Mary Sterchak, 27 July 1940, St. John's Greek Catholic Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania. N.B. Paul and Mary had the same father but different mothers. Paul's mother died in 1918 and father married Helen Gliha Omahen.

Grum, Anthony, son of John and Mary Marincic Grum, married Jeanette Doris, 12 July 1947, St. Anthony's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Grum, John G., son of Matthew Grum, married Mildred Dorothy Klemensic, daughter of Frank Klemensic, 12 July 1959, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Grum, Leo A. married Mildred Pantzer, daughter of Ignatz and Lucia Pantzer, 19 June 1943, Sacred Heart Church, Barberton, Ohio.

Grum, Louis, son of John and Mary Marincic Grum, married Emily Bokal, daughter of Anton and Mary Urbas Bokal, 20 November 1954, St. Mary's Church, Waymart, Pennsylvania.

Grum, Stanley, son of the late Frank and Mary Cerk Grum, married Stephanie Markel, daughter of Mary Ravnikar Markel and the late Anthony Markel, 26 November 1955, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Guardia, Cyril, Richmond Hill, New York, married Sophie Dushak, daughter of Josephine and the late Joseph Dushak, 10 June 1934, St. Cyril's Slovenian Church, New York City, New York.

Gulbin, Robert married Margaret L. McGrath, daughter of Donald and Margaret Prudish McGrath, 9 June 1956, St. Agnes' Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Gursky, Adam married Bridget Krantz, daughter of Mary Brence Krantz Turk and the late John Krantz, 20 September 1944, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Gursky, Michael married Gladys Zefran, daughter of Mary Skubic Zefran and the late Louis Zefran, 26 December 1942, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Gursky, Walter married Pearl Cebular, daughter of Ignatz and Fannie Cerar Cebular, 16 November 1944, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Gutosky, Frank married Margaret Novak, daughter of the late Frank and Anna Castelic Novak, 2 November 1946, St. Cyril and Methodius Church, Endicott, New York.

Handy, Richard T. married Joan Terchek, daughter of Frank and Josephine Oven Terchek, 28 April 1962, Our Lady of Peace Chapel, North Arlington, New Jersey.

Hanley, Patrick married Theresa Orasin, daughter of Andrew and Angela Selan Orasin, 28 July 1945, St. Michael's Church, Newark, New Jersey.

Hatcher, Donald Gary married Mary Theresa Swegel, daughter of Frank and Angeline Janezic Swegel, 31 May 19__ , Holy Infant's Church, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Harris, William, Washington, D.C., married Olga Kotar, daughter of Frank and Mary Strajnor Kotar, 15 April 1950, St. Paul's Church, Washington, D.C.

Harvatine, Carl, son of Mary Mitterer Harvatine and the late Frank Harvatine, married Nancy Foster, 29 November 1969, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Harvatine, David, son of Joseph and Frances Orehek Harvatine, married Margaret A. Opeka, daughter of Anthony and Anna Shaggy Opeka, 13 September 1952, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Harvatine, Frank married Mary Mitterer, 3 September 1938, St. James' Church, Pleasant Mount, Pennsylvania.

Harvatine, Frank Jr. , son of Frank Harvatine, Herrick Center, married Beverly Ann Paluck, 26 November 1960, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Harvatine, Ludwig R., son of the late Joseph and Anna Demoizes Harvatine, married Kathryn Metzgar, 25 July 1954, St. John's Lutheran Church, Bartonsville, ___.

Harvatine, Paul D., son of Mary Mitterer Harvatine and the late Frank Harvatine, married Susan K. Foster, 7 February 1974, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Hemmler, George married Julia Shamro, daughter of Antoinette Rozina Shamro and the late Matthew Shamro, 5 February 1955, St. Peter's Chapel, Newark, New Jersey.

Henchek, Joseph A. married Mary G. Zigon, daughter of Anthony and Mary Pirnot Zigon, 14 February l942, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Hendrickson, Barry married Patricia Bedene, daughter of Paul Bedene, Bay City, Georgia, 8 June 1985, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Henshaw, Joseph married Margaret Ann Pristavec, daughter of Frank Pristavec, 12 June 1965, St. Mary's Church, Waymart, Pennsylvania.

Herlist, Frank married Stella Cerar, 6 May 1935, Albany, New York. No additional information.
Heron, Thomas, Troop, Pennsylvania, married Kathryn Kollar, daughter of Frank Kollar, 25 April 1932, St. Peter's Cathedral, Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Himka, David J. married JoAnn Justine Ostanek, daughter of Joseph Ostanek, 28 October 1978, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Hochever, Joseph Jr., son of Joseph Hochever, Sr., West Virginia, married Anna Julia Cerar, daughter of Jernj Cerar, 3 June 1933, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Hoholick, Samuel J. married Theresa Verboys daughter of Frank and Anna Novak Verboys, 18 October 1958, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Homa, Charles married Rose Marie Ostanek, daughter of Matilda Kamin Ostanek Rojnik and the late Joseph Ostanek, 11 July 1946, St. Michael's Church, Brooklyn, New York.

Hook, Joseph married Margaret Poloncic, daughter of Anthony and Anna Skubic Poloncic, 3 July 1948, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Hopley, Lamont J. married Delores Tomazic, daughter of Frank and Frances Puntar Tomazic, 27 September l96_, Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Simpson, Pennsylvania.

Horrigan, William J. married Marion Angela Zaller, daughter of John and Margaret Malovosic Zaller, 12 October 1940, St. Joseph's Church, Forest City, Pennsylvania.

Howard, Lawrence, Chicago, Illinois, married Rose Perhne, daughter of Ursula Perhne, 16 May 1931, by Justice of the Peace. No place given.

