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Reverend J.M. Trunk - Pennsylvania 1912

Copyright © 1996, 1997, Slovenian Genealogy Society International, all rights reseved

These Rev. J. M. Trunk texts were published originally in 1912. Part 8, History of Slovene Communities, contains significant genealogical information about Slovenian immigrants, the places they lived, the organizations they formed, and the churches they attended.

Translators for the Slovenian Genealogy Society have been working to translate many texts published early in the 1900s that contain significant genealogical information. Our translators are not professional linguists, and they do not complete a translation with rigorous academic oversight. The goal of our translation projects is to make information available to the American descendants of Slovenian immigrants.

If you believe we have made serious errors in translation, please contact us and volunteer your time to us in order to make the corrections. We strive to do good work; we are always willing to correct errors to the extent we can; and we ask others to join us in this worthwhile endeavor.

The Slovenian Genealogy Society collects church histories. Readers with information on Slovenes in the communities listed, the churches mentioned, or other information on Slovenes, can contact:

Slovenian Genealogy Society
52 Old Farm Road
Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011-2604

The society accepts donations of Slovene books, texts, and publications for its genealogy library.


Adamsburg. Slovenes came to live here in 1901. In 1903, there were already over 400 of them, including 15 married persons. They are employed in the mines. There is no church here. The English and German churches are an hour away from here. A priest from Pittsburgh comes here to hear confessions. From a social standpoint they belong with Pittsburgh.

Allegheny. This city is joined to Pittsburgh, but its has its own administration. In 1903, there were already over 600 Slovenes here. Currently, there are over 1,000 of them employed in the various factories. They belong to the Slovenian Church in Pittsburgh. The KSKJ has the Societies of Sv. Roka (Holy Year) #15 and the Seven Sorrows of Mary #50 here. Besides these, there are also many other societies of the various Association.

Aliquipapa. The KSKJ has the Society of the Holy Family #109 here.

Ambridge. Slovenes came to this settlement in 1892. Among the first were M. Skof, F. Schneckenberger, the Rozenberger brothers, F. Tomazic, P. Swegelj, and A. Frencak. The majority are from Dolenjska and are employed in a bridge factory (bridgeworks). The families have their own homes. F. Flajnik also has a store. According to Mr. M. Spec's report, there are 21 families and 40 single persons, a total of 123, "not counting those coming from Bela Krajina."

The religious conditions are "better than average", and church life is "not so good, but not so had either". They have a church together with the other nationalities, and it is heavily indebted. The majority of the priests in the parish were Croatian: Rev. Urban, ? Lavs, Polifka, Guzic, Behavac and now Rev. Rancinger. Children go to public school. The societies belong to the SNPJ and the SSPZ.

Avella. Mr. J. Kanzius reports that there are seven families and 11 single men here. They came here in 1905. They come from Kranjska and Stajerska. Among the first were J. Kumer, T. Jladnik, J. Valinar and J. Kanzius. Except for J. Volinar, who is a butcher, all of them are coal miners. They go to church in Bridgeville and the children go to public school. The only society is #4 of the SDPZ.

Bagaley. The KSKJ has the Society of St. Alloysius #13 here.

Belle Vernon. Mr. J. Vojska reports that there are seven families and about 20 Slovenes here. They can ten years ago from Dolenjska. All are coal miners and they go to church in English in Monessen. There are no societies here.

Braddock. The area is close to Pittsburgh. The Slovenes are employed in steel mills. There were about 200 of them in 1903. Supposedly they are going to church in Pittsburgh. The JSKJ has the Society of St. Alloysius #32 here, which numbers 150 male members and 95 female members. It also has the Society of St. Barbara #32.

Bridgeville. The townships of Boswell, Broughton, Burdine, Canonburg, Sygan and Venetia are included here. The Slovenes who began to settle here about 1885 are mainly coal miners. The church was dedicated in 1895. The Rev. J. Zalokar was the pastor here until his death (1912). Currently the Rev. M. Tusek is employed here.

Boswell: J. Jeras reports to me that there are four Slovene families and 12 single men here who are all coal miners. They probably belong to the church and societies in Bridgeville.

Broughton. This settlement is ten miles from Pittsburgh. In 1898, the first families, Kirk and Bregar, came here from Celje. G. M. Kirk opened a store in 1904, which is now one of the largest. As Mr. Anton Demsar tell me, currently there are 370 Slovenes in the settlement, with 64 families, 29 of whom have their own homes. Except for the two merchants, the rest are involved in mining coal.

The Slovenes have a church together with other nationalities and go to Bridgeville for Confessions. There are four societies. The largest society is that of St. Barbara #17 with 340 members and its own hall. It has a net worth of $5,000. The Society of St. Alloysius #95 of the KSKJ has 98 members. "Zvezda" (Star) #52 of the SNPJ has 56 members and #55 of the SSPZ has 48 members.

Burdine. The Slovenes who settled in this township came in 1887 from Trbovlje, Predoslja and Domzale. Among the first were M. Rajner, T. Lenk and P. Serak. All are coal miners except I. Dolenc who has a store. Mr. F. Ferlan reports that there are 52 families and 100 individuals here. Forty-three of these have their own homes. They go to church in Bridgeville. Church life is "exemplary" as the children are taught their Catechism by a pastor in Bridgeville. They also have their own school, but there are still too few young people.

This is the headquarters of the first Slovene Society in Pennsylvania, the Society of St. Joseph #21 of the KSKJ. It was founded on 2 February 1892 by F. Frelan, L. Tratnik and others. Currently, it has 250 members. Besides this society, there are also the Society #4 of the KSKJ and St. Barbara Society #50. The "Reading and Educational Society" deals with education. This settlement has its own "Slovene Home", which supposedly cost $8,000.

Canonsburg. There are about 50 Slovenes here with 11 families. G. J. Krin reports that they came here 16 years ago. They are working the coal mines and factories and some have stores. The following have gained greater prominence: J. Podboj, T. Bevc, J. Zigon, J. Pelhan, B. Godec, A. Florijancic, F. Potocar, and others. Religious life is good. They go to the church of Rev. Zalokar in Bridgeville. The Society of St. John #75 of the JSKJ has 42 members. "Jutranja zarja" (Dawn) has 30 members and "Postojnska jama" (Post-Ojna Cavern) has 40 members.

Carbondale. There are some six families near here. Among them is Josip Debevec of Rakek, a wealthy jeweler. All have properties. Two Slovenes work in a brewery. They go to church in Forest City.

Claridge. There were 400 Slovenes here already in 1903. Among them are 200 families. They work in the coal mines. The Claridge Company offered Rev. J. Kranjc accommodations and money for a Slovene church, but up to now construction has not yet started. The JSKJ has its Society of St. Michael #40 and St. Barbara #20 here.

Clarksville. Universal. Mr. J. Previc reports that the Slovenes, M. Kumer, J. Vicic and J. Jereb came here from Oselica and Hotavelje 13 years ago. They work in the coal mines. Both Previc and Hadnar have stores. There are 10 families and six single men here. Seven of the have their own properties. They go to a Slovene church in Pittsburgh and the children go to an English Catholic school. The Society of St. Barbara #39 has 75 members and was founded on 28 February 1907.

Colinburg. I received an interesting report from this region, unfortunately, without a signature. The reporter states that there are 56 families and 24 men here. The firs to settle were: F. Lavric, A. Resnik and V. Kajtner. They came in 1881 from Stajerska to Pittsburgh and to Collinsburg in 1882. Except for one who has a store, all are coal miners.

"Franc Slander, who was a sixth-class scholar in the Old Country, worked in this settlement for some time as a coal miner. When he learned English, he went to some office. Finally he began to print the newspaper "Delavski Prijateli" (Workers' Friends) in Pittsburgh. The competition from other Slovene newspapers and the unfavorable financial conditions destroyed him and drive him to suicide."

About 22 families have their own homes with gardens. Church conditions are "poor". The closet church is a German one in West Newton. To the question "How is church life?", the reporter responded: "The first settlers and those who followed helped in the construction of a church in 1888, with their hands and with substantial contributions. Now hardly anyone comes to the Services, nor do they fulfill their religious obligations. The settlers assert that the church money was lost, because the Church Council failed in its safekeeping, and that the German pastors behaved extremely disdainful toward all the parishioners, as a consequence of which the Slovenes left the church."

The two benefit societies are "Independent Slovene Choral Society", which was founded in 1902 by M. Jamnik. It has 65 members. J. Jovan founded the "Slovenska zastava" (Slovene Banner) in 1907. It now numbers 97 members and is affiliated with the SNPJ #64; "Orel" (Eagle) Brance #40 of the SNPZ was established in 1910 by A. Jakos and J. Zorkov and has 25 members. The "Socialisticni club" (The Socialist Club) was established by B. Vrtacnik and has 17 members. In 1902, the independent support society "Savica" was founded and incorporated in 1910. It has 70 members. In 1910, a Slovene wind-instrument band was also founded. The report finally added: "The report is unfavorable, but true to the final T."

Continental-New Comer. Mr. J. Blazinec reports that there are five families and four individuals here. The first to come here were L. Becan and F. Kostelec. All are coal miners and do not have houses. They go to church in Uniontown, but do not have Slovene religious services. The "Sveti Rok" Society #55 of the JSKJ was established in 1905 by J. Krusnar, M. Kordic and A. Levak.

Connemaugh. There is a quite a large colony here from which, unfortunately, I was unable to obtain any information. Connemaugh is the headquarters of the SDPZ which was founded in 1908. The JSKJ has its Society of St. Alloysius #36, with 83 male and 31 female members and the Society of St. Barbara #55. In 1911, the "Bled" Choral Society was established.

Cornwall. There are iron ore mines in this township in which up to 200 Slovenes were employed in 1903.

Crab Tree. The JSKJ has the Society of the Scare True Body (Presveto Resnjega Telesa) and the SDPZ has Society #58.

Cudy. The Society of St. Barbara #48 is here.

Duryea. Some Slovenes, who have their Society of St. Barbara #11, work in the coal mines.

Elizabeth. There are six Slovene families and a like number of single persons here.

Etna. The KSKJ has its Society of St. George #64 here, and the Society of Sts. Peter and Paul #89.

Export. The JSKJ has its Society of St. Alloysius #57.

Falls Creek. D. Pirc, A. Knavs, F. Oven and Al. Slak were the first to come to this settlement 16 years ago. The majority of them are from the area of Ljubljana and from Dolenjska. Currently, there are seven families and 18 individuals, not counting women and children. All work in a tannery. G. F. Pirc has a large piece of property in the vicinity. They go to an Irish church, and the children go to public school and have religious instructions, but otherwise, as Mr. A. Slak writes, the Slovenes have been "abandoned, only recently a Slovene priest visited us -- Father Venc. Solar, OSB, for the purpose of hearing confessions; it is very sad." One society belongs to the JSKJ and one to the HZ.

Forest City. The Slovene colony in this city has developed very well. Among the first settlers were F. SKubic, F. Pucnik. M. Kofol, Z. Zaverl, M. Muhic and others. At first they came from Dolenjska and Notranjsko, later also, from Stajerska and the Primorje. They have been coming from 1886 until today.

Currently, there are about 200 families and over 1,100 persons. At first they worked in the coal mines. Now Muhic, Sredensek and Zaverl are hotel owners and Gercman is a merchant. Zalar is the chief secretary of the KSKJ, etc. Over 100 families have their own homes. The Slovenes knew how to acquire influence in public and with the city administration, such as our fellow countrymen do not have anywhere else.

Martin Muhic is vice president of the National Bank of Forest City and has the authority to endorse the money that this bank issues. He has done that several times, so that money is being circulated around the United States ($10 and $20 bills) that carry the signature of the Slovene Muhic. Why, this is the only case in the world where a Slovene would be a signatory on public money! A large number of shares of this bank are in Slovene hands, so they call it "our bank". Mr. Muhic and Mr. Martin Gercman are on the Board of Directors. Muhic was also a local councilman twice and city treasurer for one year. Currently, the Slovene Viljem Sredensek is on the city council as chairman and is also chief of the local brass band. Frank Koncar is also on the city council.

Up until 1904, the Slovenes were going to the Irish church. At first the Rev. F. Susteric visited the Slovenes. Later, for about ten years, the Rev. J. Zalokar came around Easter to hear confessions. In 1904, they built their own church of St. Joseph under the leadership of the Rev. J. Tomsic, at a cost of $12,000 not counting equipment and land. The children go to public school and have catechism lessons in the church. The current pastor, Rev. J. Tomsic, the spiritual leader of the KSKJ, has been administering to the Slovenes in Forest City since 1904.

Forest City is the headquarters of the benefit society of St. Barbara, which now has about 70 subordinate societies. Other societies include the Society of St. Joseph #12 and the Assumption of the Virgin Mary #77 of the KSKJ and the independent society of St. Lawrence. A singing society names "Little Nightingale" was founded. It also furnishes singing for the church.

Golf. The KSKJ Lodge #71, St. Anthony's is active here.

Grays Kabdubg. The Society #64 of St. Barbara has a seat here.

Greensburg. St. Barbara's Society Lodge #54 has a branch office. here.

Haser. The first Slovene settlers came here around the year 1897 from the valley of Poljana (Polljanska dolina) and the Lower Carniola (Dolenjsko). In 1903 there were 28 families here and 19 of them already owned land. There were also 120 single settlers. All work in the coal mines. They attend church services in Irwin which is about two hours away. The Rev. J. Zalokar heard confessions. There is a KSKJ Lodge #58 of St. Joseph here.

Herminie. Mr. J. Coz reported that about 30 families live in this neighborhood. Besides the families there are around 180 single settlers. F. Soklic, J. Krecek and M. Kosir have been living here for about 30 years. The rest of the immigrants came about 5 years ago. The first settlers, such as Sornig, Mole Gradisek, Coz, Kolar, Bedek, Kapla, Arnold, Drab and Cirar, have their own homes, but religious conditions are rather bad.

On Sundays many worship in the Irish church of Our Lady in Madison. Once a year Rev. J. Mertelj comes from Pittsburgh to hear confessions. In the village there are the following lodges: SNPJ Lodge #87 which was founded in 1906 with 14 members; St. Barbara's Lodge, founded in 1908 with 16 members, and SSPZ Lodge founded in 1911 with 17 members. The immigrants came mostly from the Upper Carniola (Gorenjska) or Notranjska and have found work in the coal mines.

Homer City. There is the St. Barbara Lodge #57 here.

Hooversville. In the coal mines there are about 20 Slovenes working.

Imperial. The JSKJ has two lodges here: St. Joseph's Lodge #29 and St. Barbara's Lodge #22.

Irwin. There is a KSKJ Lodge of St. Barbara #68 here.

James City. Frank Debevec submitted the report in which he mentioned that there are 47 Slovenes here including five families. The first immigrants came here in 1906 when the new glass factory opened. Among the first to settle here were A. Krajec, F. Misic, J. and Iv. Skerlj and J. Debevec. All of them work in the factory. Religious conditions are not favorable as there is no Slovene priest here. Some Slovenes attend services in the English church in Kane. There are no fraternal organizations here.

Johnstown. The Slovene immigrant F. Bahenja reported that the first immigrants came here about 60 years ago. Most of them came from Bela Krajina. From 1892 on they came from the region of Notranjska, mostly from Rakek and Cerknica. There are about 1,500 immigrants of Slovene descent here. Among them there are about 100 families who are proud owners of their homes. Most of them work in the coal mines. Some of them have found jobs in the factories and some have opened stores.

The reporter stressed that the immigrants are very proud to be Slovenes. They are mostly Socialists and do not attend religious services, although some of them worship occasionally in a Croatian church. The children do not attend Slovene classes. The Socialist spirit prevails. Years ago, Rev. J. Zalokar (deceased) would hear confessions.

On 6 May 1912, the Slovenes purchased five acres of land for $3,000 with the intention to establish a cemetery and a park. There are 15 different organizations. The largest one is the KSKJ Lodge of Sts. Cyril and Methodius which was founded in 1900 by F. Gahenja, J. Pegel, F. Slabe, M. Pecjak, A. and J. Jenc, G. Hrescak, M. Strukelh, J. Cerjak and J. Omerzo. It has about 100 members. Besides the above-mentioned lodge, there are the Lodges of St. Alloysius and St. Barbara. The Lodges have their own halls.

Kaylor. There is the St. Barbara Lodge #96 affiliated with the KSKJ.

Loydell. 7 October 1911 was the grand opening of the Slovene Home which was built at the price of $1,000. The JSKJ Lodge of Sts. Peter and Paul #32 is here.

Luzerne. Mr. A. Osolnik reported that there are 22 families (18 of whom have their own homes) and 17 single men here. They came in 1886 from Kamnik, Litija and Stajerska, as well as Koroska. Among the first Slovene immigrants was J. Grilc, who is the proud owner of a tavern. The Slovenes work in the coal mines and attend a German church and the children attend a German school. In 1904, J. Grilc, F. Smik, J. Ahac and F. Zavozel founded the Lodge #4 of St. Barbara, which has 32 members.

Meadow Lands. A very shameful report was submitted, and the Slovenes would be angry and annoyed if I published it.

Middletown. The village is about 30 miles away from Harrisburg. In 1903 about 100 Slovenes were working in the furniture factory.

Monessen. There is a JSKJ Lodge #68 here.

Moon Run. The first Slovene immigrants came here in 1893, among them were Fr. Jeram, J. Zagode and Fr. Macek. Now there are about 400 Slovenes here, among them about 70 families. V. Gaspari, Fr. and M. Macek, J. Zagode, J. Arhar and some others have farms. Mr. Macek reported that the religious conditions are not favorable for the Slovenes.

Some of them attend Mass in the Polish church of the Holy Trinity, but the priest neglects the Slovenes. The children attend the public school, and there are no Slovene classes. Most of the Slovenes work in the coal mines, and some of them work as blacksmiths or carpenters. In 1901, the KSKJ Lodge of St. Barbara #107 was founded. It has 215 members. The JSKJ Lodge of St. Francis #99 has 45 members, and the SSSPZ Lodge was 35 members.

Negley. In 1903 there were already about 300 Slovenes here who came from Stara in Nova Selica, from the valley of Polljana, and from the Carst region. I think they belong to Bridgeville.

Olyphant. There are 4 Slovene families here. They work in thee coal mines.

Penna Station. There is the Lodge of St. Barbara #46 here.

Pittsburgh. This is the largest industrial city in the world. It has been nicknamed the "Blacksmith's Shop of the World", and because of the dust and smoke it has been often called the "Smoky City". The Slovene immigrants came here as early as 1890, and in 1903 some 103 families could be found here. There were around 6,000 single men here, but I am sure that their number is much larger now. Most of them came from Bela Krajina, Preloka, Vinica, Adlesici Dolenjska. They work in the different factories, and some of them own their shops and stores. There are also farmers among them.

The KSKJ has five lodges here and St. Barbara has one Lodge. There are around 20 different fraternal organizations here. In 1911, the Slovenes built the Carnolian Slovene Home where parties take place. It is also a meeting place for Lodge members.

In 1893, the Slovenes built their church of St. Mary's. In December, the Rev. J. Kfranzec became the parish priest. He built a new parish house in 1901, and the millionaire Carnegie donated $3,000 for the new church organ. In 1903, Rev. Kranjec was succeeded by the Rev. John Mertel.

Since 1903 there has been a parochial school with two grades. The teachers are lay teachers and the priest offers education in the Slovene language.

Plymouth. The first Slovene immigrants came here in 1886. They work in the coal mines. There is no Slovene church or school.

Reading. Frank Spehar reported that the first Slovenes settled here as early as 1888. Among the first was Marko Kostelc, followed by Anton Zgur and Ivan Sutblar. Now there are about 150 Slovenes here, including children. There are a few farmers among them, one is a storekeeper, but most of them work in factories.

There is no initiative among the immigrants. Most of them want to return to their native land. They attend different churches, but most of them worship in the Slovak church and are proud of their Slovene priest, Rev. F. J. Ravnikar. Some of the children are enrolled in the Catholic school system, but most of them attend public schools. There are the JSKJ Lodge of St. George #61 and the SSZ Lodge "May" #25.

Ramey. Ed Schmidt submitted a lengthy report. I understand that there are about 10 Slovene families here. The first Slovene immigrant to come here was A. Kucinic, who came in 1888 from Metlika. All Slovenes are proud owners of their homes, but the single men come and go since the wages are poor. The Lodge of St. Barbara #61 has nine members. They attend the Slovak church in Houtssdale which is three miles away.

Some children are enrolled in either the Slovak or Irish school. Parents say: "It is all the same, since we have to pay for the education in parochial schools." Now and then a Slovene priest visits the community. The Irish and Slovak priest are not very enthusiastic over the visits. All are American citizens and they are Socialists, but they are not atheists, as the report stated.

South Sharon. Mr. M. Gorenc submitted a report in which he mentioned that the first Slovene immigrants came here about 10 years ago. Among them were J. Gornik, M. Vrenik and F. Cimperman. The first one is the owner of a farm; the other two sold their property. They came from the Lower Carniola (Dolenjska) region. At the present time 20 families and 25 single men live here, but the community is progressing. All work in the tin factory and worship in a German church. The children attend public school. Some are members of the St. Alloysius Lodge in Braddock and some are enrolled in the SNPJ Lodge. Since 1 July 1912, the name of the community is Farrell.

St. Mary's (Elk County). Mr. G. A. Pivk mentioned in his report that the first Slovene immigrants came here 10 years ago to work in the forests. In 1910 A. Basnik from Leskovice and J. Kroflic from Mirna came and settled here. The former owns his home. Now two families and five single men live here. They work in a leather factory. They worship in either a German or English church and the children are enrolled in parochial schools. There are no fraternal organizations here.

Steelton. large factories, owned by the millionaire Carnegie, are located here. The suburb of Lockhall was incorporated into Harrisburg. The Slovene immigrants who chose to live here work in factories, such as United States Steel Company or Pennsylvania Steel Company. The first immigrants came in 1888 from Metlika, Crnomelj and Zuzemberk. Mr. M. Kofalt wrote in his report that there are some 500 Slovenes here and about 100 families. Some of them have their own homes. Among those who have succeeded, M. Kofalt has to be mentioned. He operates a big store and is a Notary Public. G. Grsic is the foreman in J. Petrasic's factory and Mary Mika and Mary Mozjan are teachers.

The religious situation is favorable. For many years the Slovene and Croatian immigrants attended the Church of Holy Mary. But due to misunderstandings the Slovenes founded their own parish on 15 May 1909. They began to build the Church of St. Peter on the corner of North and 2nd Streets and the church was dedicated on 11 December 1910. There are three altars and three bells in the church. There is a parochial school and four nuns offer education to 87 school children. Total church assets are $25,0000.

Religious life in the parish is good. Many Slovenes are enrolled in the Society of the Sacred Heart. Besides the above-mentioned society, there are fur Catholic benefit societies: St. Alloysius Lodge founded by J. Kozjan, St. Nicholas founded by F. Kompare, the independent society of St. George founded by M. Kofalt, and the ladies' society of Holy Mary Full of Grace. Some Slovene immigrants can be found in the city of Pittsburgh. Rev. F. J. Azbe is the Slovene priest.

Sygan. There are 39 Slovene families and 28 single men. That is to say 67 men without wives and children, As M. L. Glazer reported. The families Verdinek and Miklavcic came here in 1903, but most of them came in 1905. Many came from Carniola (Kranjska), Styria (Stajerska) and from the region of the Valley of Sales (Saleska Dolina). They work in the coal mines. There are two stores here which do not have too much business since the community is a small one, but of the original 27 company houses, the Slovene families have purchases 17 of them and 11 families have built their own hoes.

The religious situation can be described as mediocre. The Slovenes worship either in the Slovene church in Bridgeville or in the parish church in Rosevale. In 1909 the Yugoslav Socialistic Club was founded together with a reading room, which was moved from Burdine in 1906. In 1904 the SNPJ Lodge #6 with 18 members was founded. Now there are 115 members.

The reporter added that the community is a small one, but full of life and the workers are members of the United Mine Workers of America and are interested in workers' rights. They have built a Slovene home under the guidance of Julius Lesjak. They purchased the building material for about $3,000 and the land, of course, but all the work was performed on a voluntary basis. The value of the work is estimated at about $1,000.

Treatle. The first Slovenes who found work in the coal mines came here around 1890. In 1903 more than 600 Slovene workers could be found in the mines. Now about 1,000 Slovene immigrants work and live here. They attend services in the church in Pittsburgh. St. Barbara's Lodge #44 JSKJ has about 200 members, men and women.

Tyre. St. Joseph's Lodge #44 JSKJ is here.

Uniontown. St. Rochus' Lodge #55 JSKJ has about 50 members, men and women.

Venetia. In 1903 there were already about 200 Slovenes here. Most of them came from Lower Carniola (Dolenjska). They found work in the coal mines. There is no Slovene church here. The priest from Bridgeville hears confessions.

West Newton. In 1882 four Slovene families settled here. In 1903, there were 23 Slovene families and about 60 single men who came for the region of Litija, Kamnik and Styria (Stajerska). They work in the coal mines. There is no Slovene church and the priest from Pittsburgh hears confessions.

Willock. The community is not far from Pittsburgh. The first Slovene immigrants came in 1894 from Gorenjska, Skofja Loka and Trate in the Upper Carniola. In 1903 about 20 Slovene families could be found here and about 100 single men. Now more than 200 Slovene immigrants live here and work in the coal mine. They attend Mass in the German church. Many also go to church in Pittsburgh. Not far aware there are the communities of Lickron and Castle Chanon where some Slovenes can also be found.

Yukon. As I read in Mr. J. Vidman's report there are some 30 Slovene families who own their homes and about 30 single men, all together about 100 people of Slovene descent. They came in 1908 from the Lower Carniola (Dolenjska). Among the first ones were J. Vidman, G. Mastrle, M. Mackovsek, A. Lavric, A. Golobic, M. Kova, J. Lovsin and F. Nihelic. They work in the mines. J. Tomsic and J. Lavrin are storekeepers.

They attend Mass in the Slovak church where Rev. M. Tusek is the parish priest. The religious situation is mediocre. There are two benefit societies in the community: the Lodge #117 "New Home" of the SNPJ and SSPZ Lodge #34. The first one was founded on 13 April 1909 and has 30 members. The latter one was founded on 1 April 1910 and has 22 members. Many are enrolled in other benefit organizations.

In recent years many Slovenes have come to Pennsylvania and settled in communities where steady work is rather difficult to find. Many Slovenes can be found in the communities of Beadling, Beaverdale, Beaver Falls, Bessemer, Bulgee, Clliff Mine, Courtney, Darrah, Dunlo, Edinburg, Emporium, Epton, Fayette City, Fitz Henry, Franklin, Gleasonton, Jacket, Heilwood, Houston, Hostetter, Iselin, Jerome, Lansford, Large, Leomont Furnace, McDonald, McKees Rocks, Maner, Morgan, New Alexandria, Oakmont, Orient, Portland Mills, Presto, Rankin, Ralphton, Ref Lodge, Rices Landing, Ruffsdale, Salina, Sharpsburg, Smithfield, South Fork, Trefford, Turtle Creek, Verona West WInfried, Whitenew, Wick Haven and WIllmerding.
