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American Society of Russian Naval History - Publishing

The American Society for Russian Naval History (ASRNH) needs your help in providing financial support for the publishing of various books pertaining to Russian Naval and military history. The authors of these books are all well respected authorities. All books are in Russian and will be published in St. Petersburg, Russia.

The following books are proposed to be published in the near future providing funds can be obtained. Each book will have a circulation of at least 1000 copies and will be sold in book stores in Russia and by Russian book specialists in the West. When published these books will be available from the ASRNH. Because they are historical in nature and based on archival documents it is expected that major universities throughout the world with Slavic collections will be acquiring these books.

Donations to the ASRNH will be used for publications of these books as well as for other Society projects. Persons donating $1,000 or more toward publication of a specific book will be specifically mentioned along with the credit to the American Society of Russian Naval History. The ASRNH will sell copies of these books in order to further support the publishing program. All donations toward projects of the ASRNH are tax deductible in the US. Inquiries regarding these publication projects should be directed to Rick Russell at the ASRNH.

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Spravochnik po fondam Tsentral'nogo Voenno-morskogo arkhiva. Organy upravleniia voenno-morskim flotam, chasti I uchrezhdeniia tsentral'nogo podchineniia (1941-1960) [Guide to the fonds of the Central Navy archive. Organs of administration of the Navy, units and institutions of the central staff]

This is the first volume of a six volume set of guides which will describe the holdings of the Navy archives located in Gatchina, near St. Petersburg. This guide will cover the Cold War years 1940-1960 and will be of immense interest to historians researching the Soviet Union. The first volume is scheduled to be published in 1998. Volume 1, 145x220 mm, hard cover, 225 pages, illustrations, 1000 copies.
Project budget for Volume I: $5,950

Volkov, S.V., Tragediia russkogo ofitserstva [The tragedy of Russian Officers] This book is devoted to tracing the tragic fate of the White Russian officers after 1917. Vast documentary and statistical material regarding different groups of officers are provided for the first time. This book does not have any analogue in Russian or foreign publications. An index to names is provided.
145x220 millimeters, hard cover, 480 pages, 3000 copies.
Project budget: $14,220

Sergei Vladimirovich Volkov is doctor of historical sciences, Orientalist and professor at the Moscow University. Mr. Volkov has authored over 300 publications, which include articles and books. Materials concerning the White movement have been gathered over many years from archival and published sources and Mr. Volkov now has his own very voluminous index of White officers which formed the basis of this book.

Korshunov, Iu. L., Avgusteishie moriaki [Sailors of August*] Historical sketches with illustrations of the general-admirals of the Russian Navy who belonged to the Emperor's family. This scholarly and popular book recounts the affairs of the "August" directors of the Russian Navy from the time of Peter the Great to 1917. The author investigates, for the first time, the roles of Grand Princes Alexei Alexandrovich, Alexander Mikhailovich, Konstantine Konstantinovich and others in the formation of the Russian navy. 145x200 mm, soft cover, 140 pages, illustrations, 3000 copies.
Project budget: $3,950

* August (Augustus) was the first Emperor of Rome (and the first Emperor of the world). Thus "August" became synonymous with "Emperor". "Sailors of August" are the sailors from the Emperor's family.

Rear Admiral Iu. L. Korshinov is a doctor of naval science and professor and a well known author of books on Russian mine and torpedo armaments. He has also written many articles on the history of relations between the United States and Russia.

Lurie, V.M., Admiraly I generaly voenno-morskogo flota v period Velikoi Otechestvennoi I sovetsko-iaponskoi voin, 1941-1945 gg. Biograficheskii spravochnik. [Admirals and Generals of the Navy during the period of the Great Patriotic and Soviet-Japanese Wars During the Years 1941-1945. Biographical reference book]

Biographies of all 350 Soviet admirals who served during the years 1941-1945. The author follows the lives of these officers from their birth, education, service, promotions, awards to their deaths or in some cases their lives to the present time. The information is based on archival documents recently opened to the public including service lists and published sources. Includes archival references and some 300 photographs.
145x220 mm, hard cover, 680 pages, illustrations, 2000 copies.
Project budget: $20,100

V. M. Lurie is a professor of the Dept. of Military History and Theory of the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation and scientific collaborator of the Central Naval Archives. He has authored a series of books and some one hundred articles in the "Military Encyclopedia".

Podkol'zin, A. Ia., Universitet korabel'noi sluzhby. (K poluvekovomy iubileiu sozdaniia legkikh artilleriiskikh kreiserov proekta 68-bis [University of the ship's service. Devoted to the half century anniversary of the creation of light artillery cruisers by the project 68-bis] History of the design and construction of White Russian Navy cruisers of the "Sverdlov" series, together with data on armamants and combat capabilities of cruisers, organization of the service and military training, campaigns and visits to foreign ports. Also included is information about the commanders and officers of the cruisers which includes more than 60 admirals. 150x210 mm, soft cover, 126 pages, illustrations, 1000 copies.
Project budget: $2,100

Aleksandr Iakovlevich Podkol'zin works in an institution of the Navy Department. He is an associate professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences.


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I wish to make a donation toward publication of the book:


Any donations toward these publishing projects are tax deductible in the US. Please indicate the book(s) you would like to support. Checks should be made out to the American Society for Russian Naval History, 12201 Jonathons Glen Way, Herndon, Virginia 20170-2352, USA
