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St. Joseph's Church, Joliet Illinois

1891-1916 Silver Jubilee Souvenir Book, Part 6

Copyright © 1997 Slovenian Genealogy Society, all rights reseved

Note: This booklet was published early in the 20th century - about 1916 - in America and in the Slovenian language. Volunteers for the Slovenian Genealogy Society International completed this translation (including the ads) in 1997.

There are other Slovenian books with important genealogy information in them awaiting translation. The SGS requests assistance from interested persons that are bi-lingual in Slovenian and English to help further our efforts to share the Slovenian-American heritage with our members and other Slovene record searchers on the world wide web. If you think can help, please write to SGS President Al Peterlin at 52 Old Farm Road, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011-2604.

Chapter 3 - Religious Societies

Altar Boy at St. Joseph's Parish

No doubt that the boys enjoy some privileges. Who can describe the joy and pride of a mother when she observes her son in front of the altar. The biggest wish of many a mother, even poor as a church mouse her son be one day a priest. A priest is God's servant on the earth, but altar cboys are close they serve and help the priest, and every boy is proud to be able to serve as an altar boy. The patron of the altar boys is St. Pasqualle whose name day is May 17. St. Pasqualle was the son of poor parents in Aragonia, he used to be a shepherd in his youth. 

He lived simply and humbly as if he wanted to show the outer world tht a person can remain humble and his heart can remain pure, he was praying. If here was a fight somewhere he calmed down the argument, later on he joined the order of Franciscan Fathers. He trusted the Blessed Mother was a good son would trust his mother, he honored the Eucharist. When he was laid out after his death he twice opened and closed his eyes, he passed away May 17, 1592, the very same day he was born, it happened to be Pentecost, and he was only 52. He became a symbol and roll model of our altar boys, and we are proud to have about 70 of them. And every boy can join them, the membership is 05 cent a month and a little tip would be given away at the weddings.

But the money would be kept by the Sister, and cloth would be purchased out of this donations. And at Christmas and Easter little presents would be purchased out of these moneys, many times they serve at masses for different occasions. In the school year 1915/16 there was a school 
party in the old school building which was very successful with $76.55 profit, a victrola was purchased at the price of $37.05, it's for their entertainment, they donated the church $30 for a mass books, the rest was to be for cloths. I'd like to tell a short story at this occasion.

There was a priest who traveled through the woods. In the morning he reached a little chapel. He entered the chapel, on the altar there was the mass outfit. He put it on, ready tosay the mass, but who would assist him. There was nobody, everything was peaceful, he knelt down and waited. Suddenly he noticed a nice young boy in front of the altar and the boy knelt next to the priest, he served the priest, his voice is sweet and tender. He waited until the priest uttered the words Et Verbum caro factum (and the word became flesh), then he turned towards St. Mary's statue and disappeared in a cloud. Dear children, it was Jesus.

Here is the list of utensils donated to our church. Vessels for wine and water-$17; altar books-$6; rag in front of the altar-$2 ;chairs in the sanctuary-$9.12; Missal-$30; requiem masses for Rev. Sustersic-$??? Requiem masses for Rev. Kranjc-$5; different donations $7.76; for cloths-$202.79; photos-$13; floral arrangement on the grave of J. Bauer-$1.50; floral arrangement on the grave of J. Solnce; a donation to Martin Jutz (candles and picture) $3; a banner-$31.56; masses for living and dead members-$5; victrola-$37.05; for entertainment-$34.72- total $510.00

The Faternity of Holy Rosary

Faternity of Holy rosary was founded November 6, 1891, the aim was to take care of the church and beautify it. The first meeting was called to order in the hall of Joseph Stukel on Indiana Ave. It was decided to purchase the candle holders for the church, as it was not enough money Antonia Stanfel and Catherine Jursinic collected $13.60. As soon as the number of members increased a cover for the presbitery was purchased at the price of $50.00. To get some funds two parties 
were organized in Golobic's Hall, at each party there was 50 % profit. At the parties the fraternity always had a booth, and everything was sold really fast. since every society had a banner, the fraternity decided to purchase one, they decided to purchase a banner with a picture of Holy Mary of Rosary at $85, for Holy Mary's altar they purchased wreaths, made out of artificial flowers, and some nice bouquets-$15, but they donated more, larger and smaller altar cloths, they purchased a cover for the candle holder in Holy Mary's chapel, they purchased 
one church window-$300.00.

They purchased a carpet in front of Holy Mary's altar-$15, of course, they spent some money at different occasions, for the carriage at the occasion of blessing of the corner stone-$4, the same sum at the funeral of Rev. Kranjc. Every month a mass is celebrated for living and dead Fraternity members. Fraternity lost following members Anna Smuk, Mary Tezak, Ann Hren, Margaret Hren, Margaret Cesar, Margaret Prjon, Mary Nemanic, Mary Ambrozic, Katherine Klemencic, for every member a requiem mass is being paid on the eighth day after death. Fraternity Committee consists of following members, Catherine Rogina president, Elizabeth Wardian secretary, treasurer and spiritual leader Rev. John Plevnik.

Mary's Society for Girls UNDER Sponsorship of St. Rose Of Limnos

The aim of the Society is to honor the Holy Mother, to defend the church and not let Satan to disturb the members, it fully corresponds the spirit of modern days. It is a Society and Fraternity at the same time, they create the public opinion. They swear to work hand 
in hand for Lord and prosperity of Church and of course, Holy Mary. Every woman can join, there are no age limits. It's a spiritual knot in the Society, but there is a certain selfishness, as every member tries very hard to enrich her soul. There are many societies, and every day we meet new ones, ad the hunman being is a social being, but Mary's Society is quite different, its aim is to enrich a personality and soul and hear, Cristian love prevail.

The duty of the members is in the first place to imitate Holy Mother, to be humble, patient, obedient, and after all-pure. Monthly meetings should be attended, holy communion received as often as possible, every evening the conscience should be carefully examined, and Holy days, especially the ones dedicated to Holy Mary should be observed. those who pray three Our Fathers and Three Holy Marys with the addition, O Mary, my Mother, keep me away from mortal sin-gets 300 days of absolution and a total absolution once a month under normal circumstances. It's certain that a member won't commit a mortal sin, unless she would do it willingly. 

Rev. Sustersic decided to found two societies for the youth, for the boys and young men-Society of St. Alloysius which began with 35 members, and Holy Mary's Society for girls and yong women, with 45 members. In 1901 both societies got banners which were blessed on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of our parish. From that moment on the members were roll models for other girls and distinguished themselves at school and in church. We lost the following members, Mary Simonic, Josephine Kolic, Anna Zagorec, Mary Jerman. 

The following ladies chose the convents, Emma Ivansek-Sister Rufina, she passed away already; she was an excellent teacher; Mary Skrinar-Sister Susan; Mary Govednik-Sister M. Secunda; Agnes Lavric-Sister M. Martha and Ann Simonic-Sister M. Roberta ; 72 members got married; too many for the world, too few for the Lord, it's our wish more would chose a convent. At the present time there are 67 members. The following is a list of Society's donations for the church: a vigil;s outfit and velum-$109.25; a new church window-$300; a donation for the new church-$322; the altar of Blessed Heart-$226; flowers for the altar-$27; ciborium-$30; profit from church parties-$167.87; angels on the main altar-$89; for the new school building-$235; for the old school-$11; six masses to be celebrated for Rev. Sustersic-$6; five masses to be celebrated for Rev. Kranjc-$5; different donations-$103; total -$1,631.72. For theri use and purposes-a banner- $80; masses for living and dead members-$82; for the library-$100; bookcase-$9; funeral floral arrangements-$12; correspondence -$7.42; medals to the members on their wedding day-$15.85; Prayer Apostolate-$37.93; expenses at parties-$600-total $1,010.25.

The committee of Girl's Society in 1916 are Anna Brunskole president, Ann Zoran vice president; Catherine Butala secretary; adviser-Catherine Simonic, Mary Golobic, Mary Zlogar, Mary Stefanich, Angela Kastelec, Mary Skul; meetings are every second Sunday of the month.

Girl's Society of Blessed Agnes

There was only one girl's society until the year 1906, but Rev. Sustersic founded another society for younger members, it was the Society of Blessed Agnes, every girl who already received the first communion can join the society. The first year there were 35 members, they remain in the society for two years, those who distinguish in behavior or want to join the Mary's Society can do so; its aim is the same as Holy Mary' s Society, it is to offer a good example to school and church; in the years of existence they donated about $500, $400 was the profit from the first play performed under the guidance of Rev. Plevnik, the society has 80 members. 

Donations to the school and church: cover for the stand for the mass book and stole-$5, for the altar of Blessed Heart-$93.20; angels on the main altar-$24; for the new school-$100; for the church fair-$23.30; floral arrangements on the altars-$13; for old school-$11; five masses to be celebrated for the repose of Rev. Sustersic-$5; five massesto be celebrated for the repose of the soul of Rev. Kranjc; different donations-$20.50-total $300.00-Expenses-different parties and entertainment-$37; library and books-$143-total $180.00. The member Mary Zmaic passed away, for floral arrangements and massess $5; masses for the Society $15; total $20.00.

Committee of the Society for the year 1916-Eulalia urjevic, president; Henrietta Brunskole ; vice president ; Mary Pucelj, secretary; advisers Josephine Bucar, Johanna Smolic, Mary Ursic, Mary Korelec, Frances Stiglic. Meetings are every fourth Sunday of the month.

Apostolate of Prayers

It was founded in the town of Vals in France by Rev. Rerick Ramiere, S. J. in 1861, its aim is to join in prayers. The society has three branches. The first group comprises all those who dedicate every morning all their prayers, work and sufferings of the particular day. Members of the second group pray every day ten Holy Mary prayers dedicated to the Holy Father, the members of the third group receive Holy Communion every month to make peace fro all offenses who made Jesus Christ suffer. President is the Jesuit General, in the States the Society is guided by the editor of the publication Messenger, published in New York, 101 W. 181 St. But every parish, school or religious institution can become a member.

The above mentioned society was founded in our parish in 1910. Lastwish of the late Rev.Sustersic was that Rev. Kraschowitz would found the society. Jesuit General sent through the editor of the publication Messenger a note that our parish could become a Local Centre. The first ones to be enrolled were the members of St. Alloysius Society, followed by Holy Mary's Society and Blessed Agnes Society, at the present moment there are around 350 members.

Every year new members who attend the solemn Holy Community can be enrolled. Every month the Center gets a prayer from New York, but we have our own prayer in Slovene which is very handy for those who are not fluent in English. O Blessed Heart of Jesus, through the hands of Holy Mother I dedicate you all offenses which make you suffer, then I dedicate the prayers to the Apostolate. Members pay something to cover expenses for the sheets on which prayers are printed. Rev. Plevnik tried very hard to encourage the parishioners to receive Holy Communion on first Fridays of the month. Every first Friday there is a sermon, followed by Litanies, dictation, benediction. This year on the first Friday of the month the mass for all members was celebrated. In case of money shortage Holy Mary's Society and blessed Agnes Society helped us out.

[Something was deleted here by the translator]

very good person tries to take every chance to help his fellow man. The unforgettable founder of the Slovene parish in Joliet, Rev. Sustersic invited some friends on his name day on January 29, 1893, some of them are still among us.

Among the guests there were Anton Nemanic Sr., Peter Rogina Sr., Stephen Stanfel and Michael Wardjan. At that occasion Rev. Sustersic mentioned how helpful a benevolent society could be. But hard times followed and work just could not start, but as soon as the life got more or less normal, Rev. Sustersic started to put down the rules of the new society. The first rules were published in edition No. 17, February 1894 in the publication of the American Slovene. This act encouraged the parishioners.

Rev. Sustersic wrote a letter to Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph R. Buh and asked him to forward the names of existing societies. Father Buh soon sent the addresses of 17 Societies. G. M. Wardian, secretary pro tempore of St. George's Society in Joliet mailed the 17 Societies a note about the new Society. Following Societies answered the call, St. Martin's Society (now St. Stephen's) in Chicago, St. Joseph's Society in Joliet, St. George's Knights in Joliet, St. Cyrillus and Methodius Society, Tower, Mn., Holy Family Society, LaSalle, Ill., St. Cyrillus and Methodius Society in Joliet, Ill., Croatian Society of St. John the Baptist, St. Cyrillus and Methodius Society, Ely, Minn., St. Rochus Society, Clinton, Iowa, all together nine Societies with 333 members.

The First Convention took place in Joliet, the representatives met April 1, 1894 a day later, it's April 2, 1894 the corner stone of the new Society was laid. Representatives of the convention were Rev. Sustersic, Michael Wardjan, Joseph Stukel, Stephen Stanfek, Stephen Kukar, Peter Miketic, all from Joliet; Stephen Pasic, Tower, Minn., John Pavlic, Ely, Minn., Matthew Brunski, Chicago, John Oberstar, LaSalle, Ill. 

At the convention it was resolved that the death benefits should be $500 for male members, for females $150, but only those women whose husbands were members of the Society could be enrolled as members, and everybody has to be Slovene. First officers of the KSKJ were Joseph Stukel president, Joliet, vice -president Stephen Pasic, Tower, Minn., 1st secretary M. Wardjan, Joliet, 2nd secretary John Pakiz, Ely, Mn., treasurer Stephen Stanfel, Joliet,spiritual leader Rev. Sustersic; auditors Matthew Brunski, Chicago. John Oberstar, LaSalle, Ill., Peter Miketic, Joliet.

The American Slovene became the publication of KSKJ which was encouraging the Slovenes to join the new S ociety. The parish and the entire community was proud of the new benevolent organization, though Lodge #1 is not in Joliet, but it was founded by one of our parishioners, Anton Nemanich thou he resided in Chicago. At the first Convention most of the members elected were members of St. George's Knights. Rev.Sustersic, Rt. Rev. Buh as well As M. Wardjan should get all the praise in founding the new organization. The history of the KSKJ is an interesting one, all years of existence the organization has been connected with the parish. 

Second meeting was July 5 and 6, 1895 in Tower, Minn., there were 17 delegated, the insurance was raised to $600 for males, and $200 for females. The members of Main Office were as follows, Joseph Stukel president, (Joliet), vice president Joseph Panian, Joliet, 1st secretary M. Wardjan, Joliet, 2nd secretary Charles A. Bernick, Biwabik, Minn. Treasurer Stephen Stanfel, Joliet, spiritual leader Rev. F. S. Sustersic; auditors Matthew Brunsky, Chicago, John Oberstar, LaSalle, Ill., Frank Trampus, Virginia, Minn.

Third meeting was in Joliet, July 5,6,7,8, 1896, there were 7 officers and 16 delegates, M. Savs moved the death benefits should be raised to $800, in case of the death of the wife of a member he would be entitled to $200, the heirs would get $600. 

The officers of the Main Officer were Anton Nemanich president, Joliet, vice president Joseph Agnic, Ely, Minn., 1st secretray Martin Gerksich, Pueblo, Colo., Spiritiual leader Rev.Cyrillus Zupan, SB Pueblo, Colo; auditors Max Buh, Ingnatius Tancig, John Govze, Ely, Minn. The president Anton Nemanich traveled to Chicago, South Chicago and LaSalle to encourage Slovenes to get members for the KSKJ, soon the number 500 which was necessary for verification, was reached. December 21, 1897 the petition for incorporation was filed qith State Insurance Superintendent in Springfield, Ill. The petition was signed by Rev. Sustersic , Anton Nemanich, Anton Golobitsh, John Pezdirc, Jacob Bluth, Anton Skoff, Martin Firr, Peter Rogina, John Grahek, and John Zupancic.

January 12, 1898 KSKJ was incorporated in the state of Illinois and got the charter. Since according to the incorporation the supreme secretary was to reside in Joliet, Martin Gersich from Pueblo, Colo. resigned, Michael Wardjan was elected to replace him. 

The Fifth Convention was in Pueblo, Colo. on 5, 6, 7, 8 July 1898, there were 41 delegates. They were honored by the presence of His Eminence Bishop Trobec who became an honorary member. The assests-$3,767, debts $152.50. The supreme officers-Joseph Agnic president, vice-president Frank Trampush, 1st secretary Michael Wardjan, 2nd secretary J. R. Sterbenz, treasurer Anton Golobitsh, spiritual leader Rev. Cyrillus Zupan, OSB; auditors Ignatius Tancig, Stephen Kukar, Joliet, M. Kraker, Anaconda, Montana.

The year 1898 was the year of hard times, on June 1 there were 2423 members , but by December 1 only 1626 members, July 18, 1898 members in Ely, Minn. seceded, and members in Ely and some other places announced that they would found another society, A Yugoslav Scoiety, one society seceded, eight societies were suspended because of unpaid assessments in the amount of $731.50, and there were many deaths in 1898.

The Sixth Convention was in July 1900 in Chicago with 9 supreme officers and 17 delegates, Anton Fir moved the death benefits to be divided in two parts, $1,000 class, and $500 class, for females $300. The officers, Anton Nemanich president, vice president John R. Sterbenta, 1st secretary Michael Wardjan, 2nd secretary Anton Skala, So. Chicago, treasuerer Anton Golobitsh, spiritual leader Rev. C. Zupan, OSB; auditors M. J. Kraker, Anton Stefanic, Soudan, Minn. Joseph Culik, Pueblo, Colo; finanical committee John Kukar, Joliet, John Grahek, Joliet. Anton Fir West Pullman, Ill., judicial committee Michael Skebe, Cleveland, John Oberstar and Matthew Prijanovic Virginia, Minn., Apellate officers Martin Fir, Joiet, Stephen Kukar and John Grdina, Cleveland. 

Seventh Convention took place in Cleveland in July 1902, 13 supreme officers and 31 delegates were present. Officers elected were as following, president John R. Sterbentz, vice president M. Skebe, 1st secretary Michael Wardjan , 2nd secretary Joseph Jarc, treasurer John Grahek, spiritual leader John Plevnik, Chicago; auditors Louis Dular, Chicago, Martin Fir and George Laich, Chicago; financial officers Anton Nemanich, Joseph Dunda, Joliet, Joseph Zimmerman, Joliet, appelate officer Paul Schneller, Calument, Mich., M. J. Kraker and Anton Stefanich.

Eighth Convention took place in October 1904 in Joliet, besides the supreme officers 41 delegates were present. It was decided that the female members could be insured for the same amount of money as male members. The following officers were elected, John R. Sterbenz president, 1st vice president Frank Bojc, Pueblo, Colo., 1st secretary Michael Wardjan, 2nd vice president Joseph Jarc, Cleveland, treasusrer John Grahek, spritual leader Rev. John Plevnik, supreme physician Dr. Martin Ivec, Joliet, auditors Anton Golobitsh, Paul Schneller, Anton Nemanich; finace committee Joseph Sitar, Joliet, Rudolf Maraz, Chicago, George Laich; judicial committee Joseph Dunda, Martin Kremesec, Chicago, Rev. John Kranjec, So. Chicago; appelate officers Joseph Sitar, Frank Opeka, Waukegan, Ill., Rudoph Maraz.

Between the Eighth and the Ninth Convention the supreme secretary Michael Wardjan resigned and Joseph Dunda took his office on October 1, 1903. The Ninth Convention took place in October 1908 in Waukegan, North Chicago, repectfully. Fifteen officers and 56 delegates were present, it was resolved that the Society obtains the banner with the pictures of patrons, St. Joseph and St.Cyrillus and Methodius. The following officers were elected president J. R. Sterbenz, 1st vice president Anton Nemanich, 2nd vice president Frank Bojc, 1st secretary Joseph Dunda, 2nd vice secretary Joseph Jarc; treasurer John Grahek; sipritual leader Rev. John Kranjec, attorney at power Frank Medosch, So. Chicago; supreme physician Dr. Martin Ivec; auditors Paul Schneller, Anton Golobitsh, George Stonich, Joliet, judicial and appelate officers Joseph Sitar, Marc Ostronich, Allegheny, Pa., Joseph Zalar, Forest City, Pa.

Tenth Convention started October 5, 1908 in Pittsburg, 15 supreme officers and 66 delegates were present. The following officers were elected president Anton Nemanich, 1st vice president Frank Bojc, national secretary Joseph Zalar, 2nd secretary Joseph Rems, treasurer John Grahek, spiritual leader Rev. John Kranjec, power attorney Joseph Dunda, supreme physician Dr. M. J. Ivec, auditors Blase J. Culik, John Gosar , Leo Kukar; in 19019 J. Gosar resigned and Joseph Kompare from So. Chicago took his place. By December 2, 1909 Society's building was finished (No. Chicago St.) and the main office moved there.

The Eleventh Convention took place from October 2 to October 12, 1911 in Joliet and So. Chicago. There were 15, supreme officers and 112 delegates present. The following national officers were elected president Paul Schneller, 1st vice president Fr. Bojc, 2nd vice president M. Ostronic, national secretary Joseph Zalar assistant secretary Joseph Rem, treasurer John Grahek, spiritual leader Rev. Joseph Tomsic, Forest City, Pa., supreme medical examiner Dr. Joseph Grahek, Allegheny, Pa., auditors Anton Golobitsh, August Poglajen, Chicago, John Mravintz, Alleghany, Pa., George Thomas, Pueblo, Colo., John Povsha, Hibbing, Minn., judicial committee M. J. Kraker, George Flajnik, Pittsburgh, Peter Staudohar, Chisholm, Minn., appelate committee Fr. Banich, Chicago, John Zulich, Cleveland, Frank Petrovsek, Waukegan . 

The Twelfth Convention took place in Milwaukee from August 17-26, 1914, 146 delegates were present. The following officers were elected president Paul Schneller, 1st vice president Joseph Sitar, 2nd vice president Anton Grdina, natioinal secretary Joseph Zalar, assistant secretary Joseph Rems, treasurer John Grahek; spiritual leader Jack Cerne, Sheboygan, Wisc., power attorney Martin Muhic, Forest City, Pa., medical examiner Dr. M. J. Ivec; auditors Joseph Dunda,George Thomas, John Povsha, Frank Petkovsek, Fr. Francic, Milwaukee. Judicial committee M. Kraker, George Thomas, Anton Gregorch, Chicago; appelete committee Joseph Russ, Cleveland, Frank Svete, No. Chicago, Fr. Plemel, Rock Springs, Wyo. It was resolved that at New Year 1915 a publication would be published, "Glasilo KSKJ (Announcer), and John (Ivan) Zupan became the editor.

There are 113 lodges in the KSKJ with membership of 12,663, assests $421,936.82, insurance paid $174,941.77, first death benefit was paid August 18, 1894-$150.00 for the member Katherine gorincan, member of the Croatian Society of St. John the Baptist, Joliet, she died because of a blood clot. The first male death benefit was paid February 1895 for Anton Bivani, member of the Lodge St. Joseph in Forest City, Pa., he was killed in a coal mine.

The American Slovene in Joliet
The first president was Anton Nemanich, the first secretary William Grasek, who was born and raised in the State of Illinois. The first treasurer was John Grahek, the first editor in Joliet was Rev. Sustersic who was editing the publication until his death. He was followed by Rev. J. Kranjec who was editing the publication till 1915 when he passed away, associate editor was Philip Gorup who took over after Rev. Kranjec's death. The first manager of the publication was Max Buh who moved from Tower, Mn. to Joliet, he was manager till 1903, he died few years later in Minnesota. The new manager was Jospeh Dunda who stayed till 1905 when he resigned, he was followed by Joseph Klepec, but when he went to his native land he was substituted by Raphael Zupanc, from November 1912 to June 1913. 

There are many Slovenes working in the printery, Leo Grill has been working for 15 years, John Ivansek a lino-type operator with Herald News in Joliet, John Brunskole, F. Musich, John Kren, Joseph Avsec, George Sugel and many others, some were working just a short time, but some of them remained for a longer period. Alex F. Ross has been working since 1901, he is foreman tho he is not Slovene, but learned quick and is able to correct misspellings and errors. Since 1914 Mary Stefanich has been working as a bookkeeper. But a little wizard is always present and he is "responsible" for all errors. 

The shareholders are Anton Nemanich, John Grahek, William Grahek, George Lopartz, Joseph Legan, N. Zelko, Joseph Sitar, Anton Nemanich Jr., Anton Pasdertz, George Erb, B. Ponikvar, Matthew Stefanich, John N. Pasdertz, John Ferko, Michael Kocevar, Joseph Klepec. In 1909 the publication built its own building, where it moved in February 1910 in the building there is a printery equipped with machines necessary to print publications, there is no mortgage.

The Motto Of The Publication
"The American Slovene" is faithful to its motto, it was always defending the religion of fore fathers and the rights of the workers. It soon became the official organ of the KSKJ, promoting and guiding the organization. It's the official organ of DSD following the guide lines: everything for the religion, home and nation. It's The Foundation Of Slovene Life In America.

The publication "The American Slovene" has its subscribers all over America, promoting the fraternal organizations. Slovenes should be instrumental in founding new Slovene parishes and parochial schools-where they can communicate in their mother's tongue. The editor of the publication was the founder of the first fraternal organization, he compiled the by-laws. Not only Joliet, but the entire Slovene community in the USA is proud of the publication which has been promoting religion, education and progress. 

The Silver Jubilee 25th Anniversary
Next month the publication will observe the Silver Jubilee, it's proud of the building and is financial solid.
